Trill is a member of the United Federation of Planets and home of the Trills.
- Dorvan - a town located in the Ayai'leh-hirh foothills; known for its ski slopes.[1]
- Chi’tar - a city that has an ethnohistory museum.[2]
- Gheryzan
- Grodor - a town on the foothills of Bes Manev. Hometown of Yogan Yalu. Grodor is also the name of the regional municipality that takes in the surrounding hinterland.[3]
- Heran’zul - a small farming town located in the Mayrn province.[4]
- Leran Manev - large city known for it's architecture.[5]
- Mak'ala - planetary capital.[6] Home of the University of Mak'ala.[7]
- Najana City - a coastal city near the equator.[8] Located in Kural Province. It consists of mostly flat land, it is one of the largest cities on Trill with both an oceanport and spaceport. The coastline is on a half-moon curve with Najana City on one end and the Ti’alor suburb on the other. The suburbs have some of the oldest stately manors in the Kural Province, with the homes located on a hilltop bluff overlooking the city.[9]
- Vrans City - an old city known on Trill for its high crime rates. Despite this it is home to the well respected Grazhall University. It is also closer to more waterfalls than any other city on Trill.[10]
- Dune Lizard - A kind of lizard that lives in the Trill Savanna. It has four legs, light brown scales, and long tail that drags on the ground.[11]
- Domestic Feathercats - Kept as pets. They purr and shed quill casings.[12]
- Ghan - Domesticated herd animals raised for their fur which is used to make textiles. Also known for being good climbers.[13]
- Jaten'yoa - A type of bird that has habitats in Freyn, near Dorvan. They are long-billed and known for not being flock birds making it difficult to find their nests.[14]
- Mreker - A quadruped. Similar to Earth dogs in that it barks, digs, and is often kept as pets.[15]
- Trill feather-ape - The feather-ape was a primate from the planet Trill, considered reasonably self-aware considering their animal nature. Several feather-apes were aboard the starship USS Oraidhe; their minds were absorbed by the intellivore when it attacked.
- Xay'ix - A domesticated species of bird used for herding. Like dogs of Earth, they come in many different breeds. Xer'ji is one of these breeds, known for it's agility.[16] Are often housed in large aviaries.[17]