SIM:Avandar Promotion Ceremony 239210.01
Avandar Ceremony 239210.01
USS Avandar | ||
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Vetri: Can I have everyone's attention? Yes? Good. I have a few things I need to get out of the way before we can move on.
:: She waited a few moments as everyone settled, then nodded to herself.::
Vetri: Okay, first up. Commander Townson has been required for other duties for a while, so don't be too stunned not to see her about. That, of course, leaves us with a bit of a hole to fill. Major Siris?
:: She beckoned for the Marine to join her, waiting patiently as he made his way over.::
Siris: ?
Vetri: :: to the room:: As a result of that, and a little discussion on the topic, Major Siris will be assuming the role of the Avandar's First Officer. Pleaser be nice to him, as making his life difficult is now *my* job.
Siris/Any: ?
Vetri: :: smiling:: Don't go anywhere, Major.
:: Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the little device she'd slipped into it earlier, pushing the button and waiting for a moment as a blue shimmer appeared over the bar top. A moment later, it was gone, leaving a stack of little boxes in its wake.::
Vetri: I have something else for you. :: picking up the box on top of the pile:: I tend to prefer *not* handing things like this out, but in this case, Major, you earned it - and not just because of what happened. The circumstances, as well as what you went down there to do, deserve some recognition. :: holding out the box to him:: The Purple Heart, Major. Like I said, you earned it. :: flashing a grin: :Just try not to make it a habit, hmm?
Siris: ?
Vetri: Thank *you*, Major. Now... :: picking up another pair of boxes and turning back to the crowd:: ...LtCmdr T'Lea, Lt(JG) Lupo, step up here please.
T'Lea/Lupo: ?
:: Still with a smile, she held the boxes out to each of them.::
Vetri: Compliments of Rear Admiral Turner. T'Lea, the Prometheus Ribbon. Lupo, the same - plus the Innovation Ribbon, and an official Captain's Commendation. I'm just sorry it took so long for these to catch up with you both.
T'Lea/Lupo: ?
Vetri: Nice work, ladies. Now scoot, I need to drag some other poor soul up here. Doctor Blueheart?
Blueheart: ?
:: Chuckling at the way it seemed to take a moment for him to realise why she'd called his name, Della waited until he joined her before picking up another box and holding it out to him.::
Vetri: It may be part of your job, Raj, but it still warrants recognition. The last word I had was that your Telden patient is safely installed in hospital on the planet, and the prognosis is looking very good for her. All down to some quick thinking and fine work on your part, as I understand it. So... the Lifesaving Ribbon, Doctor. And a distinct pleasure it is to present it to you.
Blueheart: ?
:: As he returned to the mob, Della glanced at the pile of boxes left, then shook her head.::
Vetri: We don't have time to do the rest one by one. Not if we want to achieve anything today. What we dropped into when we arrived out here was a long way from what we were expecting, but you adapted, you overcame, and you performed as well as I could have hoped for. As a crew, you did some damned fine work, and all of you - save one - more than deserve the Explorer's Ribbon awards I've entered into you files. The ribbons themselves... :: gesturing at the stack on the bar:: ...right there. Good work, people.
Any: ?
Vetri: Which brings me to one last item - the one of you that is not getting that award just yet. Some of you may have already met her, but I'd like to present Ensign Riverview, our new Counselor.
Riverview: ?
Any: ?
Vetri: :: smiling:: There'll be plenty of chances for you to catch up, Counselor. Of that I am sure.
Riverview: ?
Vetri: Okay, we have a little time left before the next scheduled disaster, so... :: picking up her mug and taking a sip:: ...Make a little merry, folks. You earned it.
Any: ?