Edward Kreeger

Revision as of 18:05, 6 January 2019 by CoryCodeRed (talk | contribs) (added link to Arnold Henny)

Chief Petty Officer
Jim Varney As Edward Kreeger.jpg


Full Name: Edward Kreeger
Current Posting: Medical Lab Technicians
Current Assignment: USS Montreal
Species: Iotian
Telepathic Status: T0/E0
Gender: Male
Age: 46
Height: 6’1"
Weight: 205 lbs
Build: General
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair Length: Short
Eye Color: Green
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Single

Norway beauty 005.jpg


Professional History

Kreeger studied and became accomplished in a variety of different sciences including bionics, electronics, neuroscience, chemistry, biotechnology, surgery, and robotics, but, despite this, never earned a formal degree of any kind which is sometimes evident in his conversations where people ask detailed or complex questions.

  • Since falsifying his credentials for his position in his own government Kreeger has gained great ability in performing the jobs he has been assigned with despite his lack of true education and training. He has also used his skills and positions to gain a real transfer to Starfleet, a path he chose in an obscure attempt to go "legit".

Kreeger currently serves and a Medical Lab Technician under the rank of Chief Petty Officer on the Starfleet vessel the USS Montreal. Since he has every intention in performing his duties at his fullest it is likely that he will be successful in this new position and his false past may still go uncovered.

Personal History

Kreeger was adopted at 5 and raised by a gangster in Okmyx Chicago until he was 15 when his pet dog killed the man he believed to be his father. During his youth, his name was Aknad Mergan. Kreeger learned of his adoption after going through his father belongings and decided to try and discover where he really came from. One day he slipped in among the thousands of tourists that visited his home city and eventually and very successfully he integrate himself into society on Port McCoy.

He falsified several documents and was never caught, included in these documents were his fake birth certificate and subsequent documents that falsified his birth, life, and schooling as well as re-naming himself Edward Kreeger. He also falsified his work record, diploma and transcript. With all his new documentation he was able to gain employment in a high ranking government research facility.

  • Though he has learned a great deal and is capable of a scary amount of accomplishment seemingly mostly from luck and even when he has little idea what he is doing, he has never found any clues to his true origins.

Kreeger has gained a deep and obscure drive and fascination with science in most of its forms and many of the experiments he has performed could be classified as questionable. With the government getting closer to discovering his true identity due to an investigation of the research facility he was employed by, Kreeger set into action and organized a transfer to a Starfleet vessel through legitimate channels and disposed of the majority of the evidence of his experiments and files. A personal accomplishment in this aim was that he was able to transfer to a vessel in a strange region of space known as the Shoals which would allow him to investigate some "pet projects" he hadn't been able to before.

  • Kreeger now serves on the USS Montreal as a Crewman 1st Class in the medical department.

Experiments and Projects

Full Article: Edward Kreeger/Science Experiments



  • Parents:
    • None
  • Siblings
    • None
  • Spouse
    • None
  • Children
    • None



Kreeger is an upbeat and joking kind of fellow. He often displays an almost childlike interest in new things and sense of humor. His professional interests are most likely born from his intense curiosity.

When it comes to his experiments and projects Kreeger has a fairly dubious moral character and agenda, pursuing obscure interests such as genetic and mechanical manipulation and other such projects, while trying to find alternative methods of pursuing his more questionable goals and interests.

  • Kreeger has no problems experimenting on intelligent beings, but he is more likely to clone one for use than to use someone against their will.
  • Since joining Starfleet Kreeger has been less active and daring in his experiments and projects.

In addition to his scientific research, Kreeger has some more harmless recreational interests.

  • He is an avid fan of Jazz music and is a fairly accomplished Bass player. He is also a fan of the Beatles, Johnny Cash, and Creedence Clearwater Revival.
  • He bowls and plays poker.
  • He enjoys tinkering with gadgets and enjoys making phaser modifications.
  • He also does stand up comedy alone in the holodeck.

Physical Description

  • Build
    • General
  • Height
    • 6'1"
  • Weight
    • 205 lbs

Habit's and Abilities




As a Youth

As an Adult

Notes, and Trivia

  • Edward Kreeger is designed to be a comedic use character.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Montreal Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Chief Helms/Ops
Tiria Hamasaki
Mission Specialist
Riley Delar
Chief of Sec/Tac
Tal Tel-ar
Security Ofc.
Kawakame Shin
Chief of Science
German Galven
Science Ofc.
Chief Medical Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Sheila Bailey
Femi Cattan
Chief Engineer
Jacob Harkrow
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