SIM:Unique Approach

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Unique Approach

((USS Excalibur – Deck 6 – Diplomatic Facility – Dakarai's office))

Glutik: You're making a huge mistake, ensign! Due to my background, I'd offer a unique approach. I'd compile a piece of literary art that the whole Fleet would remember, for all eternity.

::Dakarai shook his head in complete disbelief. With the Tellarite in charge, the Fleet would remember indeed, but for all the wrong reasons. For the past 30 minutes, he had barred Glutik's every attempt at writing a eulogy for their lost Captain.::

Dakarai: It's not going to happen Glutik. To be honest, I wouldn't even trust you with a memo for a dead pet.

Glutik: Oh come on! I'm not that bad. I would do it right, I swear! I'd insist on Nicholotti's gravity.

::Dakarai blinked, and allowed a few seconds of silence, hoping Glutik would correct his mistake. However, from the look on the Tellarite's face, everything was perfectly normal.::

Dakarai: I think the right word you want here is gravitas. And that's why you're not touching any eulogy. Now, if you don't mind, I've work to do.

Glutik: Nonsense! We are on shore leave, without a Captain. What is there to be done? ::He leaned forward, as if they were good friends.:: Hey, imagine if the next C.O. they send us turns out to be a Klingon! ::He chuckled.:: that would be scarry-funny, don't you think?

Dakarai: ::Deadpan.:: You wouldn't last five minutes if it was the case.

Glutik: ::Sitting back with a sigh so heavy it sounded like a groan.:: It used to be more fun talking to you, Dakarai. At least in the past it was fairly easy to have you blow a fuse, or two, leading to a good debate. Are you ill? ::Despite his question, the Tellarite got up and went to examine his collection of paintings on the wall. He produced various grunts, and stopped by a canvas showing an elephant, alone, in the middle of a long road.:: Is there a metaphor in that image?

Dakarai: ::Impatient.:: We just lost a Captain, Glutik.

Glutik: Pffft! Starfleet C.Os. aren't meant to last anyway. It's all to do with this urge they have to protect everyone. That's why they seldom reach a ripe old age. ::Still observing the painting.:: You think there is a will?

Dakarai: ::Nonplussed.:: Quoi? [[What]]

Glutik: ::Turning round.:: A Will? Do you think the Captain wrote one? She's bound to have a few precious things. Terran women, they like beautiful things, or so I'm told...

Dakarai: Get out. Now!

Glutik: ::With a big smile on his face.:: Here you are at last! It doesn't do you any good to be sulky, you know. It's when you internalize things too much that you get sick. Anyway, about the eulogy...

::It's amazing what the use of a single word can have of certain people. At the sound of those three little syllables, Dakarai lost it entirely, and he shoved the Tellarite out of his office.::

Dakarai: ::Shouting.:: You are right, it actually works! Do you want me to show you the way to your quarters now?! ::More words followed, but they were in French and the universal translator censored them.::

Glutik: ::Readjusting his jacket.:: Hmm.. On reflection, I wouldn't want to abuse your courtesy, ensign. So I'll take a lonely stroll, like that elephant in that picture of yours. I'll see you tomorrow at the riam that's being organized. Bonne nuit.

::Once again, the words that got out of Dakarai's mouth got censored, and then there was a blissful silence on deck 6.::


Ensign Dakarai, diplomatic aide and Glutik (Civilian)

As simmed by:

Lt. Cmdr. Brek

Chief Diplomatic Officer/2O

USS Excalibur A