Telice Shagan

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USS Discovery C

Discovery-C Staff Roster

Telice Shagan

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Telice Shagan
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Telice Shagan is a Terran lieutenant junior grade, currently medical officer aboard the USS Discovery-C (see Medical track record). She joined Starfleet Academy on stardate 238408.20 and graduated on stardate 238906.17.

Her early life in San Fransisco was marked by the death of her mother from a rare disease at age twelve, prompting her desire to devote her life to medical research. Her father's involvment with Starfleet piked her interest from a very young age and was precursor to her enrollment at the Academy.

Her bubbly personality and her interest in learning new things has led her to make a few solid friendships at the Academy despite her devotion to her studies.


  • Full Name: Telice Shagan
  • Race: Terran
  • Date of Birth: 236302.19
  • Place of Birth: Earth
  • Age: 26 years old
  • Gender: Female
  • Telepathic status: 0 - Extra Sensory Perception (Telepathic scale)
  • Zodiac sign: Pisces


  • Height: 5'5 (1.65m)
    Teliceshagan casual.png
  • Weight: 56kg (123 lbs)
  • Hair Color: Red
  • Length of Hair: Shoulder
  • Eye Color: Brown
  • Skin Tone: Fair
  • Birthmarks, Scars: Three inches long scar on the right shoulder (see Medical record)
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
  • Build: Average
  • Face: Oval
  • Eyes: Almond shape, thin eyebrows
  • Mouth: Average
  • Arms: Average Terran shape and length
  • Legs: Average Terran shape and length
  • Carriage: Usually walks from place to place with purpose
  • Poses: Tends to gesture wildly when angry, uses her hands to illustrate her explanations
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Comfortable clothing such as jeans and henley.
  • Shoes: Starfleet-issued boots
  • Voice: Standard terran female range
  • Handedness: Right-handed

Quarters & Manner

Shagan personal quarters.png
* Quarters: on Deck 8, only one deck away from medical bay aboard the USS Discovery-C. Personal items:
    • Off duty clothes: Jeans, tee-shirts, shirts and comfortable underwear. Two pair of heels.
    • Medical uniforms Two standard issue blue medical uniforms with black trousers, completed by black boots. White sterilized clothing for surgery is provided directly by sickbay.
    • Other items: A few framed pictures, dance shoes (ballet), a Klingon guitar (gift from her brother), three printed books.
  • Favorite Room: Personal quarters
  • Mannerisms: Chewing on the end of her pen, reading medical files twice the first time
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: Atheist
  • Physical limitations: Trained at the Academy but would not do well in hand to hand combat or extreme situations



Telice shagan horse riding.png
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Ballet (dance), stretching, medical research, horse riding
  • Likes: To learn new things, hydrogeology
  • Dislikes: Vulcans, onions, phasers, people shouting, commanding officers with a familiar attitude, to have her mind or mood read
  • Ambitions and Goals: To become a great medical officer, to be there when needed and save lives
  • Achievements in Life: see Awards & Commendations
  • Disappointments in Life: Her mother's death (see personal history below)


  • Marital Status: Single
  • Children: None
  • Parents
    • Father: Jethro Shagan, American Nationality, Lt Cmdr with Starfleet, ground engineer (born 233608.15)
    • Mother: Sarah Duparquet, French nationality (born 233506.15, deceased)
  • Siblings: John Shagan (brother), American nationality, foreign musical arts specialist (born 235710.09)


Trained with


Personal history

Teliceshagan youth paris.png
Telice was born in Paris, France, at the Café des Artistes where her parents met for the first time, simply because the ambulance didn't get there fast enough. From there was also born the first private joke on her account: that she was in a hurry from the start.

She grew up in San Fransisco, California, where her father still works as a Starfleet ground engineer. At age 5 she saw her first starship, and decided she would one day travel the stars. She grew up around all the usual activities of a Starfleet operated base and met her first Vulcan at age ten while visiting the base for her birthday. She proceeded to ask him if there was 'a stick up his ass' thus almost creating a diplomatic incident. Her opinion on foreign species remained somewhat altered by it.

Soon after she turned twelve her mother died of a rare form of disease, evolved from 21st century cancer. Telice then decided to devote her life to medical research and planned to become a medical officer with Starfleet.

Telice got her A-levels at 17, a year ahead of schedule, and feeling like she was too young to start training she joined her brother in France to pursue a medical degree, where he was teaching foreign species' musical arts to terrans.

A year transformed into four, and she came back to San Fransisco at age 21 to start training at the academy. A dedicated student, she was still brought up on disciplinary charges along with 60 other cadets for 'damaging training facilities' while having a party. Charges were dropped soon after as Starfleet administration faced the number of cadets involved, and given the lack of injuries to any of the participants.

At the last of her training Telice elected to specialise in Xenobiology to counter false rumours of her being xenophobic, because of her unwillingness to work with Vulcans.

Eventually she graduated from the Academy and was proud to get her first assignment on the Discovery-C.

Starfleet academy.png


  • 236302.19: Born in Paris, France. Raised in San Fransisco, California.
  • 236906.24: Sees a starship for the first time, decides to go into space one day.
  • 237302.19: Incident with a Vulcan ambassador in San Fransisco's Starfleet shipyard (see file)
  • 237503.02: Her mother dies of a rare disease. Telice decides she will devote her life to medical research.
  • 238006.28: Gets her A-levels at 17.
  • 238007.02: Moved to Paris, France to live with her brother and follow a medical course.
  • 238407.28: Moved back to San Fransisco, California.

Professional history

Rank & Assignment

Awards & Service ribbons

None currently. See list of awards and service ribbons.

StarFleet Assessments and Records


  • 238408.20: Joined Starfleet academy.
  • 238906.17: Graduated from Starfleet academy, promoted to Ensign.
  • 238906.17: Assigned to the Discovery-C as Medical Officer.
  • 238907.15: Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade by captain Waltas.

Working areas

  • Medical bay: On deck 7. Includes the main sickbay, a surgical bay, an auxiliary sickbay, the medical lab, a morgue and various offices. Always clean and in order, with the exception of the offices which are usually swamped with files and PADDs and medical equipment.



Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post Species
DS9style-ens teal.png Ensign Belinda Cruise Chief of Nursing Human
DS9style-ens teal.png Ensign Linnea Berglund Nurse -
DS9style-ens teal.png Ensign Selena Warren Nurse Human


Insignia Rank Character Name Current Post Creator
DS9style-ens teal.png Ensign Ziyal Varas Nurse Lt. JG Meng Ishkan Tian

Sim Archive

See file cabinet for notable sims.



Yahoomessenger.png: Telice Shagan

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