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UFOP:Starbase 118 and Service Ribbons

Button-service-records.jpg Button-awards.jpg Button-fleet-activites.jpg Button-managerie.jpg

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons

OOC Awards

Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Awards General 5Year 2011.jpg
5-year Member 239506.29
USS Veritas
Graduated from training on 02/17/2013.
Awards General Tosma1 2011.jpg
TOSMA 239506.27
USS Veritas
Ship Award - Roshanara Rahman
Since coming aboard Veritas, Dr. Chythar Skyfire's writer Zephyr has been motivated to continue improving as a player and see through a long-running "redemption arc" for her character. Yet Zephyr's talents as a player go beyond just a single character. She shows clear effort and thought put into each sim she sends, whether it be for Dr. Skyfire or one of her equally fleshed out PNPCs and MSPNPCs. It was especially in her recent efforts playing other characters wildly different from her main that her abilities as a writer were showcased to her fellow players. Through her writing, all of her characters come alive off the screen, with their own motivations, fears, and desires, and she consistently demonstrates the high standard of simming we all aspire to reach.
Awards General 3Year 2011.jpg
3-year Member 239306.07
USS Gorkon
Graduated from training on 02/17/2013.
Awards Special Sarpeidon 2011.jpg
Sarpeidon Award 239212.30
USS Gorkon
Special Fleet Award - Quinn Reynolds
We all love our wiki! It's a fantastic resource for characters, ships and the past history of the group and useful for members both old and new. Lt. Commander Chythar Skyfire is one of our most active contributors, updating ship, mission and character pages. Not only that, but she often acts as a tutor to other members, helping and teaching them how to incorporate changes from the simple to the complex -- indeed many of the nominations we received were from her grateful students. Thank you for all your hard work, Commander, and congratulations on your award!
Awards General Pathfinder 2015.png
Pathfinder Award 239212.30
USS Gorkon
Ship Award - Quinn Reynolds
Our last award of the year, and I'm very happy to present it to Lieutenant Commander Chythar Skyfire. Zephyr, you've always shown huge enthusiasm and dedication when it comes to mentoring our new members, displaying a great deal of kindness and patience in helping them feel at home as part of the Gorkon's crew. We all remember being new once, and we all know how daunting it can be to join a group of 12 or so other people, so I'm incredibly thankful for all your hard work in this area. Congratulations!
Awards General 1Year.jpg
1-year Member 239201.01
USS Garuda
Graduated from training on 02/17/2013.
Awards General Neelix 2011.jpg
Neelix Award 239112.19
USS Garuda
Ship Award - Cassandra Egan Manno
Most times, players are nominated only once for a given award. Sometimes, if a player has been particularly active -- in playing a particular duty post, say -- then she or he might receive two nominations for the same award. But never before have I seen one player receive six nominations for the same award! In fact, they weren't so much nominations as they were requirements at the end: there was so much consensus here that there was no way Zephyr wouldn't receive this award. Her nominators noted her active participation related to all facets of this award, from keeping the Garuda's and the Victory's wiki pages up to date to acting as the unofficial welcome wagon for the whole SB118, and I'd like to note here, too, that I've rarely seen someone become so integral. Zephyr has become more than the welcome wagon for the group -- she's our unofficial face, and we couldn't ask for a better one. Congratulations, Zephyr!
Awards General GenesisAward 2011.jpg
Genesis Award 239012.19
USS Excalibur-A
Ship Award - Kali Nicholotti
The writer behind our very own Chythar Skyfire came to us as so many officers do; having the basics, but needing some guidance in certain aspects of simming. For those who have been around since he came aboard, the improvement in his sims is something you can’t help but notice. Having worked hard with mentors and command staff, Skyfire’s writer has gone from the basic, minimally structured sims, to characterized sims that really make him part of our storyline. The effort behind this accomplishment has not gone unnoticed, consisting of lots of writing, rewriting, critiques, and questions, and so, I am proud to present the Genesis Badge to Mister Skyfire! Congrats! Thank you for the hard work you’ve put in to making your simming more fun and inspiring for everyone who gets the chance to read it.

Badge Rack

Graphic Contest Runner Up
Badge 2.png
Featured Bio Team Member
Badge 1.png
Featured Bio of StarBase 118
Badge 2.png
Excellence in Training
Badge 1.png
Podcast Team
Badge 1.png
118 Wiki Gnome
Badge 1.png
Halloween Avatar Contest Winner
Badge 1.png
History Team Member
Badge 1.png
Team Facilitator - Silver
Badge 1.png
20th Annual Awards Attendee
Badge 1.png
Chat Trivia Participant
Badge 3.png
SOTFA Ship Commendation
Badge 1.png
Andaris Architect
Badge 1.png
SFMJ Author
Badge 2.png


USS Invicta
Detail oriented
Detail oriented
It's all in the details
It's all in the details
Data hound
Data hound
A face for the name
A face for the name
I heard that
I heard that
Friends in high places
Friends in high places
Man on a mission
Man on a mission
What's up, doc?
What's up, doc?
Take a deep breath for me
Take a deep breath for me
Fasten seat belts
Fasten seat belts
Follow up appointment
Follow up appointment
It's just a jump to the left...
It's just a jump to the left...
Speak your mind
Speak your mind
It takes two
It takes two
Helping hand
Helping hand
Two heads are better than one
Two heads are better than one

Tours of Duty

5 Tours Completed

USS Veritas

A fire to be kindled
A fire to be kindled
Bad bet
Bad bet
Take all you can, give nothing back
Take all you can, give nothing back
On the road again
On the road again
Friend in need
Friend in need
These things happen
These things happen
Up for evaluation
Up for evaluation
Back to the past
Back to the past
It's on the house
It's on the house
Mining caste
Mining caste
Case closed
Case closed
Part of the team
Part of the team

USS Montreal

Operation Safe Harbor
Operation Safe Harbor
City living
City living
Avast ye
Avast ye

REV SD 239603.05