W'Tine, Eyas

Revision as of 14:50, 13 September 2011 by Eyas Wtine (talk | contribs)
USS Independence-A
Lieutenant Eyas W'Tine

"The cracks are showing, the cracks are showing! The Clocks are baring their teeth!"

-- Lieutenant Eyas Wulfantine should realise that some days are better than others.


  • Character's name: Eyas Wulfantine (often shortened to W'tine)
  • Species: Pythron
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 24
  • Date of Birth: 2364.04.01
  • Place of Birth: Bantok, Pythro V


  • Parents: Father: Clovis (deceased) & Mother: Solara
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None

Detailed Descriptions

Character History

Eyas was raised on the planet Pythro V in a close-knit but disciplined military family. Eyas was lonely as he was an only child and found making friends difficult as his father was an officer in the Pythronic Defence Force which necessitated frequent moving of the family home when his father received new commissions. Eyas changed school at least 10 times.

Eyas grew into a typical young Pythron male: tall, broad with long wavy blond hair (almost like a lion's mane to human eyes). He received his ceremonial armour at the age of 18 (as with Pythronic custom) which he wears proudly over the chest area alongside his Star Fleet uniform badge on ceremonial occasions.

His parents approved of his joining Star Fleet, as his father, General Clovis Wulfantine, felt that trust and co-operation between Pythro and its Federation allies is for the greater good. Although technically an ally of the Federation, Pythro V maintains its own armed forces after it was attacked by an unknown alien invasion decades before and the Federation was too late to stop great loss of life.

Eyas was assigned to the USS Independence-A, initially as an Ensign in Security. His first task was to accompany Lieutenant Bron Storos to quell a riot on Deep Space 17 and arrest two potential assassins seen in the crowd. Eyas did manage to apprehend one of the assassins but got stabbed in the leg with a poisoned dagger. Although the wound seemed minor at the time, it had in fact delivered a parasite into his blood stream that was slowly re-coding his DNA into a more primitive type.

Eyas assisted his crewmates as they set forth to Wheeler Colony to intercept a drug shipment by the FTU ship, the K’Tarkin. During their pursuit, the Independence-A was caught in an artificially created spatial distortion. The ship had also been sabotaged by persons unknown whilst docked at DS17. The combination of these caused major damage to the Independence-A and the deaths of several crew. Eyas helped rescue both Lieutenant Tracey Townson and Rick Rawden from their respective perils during this time and for this he was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade and made Chief of Security.

Upon arrival at Wheeler Colony, Eyas was assigned to Fleet Captain Sidney Riley’s away team to locate the drug shipment and confiscate it. They managed to do this, but in the process Eyas was badly injured in a fight with a giant FTU henchman. The physical trauma of this and his earlier exertions accelerated the effects of the parasite upon his body. Suddenly, in front of his teammates, Eyas mutated rapidly into a giant reptilian creature. He was saved by his friend and colleague Ensign Alahndra Nevarass who he had taken into his confidence about his condition and had prepared a hypospray of antidote. Alahndra accompanied a semi-changed Eyas back to the Independence sickbay, where Alahndra managed to stabilise Eyas’ condition and slowly return him to a normal appearance. However, he had a relapse triggered by using the transporter, and ran amok through the promenade of DS17. He was again restored to normality but faced disciplinary proceedings for his actions. He would also have to take antidote for the rest of his life to prevent the parasite from regaining the upper hand once and for all. It also appeared that the mental scars would take even longer to heal than the physical ones. Despite his wreckless actions in not reporting his condition earlier, he was nonetheless promoted to full Lieutenant on the eve of the next mission, this time to the Romulan colony of Bilire VI.

Eyas performed adequately during the early stages of the Bilire mission to help Romulan refugees set up a new colony after the destruction of Hobus, but after an attack by the Reapers upon the Independence, Eyas and other senior officers were recalled to the ship to fight the intruders and rescue comrades who had been ‘collected’. Whilst confronting one such Reaper, Eyas himself was immobilized, and his mind (or soul) was taken back to the Reapers’ ship, the Rihac Gorshun. When the Reapers were finally defeated and their ship destroyed, Eyas’ soul returned to his body – but only after a painful ‘piggy-back’ ride within one of the Reaper’s own dying body. Eyas awoke in Sickbay during a final fight between some of his comrades and the stricken Reaper. Eyas had thought that was the end of his troubles, but he very soon found out that his girlfriend Z'Leah had contracted a near fatal plague on Bilire VI and was recovering slowly in sickbay, that his great friend Alahndra Nevarass had left the USS Independence-A for parts unknown whilst he was unconscious, and then finally had the news broken to him by his old friend Leo Beaufytor that his father, General Clovis Wulfantine had been assassinated by Byzallian terrorists, prompting a ratcheting up of tensions betweens the Pythrons and the Byzallians leading to the Bardeezan War of 2388. Eyas was unable to return to Pythro to comfort his mother, as all communication between Pythro and the Federation was suspended because of the looming war with Byzatium. Lonely, hurt and in mourning for his Father, Eyas thought things couldn’t get any worse…… until he learned that his Father's political opponents had framed him as a conspirator to murder his own father. He now is banished from his homeworld, and would be executed without trial should he ever return.

Physical Description


  • Height: 6’6”
  • Weight: 250+ lbs
  • Hair Color: Blond
  • Length of Hair: Long, wavy
  • Eye Color: Black
  • Skin Tone: Pale
  • Birthmarks, Scars:
    • Large scar from knife wound on right thigh sustained whilst trying to arrest an assassin during a riot at Deep Space 17.
  • Build: Broad and muscular
  • Poses: Hands behind back when on duty. Off-duty.... hands behind back.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Blue or Grey trousers and tunics. Leather gloves. Long blue cloak (when outside).
  • Shoes: Black kneeboots.
  • Voice: Deep and quiet.
  • Handedness: Ambidextrous

Personality & Manner

  • Quarters: Deck 04
  • Mannerisms: If tense, squeezes one hand inside the other behind back.
  • Religion/Spiritual Devotion: None, in line with Pythron society's rejection of religion.
  • Theme Song/Tune: 'It's My Life' by Bon Jovi
  • Hobbies and Pastimes: Fond of computer games, physical and mental exercise.
  • Likes: Swimming in the sea (on Pythro V), gym, history of space travel. * Dislikes: Confined spaces.
  • Ambitions and Goals: To do his duty and live up to the goals of his parents.
  • Achievements in Life: Graduation in Pythron Military Academy, then Graduation from Starfleet Academy. Promoted to Lieutnenant aboard USS Independence-A.
  • Disappointments in Life: Having no siblings to help shoulder the burden of his family's expectations.
  • Temperament: Eyas is usually calm and doesn't panic when in danger. He is always eager to please his superiors and fiercely loyal to his family, friends and colleagues. He sometimes becomes frustrated if things he believes are wrong are not corrected. His greatest fears usually come from unseen dangers. Eyas would rather face twenty armed opponents in full view in front of him, than one hiding in the shadows.
  • Mental problems (complexes and phobias): Has suffered from depression and some psychological trauma from his experiences on the Wheeler and Bilire missions. Mild Claustrophobia. Finds it difficult to relax in large social groups and parties.
  • Physical Limitations: Strong and athletic, Eyas main limitation is fitting into jefferies tubes or other narrow spaces. He also needs to take a regular dose of antidote to control a parasite that is trying to de-code his DNA. He is banned from using the Transporter for a similar reason.


  • Ensign: DeepSpace17 riot.
  • LtJg: Mission to Wheeler Colony.
  • Lt: Mission to Bilire VI / Battle for Bajor
  • LtCmdr:
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant
  • Current Assignment: USS Independence-A
  • Duty Post: Chief of Security

Awards and Commendations



For decades, the Bardeezan people had suffered constant raids from their more powerful neighbours, the Dorfmen of Byzatium, with many Bardeezans being taken as slave or ‘Hotch’ labour to work for the Dorfmen. Consequently, the Bardeezan rulers appealed to the Federation and other neighbouring systems for help fighting off Dorfmen piracy. However, matter were complicated politically as the nominal Dorfmen government on Byzatium was also allied to the Federation, and blamed the slave trade on rogues, brigands and privateers. The main assistance given to the Bardeezans came from the powerful Pythrons who sent equipment, supplies and instructors to boost the Bardeezans' defences. This made Bardeez a firm ally of Pythro V, but some suspected that the Pythrons were more interested in extending their own influence in the region rather than from any altruism towards the Bardeezans. Events came to a head after the assassination of a leading General of the Pythron High Command was traced back to Byzallian Dorfmen terrorists. This precipitated a large expeditionary force being sent from Pythro V to link up with the Bardeezans, leading to the Bardeezan War of 2388. What none of the participants on the ground realised was that the whole conflict was being orchestrated from on high by individuals who wanted to manipulate the events to serve their own evil purposes.


Handley Page was once a gifted young science Lieutenant in Star Fleet and was poised to be promoted to LtCommander aboard the USS Valiant, but during a routine mission, a mistake occurred whilst the ship was maneuvering that resulted in a shuttlecraft getting crushed, its pilot dying as well as the Valiant sustaining severe damage. This event was only referred to as the 'Docking Incident' in the ship’s log. Page and a more senior officer, his friend Commander Nathaniel Cyrus, were the only crew on duty. Cyrus was at fault for the tragedy, but being close friends, Page agreed to take the blame for his friend who's career promised so much more than Page's at that point. Cyrus promised to restore Page to his role as soon as he was in a position to do so. Sadly, Cyrus (later to rise to the rank of Commodore before being forced to retire due to further scandals) never spoke to Page again after the court martial and left him to fend for himself. Handley Page was demoted to Crewman and sent to work on the freighter Halifax. Page's marriage also ended at this point.

As the most highly qualified member of the crew on the Halifax, Crewman Page soon began to get the measure of the nominal senior officers aboard. The SS Halifax frequented many of the less savoury parts of the galaxy, and was involved in many exciting and dangerous adventures. On the Halifax, Page befriended a number of the other crew, each with their own reasons for being shunned from their own Worlds. Pygus Leviath-Noir (known as LeNoir) was a disgraced former Pythron intelligence officer, who had been given a dishourable discharge for excessive violence during interrogations. He had escaped his jailers and become a freelance assassin and gangster. Lucinda Mountbatten de Havilland was the daughter of a rich Terran businessman with aristocratic pretentions. When her father disapproved of her career choice of smuggling ancient artifacts, she abandoned her home and ventured forth for a life of riches and adventure amongst the stars. The other significant person aboard the Halifax was Mons Vorndome, a shadowy figure of uncertain species but ostensibly Terran/Betazoid to the casual observer. Mons grew up in the rough bandit realms of Byzatium where he very quickly learned to look after himself on the streets, where gang culture was rife. Over time he had to make a choice between falling into a life of crime and smuggling, or making a career for himself on the right side of the law. He had a good mind in his head and a strong sense of adventure, and a life in the stars promised much more than a life at home. He was particularly interested in all things technological and scientific. All of them had though fallen on hard times, hence their service aboard the Halifax, Vorndome being promoted to Chief Engineer, with Page as his assistant.

Mons Vorndome (top)

Lucinda Mountbatten de Havilland (middle)

Pygus Leviath-Noir (LeNoir) (bottom)

After several years, the Halifax was on a routine delivery when it passed by an unstable worm-hole. Suddenly out of the vortex emerged a small ship, closely pursued by a massive vessel. The Halifax had to take evasive actions to avoid getting crashed into. The small vessel was struck by torpedo and phaser fire from the giant, and began to explode. Just before it exploded, its crew beamed aboard the Halifax. To the shock of Page and his comrades, the evacuees were all Borg drones! A sudden fire-fight erupted as the Halifax crew fought to save themselves from being assimilated. Whilst Handley Page protected his girlfriend Lucinda and tried to contact anyone for help, LeNoir and Vorndome went on the offensive against the Borgs. The gun battle raged, but being only a freighter with a relatively small crew, the Halifaxers were beginning to fail. Several members of the crew had already succumbed to the Borg, and were turning on their former comrades. Just as all seemed lost, a group of aliens materialised from the larger ship. These aliens resembled tall slim grey bipeds, not unlike the classic alien vision from early 21st century Earth’s popular culture. These aliens rapidly overpowered the Borg drones, in some cases physically tearing them limb from limb. Handley Page and his friends, bruised and bloodied, welcomed their saviours. The Grey Aliens looked at the motley crew through flashing blue eyes. Vorndome went forward and reached up a hand, seemingly hypnotised by what he saw. Then the whole scene went bright white.

The crew of the Halifax awoke, according to their log, about three days later. The ship was adrift and the aliens had gone. The Halifax had, however, been massively upgraded with a whole variety of technology none of the Halifax’s crew had ever encountered. Handley Page, who had a natural interest and flare for gadgetry, was fascinated and looked into what all the new equipment could do. With many of their officers now dead or assimilated, Mons Vorndome as Chief Engineer was the ranking crewmember left, and calmly took command. He seemed even more distant than before, but the others thought nothing much of it, just grateful to be alive. The Halifax continued on its original mission, but it soon became apparent that Vorndome was hiding something from his crewmates. After some forceful persuasion, he showed them the treasure trove in the Halifax’s reserve hull. The Borg drones were still there, but dissected and experimented upon. The aliens had given Vorndome the ability to understand and control these Borg drones, and replicate their technology and adapt it to his own needs. It was also clear to Handley Page that Vorndome was becoming mentally unbalanced, or at the very least an aspiring tyrant. Before they could stop him, Vorndome turned on them and ran a mindscrape programme. This inducted them into his new scheme, a galactic-wide conspiracy built upon this acquired technology – all to serve Vorndome’s ultimate objective – his own technological empire, the Mechanicus Imperialis, with him as the Supreme Master of Engineers!

With Page, de Havilland and LeNoir as grudging acolytes, Vorndome turned the Halifax into his own personal star yacht for raids and adventures to build up his legion of underworld machinations. He also instructed Page to return to Star Fleet to glean more information on their new technological developments, Lucy de Havilland would use her network contacts to raise funds – Vorndome supplying her with a gleaming shuttle – the Solar Gorgon to aide her in her task; whilst LeNoir returned to his homeworld Pythro V to work as a *freelance* mercenary for the war-like leader of the planet’s main opposition party, Marshal Karinus K’Raz, who Vorndome was also cultivating as a potential powerful ally.

Although he had been fully initiated into Vorndome’s scheme, Handley Page retained a degree of free will, and once he was free of Vorndome’s direct malevolent influence, he reverted to his normal affable old self, although he was somehow unable to fully escape Vorndome’s reach. Both Page and de Havilland resumed their relationship, and tried to put past ills behind them, but at numerous times Vorndome or the now fiercely loyal LeNoir tracked them down. Eventually Handley Page made his way back to the rank of Ensign, and returned to front-line duties aboard the USS Independence-A but by now he had lost any enthusiasm for climbing the career ladder in Star Fleet. As a hang-over from his mission decreed by Vorndome, Page still enjoyed getting his hands dirty building, dismantling and fixing a wide variety of machinery and technological devices. He also often acted as an avuncular figure to some of the younger crew around him in engineering, especially the promising Crewman Rick Rawden, being a much more approachable figure than Chief Engineer Darius Clack. Although Page respected Clack's great abilities as an engineer, the two men did not get on well and they tried to keep their conversations to the minimum. Page also was keenly aware that there was much more to Darius Clack than initially met the eye. Page was intrigued that Clack would be a good potential opponent for Vorndome. Page’s main objective was however for a quiet life. And so Page’s career bumbled along on the Independence, where he actually performed good deeds during the Wheeler mission (2387-2388), but during the following shore leave, Page was reunited with de Havilland for the first time in many months. What neither of them knew was that the rendezvous had been orchestrated by Vorndome as he needed to reawaken them as a sleeper cell.

His Excellency Vorndome had LeNoir corner Handley and Lucinda on their leave on DeepSpace17, and use a new mindscrape to revert them to their original mission. He even implanted the *thought* process into Handley so that he would forget all about the real Vorndome, and believe that he himself was the Master of Engineers. To add to this means of setting Page up as the unwitting fall guy, Vorndome also let Page believe that as the Master of Engineers, he had himself set in train a revenge attack on Nathaniel Cyrus for the betrayal of the Docking Incident. LeNoir was ordered by Vorndome to act along that Page was the real Master, and to follow his orders as if they were his own.

By this time, Vorndome had vastly expanded his operations, and now truly was his 'Excellency, Master of the Mechanicus Imperialis.'

For the rest of his adult life Mons Vorndome was the curse and pest of the Quadrant. No worse enemy of freedom has ever appeared in the trappings of polite civilisation. Insatiable appetite for power, cold calculating ruthlessness and monumental greed for riches all presented themselves armed with fire, phaser and sword. The veneer of culture and good manners, of brilliant ceremonies and elaborate etiquette, only added a heightening effect to the villainy of his life's story. Better the barbarian conquerors of antiquity, primordial figures of the abyss, than this quiet, machiavellian creature, strutting amid the bows and scrapes of servitors and assassins to the torment of his age. Cruel and duplicitous, excelling in his lust for power, this Master of Engineers disturbed and harried the Galaxy with the lights of perverted science through decades of arrogant pomp.

Vorndome instructed LeNoir to hire some jobbing Dorfmen mercenaries: Zamak Kalble and Svorna Destave from Byzatium to assassinate a leading Pythron General, Clovis Wulfantine (father of the USS Independence-A’s Security Chief Eyas Wulfantine). This they did, and as planned were identified by the Pythron intelligence services. This added fuel to the fire that was already burning between the Pythrons and Dorfmen of Byzatium. War was declared by the Pythron High Command to avenge General Wulfantine. This greatly assisted Marshal Karinus K’Raz in his hawkish bid to become the President of Pythro V, just as Vorndome had promised him.

Page rejoined the Independence crew and went on their mission to Bilire VI, and managed to get a place on the away team. There he was able to observe the biological warfare agent (the Wrath Plague) developed by the Romulan spies that was unleashed on the Romulan refugees and Star Fleet alike. Page’s own technological skills allowed him to develop bug blockers that prevented himself getting infected. LeNoir had another undercover agent on Bilire VI, a young Romulan woman called Cierva Moth. She was the unwitting host of a nano-bot device that was recording the data of the Plague as she became infected, allowing Vorndome to use this disease for his own ends.

An unexpected event on Bilire VI was a violent riot that broke out. Romulan rioters stormed the engineering camp and the hospital, and Handley Page only just managed to escape with his life – but not without being forced to kill several rioters in self-defence. His somewhat brutal actions were out of character, and were attributable to Vorndome’s influence.

Elsewhere on Bilire VI, the tall blond Pythron Leo Beaufytor and the bearded and squat Crewman Landinam Losifar were having their own problems with the Romulan rioters. Crewman Losifar was one of the few Bardeezans in Star Fleet. A race of hardy space pioneers, the Bardeezans were traders, pilots, couriers and even smugglers. They had a squat appearance and a tanned complexion, whilst their hearty manner makes them great drinking companions and trusted friends - so long as you don't cross them in business. Losifar joined the USS Independence-A shortly before their 2388 mission to the Romulan Refugee colony on Bilire VI. He joined one of the away teams, but was injured when rioters attacked him whilst he was surveying in the jungle. He was rescued by Leo who disabled several of the rioters and carried the injured Losifar away. ‘Leo’ was raised on the planet Pythro V in a close-knit but disciplined military family. Being the eldest of six, Leo was expected to be an example to his siblings on how to be a good warrior. Born just a year after a devastating alien attack upon Pythro, Leo’s early childhood lacked the normal comforts that later generations now enjoyed. Leo grew into a typical young Pythron male: tall, broad with long wavy blond hair (almost like a lion's mane to human eyes). He received his ceremonial armour at the age of 18 (as with Pythronic custom) which he wears proudly over his chest on ceremonial occasions. Leo was encouraged to join Star Fleet by his father’s friend, decorated war hero General Clovis Wulfantine. Leo went to the Star Fleet Academy, and graduated as a full Security / Tactical Ensign. However, instead of being posted to a ship, he decided to return to Pythro to serve as a military liaison between the Pythron Armed Forces and the Federation Embassy in the capital city of Bantok. He was also promoted to the rank of Captain in the Pythron Guards (equivalent of Lieutenant JG in Star Fleet), and was also made adjutant to General Wulfantine.

Leo served his patron faithfully, but secretly longed for adventure away from his home planet. The chance finally presented itself when General Wulfantine sent Leo to rendezvous with his son Eyas Wulfantine, who was serving as Chief of Security aboard the USS Independence-A. General Wulfantine was concerned that Eyas was struggling in his career in Star Fleet, and wanted the older and probably wiser Leo to keep a brotherly watch over him. However, whilst Leo was en route to meet Eyas at the colony of Bilire VI, news came through from Pythro that General Clovis Wulfantine had been assassinated by Byzallian terrorists, prompting a ratcheting up of tensions between the Pythrons and the Byzallians leading to the Bardeezan War of 2388 (see below).

Leo was sad and angered about the death of his commanding officer, but was even more concerned about the effect it would have upon Eyas. Leo tried to find Eyas on Bilire VI, but was caught up in a riot by the local Romulan refugees before he could find his friend. Leo received a bad injury to his knee, but survived the riot and both he and Losifar were rescued by the Independence.

In the meantime, Page had been rescued by de Havilland and LeNoir, who were aboard the Solar Gorgon in orbit. Once Page was confronted by LeNoir again, he reverted to his false memory that he was in fact the ruler of the Mechanicus Imperialis, a view that both de Havilland and LeNoir also now believed. They did manage to relay their findings back to Vorndome’s central databank, but were beamed aboard the nearby Independence before they could escape.

Page, de Havilland, LeNoir and two other crew (Zamak Kalble, the surviving Dorfmen assassin of Wulfantine, and his Bardeezan slavegirl Namonih Fairhug), were interred in the Independence’s Brig, where they were cross-examined. Page got a grilling from both Captain Sidney Riley and Chief Engineer Darius Clack. His somewhat confrontational approach to his commanding officers scuppered any chance of clemency for his actions on Bilire VI, and he was confined to the brig pending transfer to DeepSpace17 and a court martial. As the enormity of his actions began to dawn on his clearing mind, Page realised that things had not turned out as he had planned. Vorndome had gained all he wanted, and was now clinking champagne glasses with Marshal K’Raz aboard the Pythron flag ship. Page’s future looked bleak with a probable life sentence for the murder of the Romulan rioters, and dereliction of duty. It was no use him trying to confess the true nature of Vorndome’s scheme to anyone, as an artificial intelligent cerebral implant in his head (put there by Vorndome) would trigger a massive hemorrhage, killing him instantly the moment he spoke the truth. Meanwhile, Leo Beaufytor had finally got to talk to Eyas and give him the bad news of not only Clovis’ death, but also that Eyas had been framed as a conspirator to the murder. Leo left Eyas aboard the Independence, and went ‘ashore’ to Deep Space 17 to await transport back to Pythro V, where he hoped to argue for clemency for Eyas. Losifar had also returned safely to the Deep Space 17 where he was reunited with his Mother, none other than the newly released Namonih Fairhug. Being given leave of absence to spend time reunited with his Mother, Losifar planned to travel from Deep Space 17 to his homeworld. The evil LeNoir, however, was also released without charge, and returned to his murderous ways at the side of Vorndome. One of his first acts was to kill Zamak Kalble to keep him silent.

LeNoir then also attacked and kidnapped Beaufytor, Losifar and Fairhug (with the assistance of another mystery assassin). Beaufytor and Losifar both awoke in the detention cells of LeNoir’s shuttle, where the renegade proceeded to torture Beaufytor for information whilst the shuttle travelled to join the Pythron Fleet in orbit around Bardeez. Beaufytor was further interogated by both Pythron agents and then the mysterious by Mons Vorndome in person; and then taken to the Courts of Pythro were he faced trial and likely execution for treason (for failing to arrest Eyas Wulfantine). The punishment for traitors was called the "Penance to the Winged Spirit". This barbaric ritual, not unlike the "Blood Eagle" of ancient Earth, involved breaking open the backbone and rib cage, drawing them and the lungs out to form wings behind the accused whilst they still lived. Beaufytor was prepared for his fate, but a chance encounter with a mysterious young Bajoran woman, Scania Calderen, allowed him to escape. Although injured, he managed to escape aboard a stolen shuttle and flee the dangers of his former homeworld. He returned to Federation space, and after a brief stop-over at Deep Space 17 he travelled to the Star Fleet HQ to begin re-training to join Star Fleet full time.

They were met en route by Lieutenant Sedrin 'Spitfire' Belasi. This Deltan Pilot grew up in Cerusa, the capital city on Delta IV . He was a childhood friend, and boyfriend (briefly) of Lieutenant JG Alahndra Nevarass but believed official reports that she had died alongside her family in a house fire. Years later, having achieved the rank of LtJG on Deep Space 17 as a pilot, Sedrin was briefly reunited with Alahndra during a mutual friend's wedding reception. He was soon transfered to the USS Independence-A where he underwent training to join the new Air Group, where his chosen call sign was 'Spitfire'. He was very distraught when Nevarass left the Independence to parts unknown and so Sedrin took some time off his duties to try and find her.

After taking his leave of absence from the USS Independence-A, Sedrin travelled the local sector where he eventually met Leo Beaufytor and his erstwhile rescuer, Scania Calderen in their stolen shuttle. He recognised Leo from the brief period when they had both served together on the Independence. Sedrin decided to accompany them back to Star Fleet HQ, where he hoped he would find information about Alahndra's current whereabouts.

The Prelude To Total War

Meanwhile, the Bardeezan War was beginning to escalate. In the early days of the war, the main focus was a build up of military hardware on Bardeez. The Pythrons' "Army of Observation" was upgraded to become an "Army of Execution". Their total forces now numbered nearly a million troops, with all the vehicles and equipment necessary to not only protect the Bardeezans from further raids, but also become the spearhead for a full scale invasion of Byzatium itself...

Before this could be undertaken, it was imperative to send covert agents to the surface of Byzatium and undermine their defences. An added complication was that the Byzallians themselves were not one race, but essentially three. The humanoid Dorfmen (who were the main focus of the Bardeezan-Pythron vengeance); the shadowy Omunics, famed and feared in the region for their warped genetic experiments; and the Gnaij - highly intelligent 'jelly-like' energy creatures. How the latter two would react to an assault upon the Dorfmen was not clear to any of the combatants, and so had to be investigated first.

"When the lights all grow dim, the dark shadows creep!"

NPC Listing    ·    Independence-A Senior Staff    ·    Crew History
CO: Flt.Capt. Sidney Riley · FO: Lt.Cmdr. Darius Clack
HCO: Ens. Isaac David Hertz · CCO: Ens. Alexander Richards
CEO: Lt. JG Lluneh Walker · R&D: Lt.Cmdr. Ethan Brice
COS: Lt. Eyas W'tine · SEC: Lt. Jade Shryker
CTO: Lt.Cmdr. Danny Wilde · TAC: Ens. Scarlet Delores
CSO: Lt. Tyriden · ACSO: Lt. Galon Sudra
CMO: Lt.Cmdr. Charles Sampi · CNS: Ens. Zinna
MO: Ens. Leah St. James · Ens. Velana
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