Lukin Zorkal

Revision as of 03:59, 8 September 2024 by Alora DeVeau (talk | contribs) (fixed the quote)

Lukin Zorkal is a Cardassian aboard Denali Station.

Cardassiansigsm.png Lukin Zorkal Cardassiansigsm.png
Denali Station

Zorkal: Guilty until proven innocent.

Ivanova: Maybe on Cardassia, but not here.

Zorkal: In truth, everywhere. Even your justice system not only looks for reasons a person is innocent, but pounds in evidence as to why one is guilty. In my experience, if one even has enough evidence to bring them to trial, then they are guilty - unless, of course proven otherwise.

- Lidia and Lukin on the USS Garuda after Rahman was transported as a prisoner.

Cardassiansigsm.png Statistics Cardassiansigsm.png
Fullname Lukin Zorkal
D.O.B. 234902.02
Birthplace Cardassia
Occupation TBD
Rank Dalin
Height 1.83 m (6')
Gender Male
Eyes Silvery Gray
Hair Black
Fluent Lang. Cardassian, Klingon, Romulan, Standard
Hobbies Reading, Whittling
Cardassiansigsm.png Appearance Cardassiansigsm.png

Tall and physically fit, with broad shoulders and chest, Lukin sports a square jaw with thin lips and rounded nose. It is his eyes that are particularly striking - clear, crystalline, almost silver grey - they miss little around them. Long fingers are dextrous and he moves with a calm assurance.

Cardassiansigsm.png Personality Cardassiansigsm.png

Lukin has always been a confident person, even as a child. When he struggles with something, he refuses to give in, trying over and over again until he succeeds. Failure is not an option. He can be snarky and cynical, but little known to anyone besides those who are truly close to him, he cares greatly for his people and - strangely enough - others. At least, those whom he considers at least friendly acquaintances. He is a Cardassian who, though at first was doubtful, wants to see the good relations with Starfleet continue, seeing it as ultimately beneficial for his people, and will do what he can to protect that relationship.

Cardassiansigsm.png History Cardassiansigsm.png
Cardassiansigsm.png Connections Cardassiansigsm.png

NPC Listing   ·   Denali Station Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Kali Nicholotti
Chief Engineer.
Jackson Tanner Ensign.png
Eng. Ofc.
Jackson Tanner
Ops Ofc.
Kenzie West
Sec. Ofc.
Alexander Williams
Tholin ch'Clex.png
Tac. Ofc.
Tholin ch'Clex
Lieutenant Commander Tomas Falt.png
Tomas Falt
Elliot Rian Ensign.png
Elliot Rian
Alora deveau2.png
Chief Sci Ofc.
Alora DeVeau
Drex LtJG.png
Science Ofc.
Araxxu Vahin Ensign.png
Chief Med. Ofc.
Araxxu Vahin
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