USS Blackwell


“It is not easy to be a pioneer, but oh, it is fascinating!”

-Elizabeth Blackwell

In the beginning...

The contract for what would become the USS Blackwell was commissioned in early 2390. Construction on the spaceframe started in 239010, and was completed 23 months later. Several months of systems verifications and maintenance followed, and it started its six-month shakedown cruise in 239301. By 239308 it had returned to drydock for final tweaks and swap-outs, and ready for equipment and supplies loading by early 239310. A month later and it was on its way to the Par'tha Expanse for its first assignment as part of the Andaris Task Force.

Joining the fleet...

  StarBase 118 Ops   Amity Outpost   Denali Station
  USS Artemis-A   USS Astraeus   USS Chin'toka
  USS Constitution-B   USS Gorkon   USS Khitomer
  USS Octavia E Butler   USS Ronin   Starfleet Vessel Register
Complete Listing
StarBase 118 Fleet