Lhandon Nilsen/Diplomatic Notes

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OOC: This page is part of an experiment to see if keeping such a log for Nilsen's diplomatic role would be enjoyable for me.

Stardate 240201.07

I've been a diplomatic officer for only a day, and this appointment took me completely by surprise. I haven't even finished my extended study course—I still have one assignment to hand in. But Ro... sorry, Captain Lia Rouiancet saw fit to put me in this role, and if she thinks I'm ready, then by the Prophets, I'm ready.

Today, I had a comms call with Dime De Scheppes, who gave me my first diplomatic briefing and what turned out to be a sneak preview of our mission. The Zet have reached out to us. I'm... as surprised as you are. King Ma'det'ain'ths'ng'in'Grend has invited the Federation. What makes this dicey is that the invitation came from Koreli-Four, whose people—the Danni—reached out to us a year ago for protectorship but later withdrew that request. Does correlation equal causation? I don’t know, but I don’t believe in coincidences. It looks like we’ll be on our way to Koreli-Four to find out what happened.

Meanwhile—because, as I’m quickly learning, things in diplomacy never happen one at a time—we’ve also received an interesting communication from a Chey’d from Cheydalanga: one Lower Tenente Domeni'Dolce, the former head of a group called the Mongar. I remember them being the military caste of the Chey’d. He’s on his way at warp six, but the distance means it’ll be at least a month and a half before he arrives. That gives us time to prepare. I’ve been ordered to go to Deep Space 14 shortly before his arrival to greet him and learn what he wants. Unfortunately, I know as much as the highest-ranking admiral right now, and that’s the grand sum total of absolutely nothing.

Until then, I need to turn my attention to the Zet. Qurgh'Loq is still recovering and I hope he gets well soon, so it's just me and I've got the run of the office. I’ve got about a day or so to prepare, so I’m cramming as much information about them as I can. A first mission... and the stakes are high. Dude.

I just wish I could tell Commander Etan Iljor what I’ve achieved—how I’ve managed to become a diplomatic officer. ::quietly:: I hope he forgives me. He was right, as always, but it feels... wrong to reach out to him now.