Jonathan Cumar/Professional History

< Jonathan Cumar
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Crew of the USS Hawking

Lieutenant Jon Cumar.jpg

Lieutenant Jonathan Cumar

Professional History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239110.22 - 239111.08 USS Thunder-A / Embassy of Duronis II Temporary Assignment
239111.08 - 239202.23 USS Victory Relief Helmsman
Civilian 239202.23 - 239204.16 Starbase 118 Ops / USS Columbia Minor in Security
Ensign 239204.16 - 239404.18 Security Officer
239404.18 - 239407.06 USS Za
Lieutenant Junior Grade 239407.06 - 239510.17 USS Veritas
239510.17 - 239610.28 Leave of Absence
Lieutenant 239610.28 - Present Security Officer

Awards History

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
For OOC badges, awards, and player achievements, click here.
Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon Starfleet Academy
Received upon graduation
First Contact Ribbon 239201.25
USS Victory
Commander Nugra Time for Ribbons and Promotions!
Explorer's Ribbon 239201.25
USS Victory
Commander Nugra Time for Ribbons and Promotions!
Captain's Commendation 239201.25
USS Victory
Commander Nugra Time for Ribbons and Promotions!
Lifesaving Ribbon 239210.29
Starbase 118 Ops
Captain Leo Handley-Page & Lt Commander Sal Taybrim -Honors
Explorer's Ribbon 239701.08
USS Veritas
Captain Roshanara Rahman
The Finest Traditions
Maiden Voyage Ribbon 239701.08
USS Veritas
Captain Roshanara Rahman
The Finest Traditions

Mission Logs

Jonathan Cumar

Tactical Officer’s Log Entry, 239611.23

Starship Tribble Trouble. Consumed in a debris field by blue meanies inside a…...void. We’ve managed to rescue some survivors from the S.S. Iberia and are fending off some sort of creature that seems to get super-territorial and might feed off energy, but I don't know if we'll be able to replicate it exactly. If we goof, they might eat us.