Sevantha Saa

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Ensign Sevantha Saa is currently serving as a medical officer aboard the USS Astraeus.

USS Astraeus
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Sevantha Saa
Position Medical Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Betazoid
Gender Female
DOB 237402.20
Age 28
Birthplace Ohmallera, Betazed
Writer ID A240105SS2


  • Height: 5'2" (157 cm)
  • Hair: Blonde
  • Eyes: Black
  • T/E Rating: T4/E4


  • Parents: Tesslana Saa (Mother), Peirse Saa (Father)
  • Siblings: Velaan Saa (Brother - Deceased)
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None

Chronological History

  • Born in February of 2374, Sevantha was born on Betazed, in the city of Ohmallera, the Saa family worked in service to the Seventh House but not part of the noble class. She would be the second child of the coupling, her older brother, Velaan being five years her senior.
  • 2374 the Dominion launch an assault and occupy Betazed for four months.
  • At age 5, Sevantha’s empathy and empathic projection abilities would begin developing, which began to cause confusion early on in the childhood as she was unable to discern her own emotions from others. Her parents believed this meant she was bound to be a wonderful consoler in the future.
  • . Sevantha was enrolled in formal training to help develop her ability alongside of developing her emotional intelligence, like many Betazoids she develops an introverted and somewhat shy personality.
  • Tesslana has Sevantha join her brother in T’assaAkai study to help her learn to focus her mind before she enters proper schooling.
  • . Age seven she entered an alternative schooling with other children who developed their abilities young for specialized attention development. Here she met Romi Unaa, a child of a family in service to the Fourth House, and Atrios Taile, a non-house child who would become her best friends and both her first crushes.
  • In 2388, at age 13, Sevantha and her parents depart Ohmellera for a small vacation while her brother stays behind to complete his med-school application, he is amongst the casualties in the 1.2 Million along with her school mates. The collective grief of her parents, herself, and her community caused an emotional regression and brief issues in her developing telepathy.
  • The family would relocate to Medara where she would continue with more intensive focus and influences to help her gain better control of her talents, as well find a new purpose for her parents to hope for. Sevantha would be socially reclusive during the remainder of her schooling, working only with her mentors to curb her abilities.
  • . Sevantha would eventually recover, though she’d remain introverted, somewhat socially awkward and always trying to parse through the ‘noise’ of the world around her and not let her emotions inadvertently influence it.. She would take up her brother's path having felt like she lost her own, applying and pursuing a Pre-Medicine degree at the University of Betazed in Medara. Her specialty is biology.
  • Sevantha takes an extra year of courses for a minor in Genetics
  • At age 23, she would proactively apply to enter Starfleet Medical Academy to the surprise of her parents, Sevantha would never explain her decision and chose to attend the Academy on Terra to have exposure to more cultures than just her own, a place where not everyone was aware of her emotional turmoil or at time special needs.
  • At age 25, she would enter clinical rotations within the Medical Academy, her chosen electives of interest were further Neuroscience to understand her own mind's development and further Aerospace Medicine studies due to her desire to work on a ship.
  • Age 27 in 2401, Sevantha entered her final exam with several fellow Cadets

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Cadet 240105.20 Starfleet Academy
Ensign SD 240105.20 - Present USS Astraeus
Medical Officer

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons
Awards and Service Ribbons
Award Name Date/Assignment Citation
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 240105.20
Starfleet Academy
Awarded to those who have graduated from Starfleet Academy.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Astraeus Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Mission Specialst
C. Caldwell
HCO Officer
Dazra Kol
Chief of Operations
Esa Kiax
Tac/Sec Officer
Divya Tam
Chief Engineer
Wyatt Ral
Hana Wright
Senior Science Ofc.
Timothy Alentonis
Science Officer
Medical Officer
Alix Harford
Medical Officer
August Winslett
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