Edwin Glasmaker

Revision as of 18:58, 20 March 2019 by Stennin (talk | contribs)

Chef Edwin Glasmaker is the Chef aboard the USS Montreal.

USS Montreal
Edwin Glasmaker
Position Chef
Rank Civilian
Species Terran
Gender Male
DOB 233510.21
Age 66
Birthplace Earth
Writer ID User:Stennin


  • Full Name: Edwin Thomas Glasmaker
  • Current Rank: Civilian
  • Race:: Terran
  • Date of Birth: 233710.21
  • Gender: Male
  • Handiness: Right-handed


  • Height: 1,85 metres
  • Weight: 90 kg
  • Hair: Bald
  • Eyes: Blue


Edwin Glasmaker was born in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, in 2337. He began work as a parttime cook when he was 16, working in the restaurant of his uncle Maarten. With replicator technology advancing through the 24th Century, Glasmaker saw his work as a professional cook move to the background in the Federation. Nevertheless, He pursued a carreer in cooking, and opened a professional restaurant in Amsterdam in 2367, simply called 'Old Cuisine'. He held the restaurant for nearly 30 years, before being noticed by Starfleet officers in 2395. He was offered a job aboard a Starfleet vessel to his choosing. He quickly choose the USS Montreal. He had met with several of the crew on the ship before, including Ensign Stennin, whom he had befriended and exchanged Vulcan recipes with. He was transferred to the Esperance in 2395 awaiting his transfer to the USS Montreal, and helped the catering service there. He gained a reputation for serving better food than most chefs onboard the stations.

In agreement with the Vulcan, and captain Mei'konda, he entered the USS Montreal in 2396. He has been cooking for the crew onboard, and has gained a liking by several of them for his talents, which they say 'replicators simply cannot reproduce'. This includes dishes that require a high level of knowledge of the ingredients, like most meats that Edwin uses. He also emphasises the use of spices and herbs.

He is well versed in several cuisines, but is specialised in:

  • French Haute Cuisine
  • Italian Cuisine
  • Dutch Keuken
  • Vulcan Af'tum

Service History

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
239504.01 - 239512.01 Star Station Esperance
239601.01 - Present USS Montreal

NPC Listing   ·   USS Montreal Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Chief Helms/Ops
Tiria Hamasaki
Mission Specialist
Riley Delar
Chief of Sec/Tac
Tal Tel-ar
Security Ofc.
Kawakame Shin
Chief of Science
German Galven
Science Ofc.
Chief Medical Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Sheila Bailey
Femi Cattan
Chief Engineer
Jacob Harkrow
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