Phase torpedoes

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Phase torpedoes are a type of weapon used by the Vaadwaur to attack Deep Space 17 and other Federation vessels in 2387.

Around the same size as a standard photon torpedo they use a technology unknown to the Federation in order to phase in and out of subspace. This makes them very hard to detect once launched and enables them to 'skip' past most forms of starship/starbase shields. This led to Starfleet personnel nicknaming them 'skippers' during the conflict in 2387.

Instead of the usual matter/antimatter warhead, Vaadwaur phase torpedoes release a powerful EMP charge which deals minimal structural damage but is capable of devastating electical equipment over several decks from the point of impact. It is not known whether this was a deliberate design choice or simply because the Vaadwaur were unable to mesh antimatter with the phasing technology.


The Vaadwaur used phase torpdoes during their surprise attack on DS17. The Vaadwaur used their access to the Underspace to approach the station undetected with a fleet of ninety small atack ships. Although Commander Thelev and the crew were able to raise their defences in time, the Vaadwaur scored four confirmed hits with 'skippers' that caused severe systems damage across the station, including in engineering, Ops and to the shield generators. This forced Commander Thelev to evacuate that station and enabled the Vaadwaur to take control of it relatively intact.

Phase torpedoes were also used against Taskforce Bright Star during the battle to retake the station as well as in a number of clashes with Starfleet throughout the Ithassa Region causing severe damamge to the U.S.S. Independence-A and the U.S.S. Challenger-A in particular.


Starfleet managed to introduce some countermeasures to the phase torpedoes during their brief conflict with the Vaadwaur.

  • It was found that modifying the shield harmonics would make Federation shields somewhat more effective against the weapon.
  • The USS Achilles successfully modified it's Phalanx Torpedo Array to shoot down incomming 'skippers'.
  • It was also noted that the phase torpedoes emitted a distinctive purple trail when launched which made it easier to target them before they phased into subspace.