Vigilant-A Deck Layout
This notice was placed here by Diego Herrera, so go bug them to finish the page if nothing's happening.
USS Vigilant-A | ||
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Deck 1: Dorsal: Main Bridge, Captain’s Ready Room, Observation Lounge, Transporter Room 1, Captain’s Quarters
Deck 2: Central (Forward): Transporter Rooms 2 & 3, Pulse Phaser Emitters, First Officer’s Office, Central Bridge, First Officer’s Quarters, Conference Room Dorsal (Aft): Dorsal Computer Core, Flight Control, Senior Officers’ Quarters, Shuttlebay 1, Docking Clamps and Microtractors
Deck 3: Central (Forward): The Watchpost Lounge, Gymnasium, Counselling Office, V.I.P. Quarters, Senior Officers’ Quarters Dorsal (Aft): Dorsal Engineering, Dorsal Computer Core (Main Access), RapidFire Quantum Torpedo Tube (Active during Multivector Mode only), Torpedo Magazine, Shuttlebay 1 (Main Access), Docking Clamps and Microtractors
Deck 4: Central (Forward): Main Sickbay, Chief Medical Officer’s Office, Medical Labs 1 and 2, Cybernetics Lab, Surgical Suite, PulseFire Quantum Torpedo Tube, Torpedo Magazine Dorsal (Aft): Intelligence Labs 1 & 2, Intel Office, Stellar Cartography, Shuttlebay 2, Docking Clamps and Microtractors
Deck 5: Central (Forward): Central Computer Core, Senior Officers’ Quarters, Arboretum, Cargo Bay 1, Holodecks 1 & 2 Dorsal (Aft): Dorsal Deflector, Dorsal Deflector Control, Stellar Cartography (Main Access), Shuttlebay 2 (Main Access), Docking Clamps and Microtractors
Deck 6: Central (Forward): Central Deflector Housing, Central Deflector Control, Slipstream Control, Central Engineering, Crew Quarters Dorsal (Aft): Dorsal Infirmary, Runabout Dock, Docking Clamps and Microtractors
Deck 7: Central (Forward): Port & Starboard Docking Ports, Environmental Control, Crew Quarters Dorsal (Aft): Environmental Controls, Antimatter Storage and Processing, Storage Pods DECK LAYOUT: VENTRAL SECTION
Deck 8: Ventral Bridge, Ventral Infirmary, Mess Hall, Ops Office, Holodeck 3, Deuterium Tankage, Primary Tractor Beam Emitter, Docking Clamps and Microtractors
Deck 9: Transporter Room 4, Cargo Bays 2 & 3, Ventral Computer Core, Main Engineering, Aft Torpedo Launcher
Deck 10: Pulse Phaser Emitters, Engineering Office, Main Engineering (Main Access), Ventral Computer Core
Deck 11: Main Deflector Control, Security Office, Brig, Interview Room, Armoury, Phaser Range, Crew Quarters
Deck 12: Science Office, Science Labs 14, Testing Isolation Chamber, Hyrdoponics Bay
Deck 13: Antimatter Processing and Storage, Environmental Control, Storage Pods