Hello! My name is Lynn and I currently write for Lieutenant JG Sevantha Saa, Assistant CMO of Mental Heath aboard the USS Octavia E Butler.
- Joined 118: May 2024
- Gender: Female
- Age: 35
- Occupation: Massage Therapist
- City of Residence: Austin, Texas
- OOC Rank: Lieutenant JG
- Hobbies/Interests: Roleplaying (written, voice, Tabletop), Writing, Dancing, Videogames, Reading, Drawing, Cinema, Theatre, Massage, Learning
The (Image) Collective
Commemorative Coins
Player Achievements
It's part of the job
I See Trees of Phlebotinum
Friend in need
I'm a Doctor, not a...
I heard that
It takes two
Subspace Communicator
Press F to Honor
USS Astraeus
USS Octavia E Butler