Aine Sherlock/Personal log
Personal Log 239802.02, Supplemental
Well, that proved interesting. The food was great. I may have had more than a couple drinks. Don't worry, it wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I just got a little...frustrated, is all. There was a new crewman. He just came onboard. Ensign Etan. When I introduced myself, Tai suddenly became a little jealous. Wasn't exactly warm and friendly with the new guy. I'll have to make sure I apologize for that. I just don't get it. I mean, yeah, the new Ensign's handsome and all, but I just met him and gave little more than a "hello."
Anyways, we had a surprise for dinner...the CAPTAIN! She seemed to be recovered from whatever had happened to her. Starfleet doesn't seem to think so though. They've grounded her for an undetermined amount of time. It's total B.S. Oh god, I hope this is my Personal Log! Ok, safe. The Captain made the night even more special. Some of us, including me, got awards for our actions on Saural V. Doctor Adea got a Gold Livesaving ribbon! That's just amazing. Though I'm sure Ensign Treetus wishes it wasn't necessary and that he hadn't lost an arm for it. I, personally, got the Explorer's Ribbon and First Contact Ribbon. Quite an achievement, if I may say so myself. But, honestly, that wasn't how I hoped my first time with first contact would have gone.
Oh! And how could I forget! I got promoted! I am now Lieutenant Junior Grade Sherlock. That came a lot faster than I ever expected! But, even with the excitement, this means more responsibility. And not being afraid to voice my opinions. Every step comes with more expectation, is what we're told. I can only hope I'm up for the challenge. Time will tell.
Time to get some rest.
End Log
Personal Log 239802.23
Rock climbing was amazing! It was such a beautiful view! Those crystalline structures on the Fire Plains of Raal were like nothing I'd ever seen before in my entire life! Tai was a good climbing companion. He's actually quite nice. Not pushy at all. He seemed a little guarded, though I'm hardly one to speak. We had lunch at this wonderful little place. They served real meat even, something I haven't had in a few years since leaving home. But, it tasted odd. Not so sure about those Vulcan meats, they're vegetarians after all and they just serve it for the benefit of those visiting. I also got some neat little placards from the "Ghost City." Apparently they're plentiful since they sell them at the market. For all I know, they're just replicas. But they'll make nice bookends. Tonight is dinner at the Ambassador's house. I'm really looking forward to it. I haven't had much alcohol in the last few years, but I think after that crazy mission, I deserve a drink. We'll just keep it to one.
Time to get ready. Going a little dressed up, but nothing formal. No dresses, thankfully, nor uniforms.
End Log
Personal Log 239802.02
Well, that was fast. Apparently, I've caught the eye of one of my fellow crewmen. He was on Saural V with me and the team, when Ensign Treetus was injured. He said he was impressed with my skill. Not sure what that means, I was just doing as I'd been trained to do. But it's nice to have a little personal recognition. I don't know if it'll go anywhere. And, I'm not entirely sure I'm ready. But who knows. Maybe getting a little uncomfortable is a good thing. We've made a couple plans together. I'm excited to go rock climbing. It's been a few years now since I last did, and even longer since "the arm" incident, Ma'll never let me live that one down.
Before we get there though, I've got some administrative stuff to take care of. New counselor. That always makes me a little nervous. It was hard enough to open up to the Academy counselor. But in the end, it helped a lot. So, maybe I'm just making excuses. I'm hoping the doctor has something for these bug bites. They won't stop itching! What I wouldn't have given for Saural V to be an ice planet! At least on those, it's big things trying to kill you and you can just shoot them. And then there's shuttling training with our helmsman, Lieutenant Yogan Yalu. He's about the biggest Trill I've ever seen! Granted, I haven't seen too many of them. But still, huge guy!
Doctor T'Suran has sent out an invite to her families estate, she's from Vulcan, at least, her father is. That'd be nice if most of the crew can show up. Apparently, he's an ambassador. That'd be pretty fun to be able to say, "Oh yeah, I went to the Ambassador's house, it was relaxed, not formal at all." I'm sure not many Ensign's get to do that.
Anyways, I've got some work to do. The day to day of Starfleet. The parts not in the brochure. Y'know, cleaning phasers, cataloging gear. All that jazz. I think we lost one in the future. Pretty sure Ensign Treetus dropped it along with part of his arm. Sure Temporal Investigations will love that one.
End Log
Personal Log 239801.30
The shuttle from Starbase 118 to the USS Resolution was, thankfully, uneventful. When I arrived at Deep Space 224 the ship was just about to depart for their current mission. I literally had to sprint from one docking bay to the other! I wasn't even sure my personal crates would make it there in time. Somehow the crewman got them to the ship on time. But even then, I didn't know until after the mission.
I was on the turbolift to the bridge when the call went out that a briefing was about to start. It seemed that I caught our First Officer, a Commander MacKenzie, just in time to check in and follow her into the briefing room. Being just out of the Academy, this crew seemed relaxed. Almost too relaxed. No one stood at attention when the Captain came into the room! It kinda left me in a slightly embarrassing moment of half-standing, half-sitting looking like I was bending over the table. I guess not all ships are quite so formal as were told in training. That's something I'll have to get used to. With my counselor at the Academy working with me on separating work life and personal life, I'm a little nervous to let the two blend again. I feel like I've got two personalities I'm dealing with and in a way, that's comforting. Going back, not so much.
Anyways, we went looking for a lost freighter, the Andalucia. Turned out it got caught in some sort of temporal distortion. I don't know enough about them to be specific, wasn't my strong suit in school. Anyone who ever listens to this, you'll just have to ask those science officers, with all their know-how, about it. Long story short, we got caught in it too. Ended up something like 300,000 years in the future. It's so unbelievable. It almost doesn't seem real now. And at the time, I'm not afraid to admit, I was terrified. What if we couldn't make it back? Well, disappearing on your first time out, well, that would have just proven dad right. So, maybe I'll leave out those details next time I talk Ma and Da. We found the crew, or what was left of them, along with others who'd be brought from who knows when. We were able to extract a couple hundred and make a break for it. Somehow, we made it back.
Unfortunately, something happened to our Captain. Medical is being pretty hush-hush about it. I'm not sure if it's for security reasons or they just don't know. But they've determined that the best treatment for her is on Vulcan. So we're heading there now. This will be my first time on a truly alien world. I've heard it's hot, but a dry heat.
End Log
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