Invicta Officer's Manual/The Crew

< Invicta Officer's Manual
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Invicta Officer's Manual


Invicta Officer's Manual

1: Expectations
2: The Lists
3: Formatting Your Sims
  • II: Invicta 101
4: The Crew
5: The Ship
6: The Mythology
  • III: Operating Procedures
7: Missions
8: Shoreleave
9: Mission Proposals
  • IV: Beyond the Basics
10: Promotions
11: OOC Activities
12: Mentoring

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The Crew

Learn more about your new shipmates. You can click on their names/pictures to access their full biographies.

Aron Kells.png
Fleet Captain
Aron Kells

Aron Kells

  • Rank: Fleet Captain
  • Duty Post: Commanding Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 47-year-old Human/Romulan male
  • Birthplace: Spirit, Mars

Known for his scientific work with epigenetics and extinction rehabilitation, Aron has been the subject of two temporal accidents throughout his career, and served as a civilian scientist briefly until called into service again at the behest of Starfleet. Since June 2392, when it was announced during President Nan Bacco's State of the Federation Address, he has commanded the high-profile starship USS Invicta.

Roshanara Rahman

Roshanara Rahman

Born away from the Kriosian homeworld, Roshanara's birth parents gave her up for adoption, and a human couple took her in, named her, and raised her back in Lahore, Earth. Often mistaken for a Trill due to her Kriosian spots, she joined Starfleet because of her interest in starship design, an interest that has not come without a cost as she was gravely injured early in her career from a major accident that required lengthy rehabilitation. She exhibits a dry and perhaps even cruel sense of humor. Previously a chief engineer, she employs a rather direct and assertive style of command and is working on her anger management.

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Della Vetri

Della Vetri

  • Rank: Ambassador
  • Duty Post: Diplomatic Contingent Head
  • Age/Species/Sex: 44-year-old Joined Trill female
  • Birthplace: Tellrin Archipelago, Trill

One of the small percentage of Trill chosen to become host to a symbiote, Della joined Starfleet as a result of suggestions made by the counselor who helped her to get a grip on the psionic ability that the Joining had woken up in her. Training as a counselor herself, she was later selected to serve as first officer of the USS Constitution-B, which in turn led her to an eventual command of her own. Now the adopted mother of an inter-dimensional orphan, as well as a biological daughter with her wife T'Lea, Della is still trying to work out just how come she has ended up being appointed to a position in the diplomatic service.

Lt. Commander
Rune Jolara

Rune Jolara

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Intelligence Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 38-year-old Al-Leyan female
  • Birthplace: Uz Sabahnuor Archipelago, Leya-I

Growing up in a strict and conservative society, Rune always tried to conform and follow what had been determined to be her "Branch". However, as hard as she tried to fight it, she was still different. That difference was frowned upon by other Al-Leyans. When she was 16 she was forced to undergo "Attitude Readjustment Treatment," or so she thought that's what it was. Now, in Starfleet, she is faced with many challenges, one of which is breaking completely away from her people and their beliefs. Not an easy task when someone else has other plans for her life and will stop at nothing to get her to return home.

Lt. Commander
Tristam Core

Tristam Core

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Chief Engineer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 40-year-old Rodulan male
  • Birthplace: Myiron, The Western Gate of Tikan, Rodul

A member of a highly telepathic species and raised within a culture that believe violence is never a viable course of action, Tristam joined Starfleet to experience working with more advanced technology and specialized within Components Engineering. On his first tour of duty, he was involved in a serious accident aboard the USS Pioneer, almost costing him his left leg and damaging his telepathic lobe beyond medical repair. The accident changed him more than he cares to admit, now more judgmental and critical towards others, though in recent times, he's grown to be gentle and even overprotective.

Lt. Commander
Luna Walker

Luna Walker

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Assistant Chief Engineer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 44-year-old Romulan/Human female
  • Birthplace: Romulus

Lluneh (Luna) was born on Romulus but raised on Earth after her human ambassador father convinced her Romulan mother to defect. Not knowing this, she enjoyed a happy childhood until her father was murdered by the Tal Shiar. Frustrated at her brother's inability to prove the truth, she took it on herself to trick, sneak, or break in to do so. Caught one too many times, she joined Starfleet as an engineer, where her ability to creatively look at a problem was put to more positive outlets. While outgoing, friendly, and a bit of a prankster normally, she feels personally responsible for any discovered problems around her.

Tertius Luca

Tertius Luca

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Helm/Com/Ops Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 34-year-old Magna Roman male
  • Birthplace:

A citizen of Magna Roma, Tertius did not live on his nominal homeworld until his adolescence. He was born to two Magna Roman scientists on a merchant vessel and followed them as they lived and worked all over the Federation before finally coming to rest in Magna Roma. Driven to the stars by the incredible boredom of a single planet with a single culture, he decided to join Starfleet. He has some difficulties relating to both Magna Romans and Terrans and prefers the company of non-humans.

Lieutenant JG
Hanar Tuk

Hanar Tuk

  • Rank: Lieutenant JG
  • Duty Post: Chief of Security
  • Age/Species/Sex: 33-year-old Bolian male
  • Birthplace: Bolarus IX

Hanar had a normal family life and childhood, and when he became of age, he joined his parents on their freighter for a number of years before choosing to break from tradition and join Starfleet, selecting security/tactical as his major. His favorite hobby is the culinary arts, having studied this on the side, and he soon became quite the accomplished chef, creating many recipes, both pure and mixed, from different worlds. This also served to satisfy a related love - eating, hence his slightly portly appearance. Despite this, he is remarkably fit and agile, necessary for security duties. His only shortfall is he lacks a significant other, which he would like to remedy, sooner than later.

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Marcus Dickens

Marcus Dickens

  • Rank: Commander
  • Duty Post: Security Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 42-year-old Angosian/Betazoid male
  • Birthplace: Deep Space 4

Son of a Betazoid Starfleet counselor and an Angosian war veteran., Marcus lived on Betazed after the death of his father and developed his empathic skills before joining Starfleet to honor his father and explore galaxy. Having served on many ships and with many captains, he’s a versatile person who loves science and is an easy going person, but when there’s work to be done, he’s the first to get onto it, which may be the reason why his wife asked for divorce. Now he’s starting a new life.

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Ra'Dar Dregen

Ra'Dar Dregen

  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Security Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 35-year-old Human/Worene male
  • Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland, Earth

Diagnosed with Intermittent Explosive Disorder, controlled that meditation and martial arts training allows his aggressive impulses to be channeled. This is actually a misdiagnosis​, a secret he keeps to himself​. Ra suffer​s​ from have developed a split personality named S'Kai. S'Kai is a manifestation of Ra suppressed Worene aggression.​ ​ Ra struggles to maintain mental balance and a career as a Starfleet officer.

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Lt. Commander
Alora DeVeau

Alora DeVeau

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Chief Science Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 34-year-old Human female
  • Birthplace: Earth

Born on Earth, Alora grew up the youngest of five and also the only girl in an affluent family. Although talented in the performing arts, science particularly called to Alora, which spurred her to apply for Starfleet Academy and study botany and zoology with a minor in languages. She is a happy, optimistic person who enjoys other people, and while events may trouble, she generally bounces back, particularly with support from others. Although friendly with almost anyone, there are only a few people she feels she can confide in completely.

Lt. Commander


  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Historian & Archaeological Specialist
  • Age/Species/Sex: 43-year-old Vulcan/Romulan female
  • Birthplace: Unknown

Abandoned at birth by her Tal Shiar mother, T’Lea was raised by her strict Vulcan uncle. Born of two worlds and never feeling as though she truly belonged to either, T’Lea led an angry, violent adolescence, in which she rebelled against authority figures, the Vulcan culture, and anybody that generally looked at her the wrong way. Indulging in unbridled violence and the pursuit of power had nearly ended her young life when an entire planet sought her death. The idea of Starfleet started out as a safe haven to hide from her enemies, but soon turned into a second chance at living a better life. While she still struggles with the concept of being a “good guy” she has found a reason to try in both her personal life and work, but that is not to say that she doesn’t like to cause bodily harm to others now and then.

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Raj Blueheart

Raj Blueheart

  • Rank: Captain
  • Duty Post: Chief Medical Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 49-year-old Human male
  • Birthplace: Malaysia, Earth

The oldest child in a dysfunctional family, Raj worked as a physician on Earth for several years before enlisting in Starfleet to escape a failed relationship. On his first assignment aboard the USS Discovery-B, he forged a deep and loyal friendship with his commanding officer, Tyr Waltas, which lasts to this day. While Raj was in command of the USS Atlantis, the love of his life, Emerson Ravenscroft, was killed in action, and he remains haunted by the loss. He is introverted and does not have many friends, but the ones that are, he holds close and dear to his heart and is fiercely loyal and protective of them. He also loves cats.



  • Rank: Commander
  • Duty Post: Research Coordinator
  • Age/Species/Sex: 76-year-old Vulcan male
  • Birthplace: Kal-an, Han-Shir, Vulcan

Raised in the south of Han-Shir, Vulcan, Saveron grew up in the Nel Gathic culture and studied Medicine, specialising in Emergency Medicine. His life changed when he saw his first alien and, following the breakdown of his Bond, he completed his PhD on Xenonosis and applied for entry into Starfleet as a mature age student. He is dedicated to his work and the well-being of his patient's, his colleagues and all sentient beings. A staunch pacifist who has challenged his CO's orders, Saveron is outspoken in favour of the rights of those less fortunate. He travels with his son, Saavok.



  • Rank: Ensign
  • Duty Post: Medical Officer
  • Age/Species/Sex: 38-year-old Human/Klingon female
  • Birthplace:

Raised by her human mother, Rosalee became interested in her Klingon heritage as well as Starfleet at the age of 12. Her mother and grandmother both ran an apothecary and hoped she would follow in their footsteps. She choose the sciences but kept her knowledge of plants and herbs. She entered the academy at 16 and did well academically but always had troubles making friends or having relationships. She has a small pet spotted pig that lives with her.

Lt. Commander
Raissa Moonsong

Raissa Moonsong

  • Rank: Lt. Commander
  • Duty Post: Chief of Counseling
  • Age/Species/Sex: 36-year-old Human/Betazoid female
  • Birthplace: Leech Lake, North America, Earth

Raissa grew up on Earth and due to her Betazoid grandmother was a touch empath. She originally desired to be a medical doctor, but the pain experienced by her patients became too much for her. She switched her focus to psychology and psychiatry. Unaware of certain quirk of her genetics, Raissa played host to several hundred minds of the Community. Her telepathic/empathic abilities spiked to T6. However, once they had left her body, her ability did not return to its normal range, and she remains a T/E 6. She now limits her interaction with others to block out other thoughts as well as to avoid reading people inadvertently. Despite this change, she remains a skilled counselor and always easy to talk to.

See also

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