Pedro Ramirez
Lieutenant Junior Grade Pedro Ramirez is currently serving on the StarBase 118 Ops in the role of Assistant Chief Science Officer.
- Full Name: Pedro Alonzo Sanchez Ramirez
- Race: Terran
- Date of Birth: 235511.04
- Place of Birth: Monterrey, Mexico, Earth
- Age: 27
- Gender: Male
- Telepathic status: N/A
- Height: 6'2"
- Weight: 220lbs
- Hair Color: Brown
- Length of Hair:
- Eye Color: Blue
- Skin Tone: Caucasian
- Birthmarks, Scars
- Upper Right Arm: Tatooing of an inverted horseshoe
- Upper Back: Tattoing of a kicking bull, covering both scapulas
- Right Forearm: Tattoing of the word "ADIOS" in stylized characters, the "O" being represented by a bullet impact, aligned vertically from elbow to wrist.
- Build: Athletic, muscular
- Face: as in "In your..."
- Eyes: watching his back
- Mouth: always ready to say something
- Arms: yes, two of them
- Legs: walks better that way
- Carriage: with horses too
- Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head):
- Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Jeans, t-shirt, stetson, occasional hawaiian shirt
- Shoes: running shoes or cowboy boots
- Voice: loud
- Handedness: Ambidextrous
- Quarters:
- Favorite Room:
- Habits: Has a tendency to use unorthodox methods to do his work, yet nothing illegal
- Mannerisms:
- Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Believes in something, but doesn't know what exactly.
- Hobbies and Pastimes: boxing, wrestling, street fighting, dancing, music (listening and playing, all kinds of music), weapon design & fabrication (holographic only, yet based on real data so that they would theoretically be functionnal in real life), working on a holographic version of his father's ranch, rodeo events, gymnastics
- Likes:
- Whiskey and cigars
- Spicy foods
- Down-to-Earth people
- Women
- Dislikes:
- Plain stupidity
- Starfleet's tendency to believe everybody without any doubt
- Lazy people
- Overzealous religious beliefs
- People who tend to complicate things for no reason
- Telepaths/empaths who scan him without his permission
- Men who disrespect women
- Ambitions and Goals: As much as he'd like to command his own ship, as long as he can make a strong enough impression to leave his mark (preferably good, of course), he would be happy. Maybe someday take over his father's ranch.
- Achievements in Life:
- Disappointments in Life:
- Temperment: Straight to the point, prompt to react
- Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Hates to be undermined because of his lower rank, has an issue with people that don't take him seriously
- Strengths:
- Weapons analysis, development & fabrication
- Forensics
- Interrogation
- Self-defense
- Physical Endurance
- Honesty (often refered to as "Extreme Honesty")
- Dancing
- Plays several musical intruments
- Singing
- Speaks/reads/writes Federation Standard, English & Spanish
- Limitations:
- Lack of diplomacy
- Short-tempered
- Prefers to stay on the ground (as opposed to aquatic submersion or EVA. not a phobia, rather a discomfort)
- Telepathic attacks (even though he's hard-headed, as any human he can't do nothing about that)
- Hates cold places (being used to Mexico's hot climate)
- Has difficulty trusting people
- Lousy piloting skills
- Unable to fight with bladed weapons such as knives or swords as he doesn't see the point of it. Would rather fight a Klingon who has a Bat'leth with his bare hands (most surely to his death) than using an "oversized butterknife", as he calls bladed weapons.
- Highly sarcastic and argumentative
Psychological Notes
- Extreme honesty. Says what he thinks and thinks what he says. People might not always like this honesty of his, but one thing is for sure: What you see is what you get. Nothing hidden. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
- Yet, he doesn't talk much about himself. A rather sensitive guy although he'd never admit it himself.
- Important to mention that even though he has extreme honesty, it's pretty rare that he'll lack respect to anyone.
- He's the kind of guy who is often right but that nobody listens to, which makes him a prime subject for a well-placed "I told you so"
- Although he is hispanic/Texan, he's not the redneck-caricature-style cowboy nor the hyper-latino-type, as in "he won't run around like an idiot screaming like a lunatic".
- "Hands-on" kind of guy, he doesn't rely too much on technology. If he has a choice between doing it himself or letting a machine do it, he'd prefer to do it himself (for example, if he has to work metal, he would shape it himself instead of replicating it. Of course, in crisis situations he will go for the simple and efficient way)
- Seems to fascinate vulcans for reasons unknown, probably because of his undoubtable honesty
- Although he's far from being Counselor-material, people have a tendency to come seek his opinion on various subjects, while he rarely goes to others to seek help or opinions.
- Marital Status: Single
- Children:
- Parents
- Father: Thomas D. O'Riley
- Mother: Consuela Ramirez
- Siblings:
Personal History
Born in Monterrey, Mexico. His father, Thomas D. O'Riley, owns a ranch and his mother, Consuela Ramirez, works at Starfleet R & D in the weapons department. He was named after one of his mother's ancestor, Pedro Alonzo Sanchez. Only child.
Ordinary childhood implying the tasks related to the maintenance of the ranch, supported by an education on the benefits of a work well carried out, the satisfaction of a duty well achieved and the advantages of self-subsistence. Obviously, all that work on the ranch requiring a good physical form and much of time outside, good or bad weather, had contributed to his physical development and to the evolution of his smartness.
Initiated to dancing at a very young age by his mother, he knows several kinds of dances and works at it occasionally. On the other side, his father had decided to make sure that his son was able to defend himself. Thus, he began teaching him how to fight (boxing, wrestling and street fighting) with the imperative warning to use it only when necessary.
During his teen years, he was initiated by his mother to various concepts of arms manufacture and to the art of shooting. As for his father, he had concentrated to teach him the rudiments of the rodeo and it's various events. With the course of time, other skills developed only because of the tasks connected to work on the ranch, such as gymnastics (working with animals often required some acrobatic skills) and mechanics.
When came time to choose a career, the choices available were either to remain on the ranch to succeed to his father or to follow the traces of his mother and go to the Academy. Having already lived all his life on the ranch, he chose what he did not know, which was the Academy and Starfleet. Of course, his father would have preferred that he remained to take care of the ranch with him, but he respected his choice. He was particularly attracted by the security department for apparent reasons. His strenuous work since childhood as well as the various skills he developed with time all pointed toward this branch.
But when he got to the academy, he was attracted by sciences, which was weird considering he never actually had any interest for them. But having developped an interest in forensics in the last couple of years, he thought that it would be a great way to get to do improve on his forensics knowledge. And with that, he minored in security, since both seemed quite complementary for him.
Professional History
- Date Graduated from Academy: 2382
- Current Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
- Current Assignment: StarBase 118 Ops
- Duty Post: Science Officer
Awards & Commendations
Insert Awards Here.
Service Record:
- 2378-2379: Cadet 1st Year, General Studies - Starfleet Academy
- 2379-2380: Cadet 2nd Year, Science Cadet (Security minor) - Starfleet Academy
- 2380-2381: Cadet 3rd Year, Science Cadet (security minor) - Starfleet Academy
- 2381-2382: Cadet 4th Year, Science Cadet (Security minor) - Starfleet Academy
- 238211.26: Ensign, Ass. Security Officer - USS Constitution-B
- 238212.09: Ensign, Ass. Science Officer - USS Morningstar
- 238301.04: Ensign, Science Officer - USS Columbia
- 238306.16: Lieutenant Junior Grade, Science Officer - USS Columbia
- 238306.16: Lieutenant Junior Grade, Science Officer - StarBase 118 OPS
- 238306.16: Lieutenant Junior Grade, Assistant Chief Science Officer - StarBase 118 OPS