Domane Mint

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Domane Mint is a research & design researcher and specialist who is also an engineer for the Starfleet Corps of Engineers. They are a senior chief petty officer whose career has involved biomechanical engineering and artificial intelligence research. They are currently assigned as a research and design specialist aboard the USS Veritas.

USS Veritas
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Domane Mint
Position Research & Development
Rank Senior Chief Petty Officer
Species Human
Gender Agender (they/them pronouns)
DOB 236501.26
Age 37
Birthplace Colorado, Earth

Brief Biography

  • Full Name: Domane Elio Mint
  • Species: Human
  • Date of Birth: 26th January, 2365
  • Place of Birth: Colorado, Earth
  • Gender: Agender


  • Height: 1.70m (5'7'')
  • Weight: 63.5 kg (140 lbs).
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Length of Hair: Shaggy mid-short
  • Eye Colour: Green
  • Skin Tone: Nominally ruddy
  • Birthmarks, Scars: A large birthmark on the back of their head
  • Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
  • Build: Slight
  • Carriage: Often quick, otherwise dreamy
  • Taste in Clothing: Studiously unconcerned
  • Voice: High, certain
  • Handedness: Right


Domane spent about a year aboard the USS Drake, observing the android Pandora, and eventually transferred off that vessel for a SCE lab assignment on Starbase 118, where they developed a working model similar to Pandora's intelligence circuitry, which they then implemented in a succession of small, nonhumanoid 'bots. They requested and received assignment to the USS Mercury following the christening of Deep Space 10 and the discovery there of dormant and alien android and AI tech. Since 2389, they have served Starfleet in the Menthar Corridor.

Starfleet Service

Starfleet Promotion & Assignment History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
USS Drake
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Petty Officer Second Class 238706 - 238803 USS Drake
USS Drake
Biomechanical Engineer
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Petty Officer First Class 238803 - 238903 Biomechanical Engineer
Starbase 118 Operations
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Petty Officer First Class 238903 - 238908 Ops-icon.gif
Starbase 118
Android R&D
USS Mercury
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Petty Officer First Class 238908 - 239012 USS Mercury
USS Mercury
Artificial Intelligence R&D
USS Garuda
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Petty Officer First Class 239012 - 239105 USS Garuda
USS Garuda
General R&D
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Chief Petty Officer 239105 - 239206
USS Invicta
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Chief Petty Officer 239206 - 239412 USS Invicta
USS Invicta
General R&D
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Senior Chief Petty Officer 239501 - 239504
USS Veritas
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Chief Petty Officer 239504 - present USS Veritas
USS Veritas
General R&D

NPC Listing   ·   USS Veritas Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Roshanara Rahman
First Officer
Sky Blake
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Physician Assistant
Ikaia Wong
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Ship's Counselor
Katy Toliver
Science Officer
Zhanyt Lafizatar
Science Officer
2O/Chief Engineer
Wil Ukinix
Engineering Officer
Scotty Reade
Operations Officer
Hannibal Parker
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Chief of Security
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Security Officer
Lilith Thorne
Dipolmatic Corps
Jansen Orrey
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