USS Eagle Master Crew List

The USS Eagle has a total crew of approximately 125. Of that crew, 35 are officers and 90 are non-commissioned crewmen. Like most ships in Starfleet, the Eagle operates on a three shift system; Alpha (0600 to 1400 hours), Beta (1400 to 2200 hours) and Gamma (2200 to 0600 hours).

Department Populations

The Eagle crew breaks down into the following departments as follows, with adjustments made as needed by current operating status and mission requirements.

  • Command: 2 officers, with Beta and Gamma shifts handled by rotating senior staff
  • Starfleet Intelligence/Diplomatic Corps/Mission Specialists: 3 officers
  • Helm, Communications and Operations: 8 officers, 15 crew
  • Engineering: 6 officers, 30 crew
  • Security and Tactical: 5 officers, 20 crew
  • Medical: 5 officers, 10 crew
  • Science: 6 officers, 15 crew
USS Eagle NPC Roster
Insignia Rank Portrait Name Species and Gender Current Post Posted By
Ensign Eyna Tes Centauran Female Eng. Officer Drex
Lieutenant Taisa Ayala Human Female Medical Officer Alora DeVeau
Lieutenant JG Kherys Harper Human/Betazoid Female Medical Officer Alora DeVeau
Lieutenant Parvana Caitian Female Science Officer Alora DeVeau

Instructions on how to edit this roster are available here.

NPCs History

NPC Listing   ·   USS Eagle Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Science Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Noemi Lim
Medical Ofc.
Elor Letek
Tomas Falt
Chief Engineer.
Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Chief Sec Ofc.
Alexander Williams
Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
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