
Revision as of 01:40, 16 June 2019 by Beelam Grog (talk | contribs)

PNPC Ensign Chen is serving as a science officer aboard the USS Astraeus.

USS Astraeus
Position Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Vulcan
Gender Male
DOB 236103.02
Age 40
Birthplace Vulcan


  • Height: 6 foot 3 inch
  • Weight: 180lbs
  • Hair: Salt and pepper hair
  • Eyes: ?
  • Build: Square shoulders, sharp jawline



  • Mother: Isibéal Wilkins (Human)
  • Father: Everitt Wilkins (Human)
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None
  • Family nickname/academy nickname: ?

Chen was adopted as a baby by Isibéal and Everitt Wilkins both of whom are Terran's. In raising Chen they tried to keep as much of his Vulcan heritage as possible. They encouraged him in perusing an education, learning about Vulcan, Understanding and controlling his emotion as well as finding his own form of logic. His parents being Terran were very romantic with each other which carried over into Chen's life becoming his form or version of logic. It was logical to help others as they would then help you. He is always putting others before him. For Chen if it doesn't bring him health, happiness or love it is illogical.

"Another group that rejected Surak's philosophy was known as the "v'tosh ka'tur", or "Vulcans without logic". The v'tosh ka'tur believed in controlling emotions by allowing themselves to actively experience them rather than suppressing them." - Memory Alpha; Vulcan.

Theme Songs: When We Were Young - Adele,


USS Astraeus


Beelam Grog
Something more

Chen and Beelam Grog have an understanding of each other that seems to go behind words. They meet during their years at the academy, quickly becoming good friends. Chen was the perfect person to hold Bee's hand when she got upset. Chen had been their for Beelam when she was on Trill for medical leave. For Beelam and Chen dancing is how they show their love.

Notable Events

Personal Items

Professional History

Awards and Service Ribbons
Service Ribbon Name Date/Assignment Citation
Starfleet Academy Graduate Ribbon 239606.11
Starfleet Academy
Graduated from Starfleet Academy

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239606.11 - Present USS Astraeus
Science Officer

NPC Listing   ·   USS Astraeus Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
HCO Officer
C. Caldwell
Science Officer
Timothy Alentonis
Medical Officer
Alix Harford
Chief of Operations
Esa Kiax
Chief Tac/Sec
Charles Matthews
Tac/Sec Officer
Divya Tam
Tac/Sec Officer
Diego Beyett
Chief Engineer
Wyatt Ral
Hana Wright
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