USS Ronin

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Akira-icon.gif       "When you go home, tell them of us and say:
For your tomorrow, we gave our today."
Epitaph; WW2 Allied War Memorial; Kohima, India

The USS Ronin is an Akira Class vessel, acting as the direct replacement for the USS Obertha, which was under the command of Captain Skyfire. The Ronin was initially commanded by Captain Skyfire, until his departure from Starfleet on Stardate 237611.30. Captain Adler was then given command of the vessel until she also left Starfleet during 237710. Following Captain Adler's unexpected departure the vessel's first officer, Mike James, took command of the vessel in 2378.

The USS Ronin was launched from StarBase 118 on Stardate 237511.16

USS Ronin Dedication Plaque
