- Rank: Ensign
- Ship: USS Invicta
- Position: Counselor
- Race: Kerelian
- Gender: Female
- DoB(Age):
- Birthplace:
- Height: 5' 9"
- Weight: 130
- Eye color: Crystal Ocean Diamond Blue
- Hair Color: Light brown with blond
streaks visible on the top, soft
strawberry streaks underneath
- Telepathic Status: E5 (touch)
- Father: Trayton Daniel
- Mother: Brielle Rae
- Siblings:
- Brothers: Landon Edward, Keegan
Micah and Connor Reeve
- Sisters: Azraelia Solace, Tahlia Brier
and Arenelle Rosen
Personal Logs • Medical Records Academy
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon
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