Erik Maximoff

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  • Name: Erik Magnus Lensherr Maximoff
  • Position: Captain of former Starfleet ship USS Avenger, now Orion Pirate ship
  • Species: Terran
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 67
  • Current Assignment: Unknown. The last rumors of Captain Erik Maximoff was as a prisoner to an as yet unknown race. It is highly unlikely that he is still being held prisoner, as it has been a year since that rumor began.
  • Personality & Appearance: Erik is the father of Pietro Maximoff of the USS Constitution-B... and he very much plays the part. The resemblance between the two is very striking... Erik and Pietro could appear to be twins with a forty year age difference. However, Erik has not weathered the years well. His reasons for leaving Starfleet are unknown, but the unofficial report is he was upset with the Federation and Starfleet after the Borg incursion at Wolf 359. He lost his first command, the Nebula Class USS Bellerophon, and was promptly "rewarded" with captaincy of one of the newest Defiant Class ships, the USS Avenger. From that point on... Erik has been a mystery. He and his remaining crew made off with the Avenger, and sources say he may have headed directly for the Orion Syndicate. Because of Starfleet's prior encounters with the Orion Pirates, it is safe to assume that Erik Maximoff is not a pleasant character.

UPDATE: Stardate 238210.13

The crew of the USS Constitution-B has encountered Erik Maximoff on Kepos Prime. He had been assimilated by the Borg, however the remaining drones on the planet were unnatural and not connected to the hive mind. Erik seemed to be the only true Borg among them, the only one that wasn't rejecting his machinery parts, perhaps because he was not of mixed races. Currently, he is being held aboard the Constitution and recieving medical treatment from Dr. Diamond. A new serum is being used to destroy the Borg nanites and machinery, and the rest of the reconstructive surgery will follow later.

Stardate 238212.04

A group of colonists were left on Kepos Prime to continue work on the colony. Before the deassimilation was completed, a Romulan Warbird appeared, and the commander demanded the release of Maximoff to her custody. Soon the truth came out - she is the daughter of Erik, and the half-sister of Pietro. The Romulan plans of stealing him away were foiled, and his body was returned to Kepos Prime after the deassimilation process was complete. He will be returned to Earth in the future to face trial for his crimes against the Federation.

File Last Updated: 238212.04