Duty Posts/Sciences Division

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Revision as of 21:01, 13 April 2022 by Lazarus Davis (talk | contribs) (replaced two instances of "he/she" to "they")
Divisions and Personnel Assignments

Sciences Division, Starfleet uniform circa 2390s

The Sciences Division is dedicated to the heart of Starfleet's mission: exploration. Officers in this division come from various backgrounds of knowledge, from the natural sciences to anthropological studies, as they venture out on the frontier of discovery. The sciences division also includes medical, nursing, and counseling personnel who not only perform medical research but also provide care for the health and wellness of the crew.


Icons science.png Science Officer

Main article: Science (Duty Post)

  • Main Responsibility: Providing and recording mission related data on anomalies, alien races etc, stellar mapping.
  • Other Responsibilities: Observation projects, planetary surveys, interstellar medium studies, cultural and life form studies

The Science Officer gives the crew background knowledge on any missions that they are about to begin. This knowledge is essential especially when dealing with races, which normally have little contact with the Federation. One tragic example was first contact with the Klingon Empire, where some background knowledge could have prevented decades of war and the loss of millions of lives. This example proves that this background knowledge must be accurate and contain all relevant information.

The Science Officer is responsible for searching Starfleet archives for information pertinent to current events. They provide the crew with relevant information on any encountered anomalies, unknown vessels or races etc.

Away teams always contain at least one Science Officer as standard.


Icons science.png Medical Officer

Main article: Medical (Duty Post)

  • Main Responsibility: The physical well being and health of the crew and civilians on board
  • Other Responsibilities: Medical and scientific research, working collaboratively with science personnel

Chief Medical Officer: The CMO co-ordinates the efficient running of the Medical department and is responsible for the activities of the personnel therein. It is the CMO's job to ensure that the medical personnel are organised to ensure maximum productivity and also provide maximum medical and emergency response cover for the ship.


Icons medical.png Nurse

Main article: Nursing

Nurses provide vital patient care within a medical department aboard a starship or starbase. Nurses spend considerable amount of time with their patients and their approach to patient care is based on the strong historical foundation of nurses serving as patient advocates.

Counsicon.png Counselor


Main article: Counselor (Duty Post)

  • Main Responsibility: Maintaining the mental well being of the crew and civilians on board
  • Other Responsibilities: Advising the captain or commanding officer on any matters which may effect the mental stability or well being of the crew or civilians on board

The Counselor is responsible for the mental health of the crew. They will provide counseling to all persons aboard the ship, and will also give special guidance and insight to the Captain, by providing the Captain with psychological profiles and opinions.

Mission Specialist Helm/Com/Ops Engineer Science Officer Medical Officer Nurse
Intelligence Officer Security Officer Tactical Officer Marine Counselor Civilian
Duty Posts