Leland Bishop

Revision as of 05:04, 25 October 2014 by Leland Bishop (talk | contribs)
Leland Bishop
Diplomatic Attache
USS Victory

Species: Human (Terran)
Gender: Male
Born: 236809.11
Age: 33
Birth Place: Boston, Earth

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Ensign Leland Bishop is currently serving as a Diplomatic Attache aboard the USS Victory.


  • Full Name: Leland James Bishop
  • Race: Human (Terran)
  • DoB: 236809.11
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 70 kilos
  • Hair Color: Light Blonde
  • Length of Hair: Short, with longer bangs.
  • Eye Color: Right - Blue, Left - Brown
  • Skin Tone: White
  • Birthmarks, Scars: None
  • Serial Number: MM-999-943
  • Build: Very slim.
  • Face: Almost always serious, his eyes crinkle a bit when he's being sarcastic.
  • Mouth: Wide and expressive.
  • Arms: Very graceful arms and hands, though he rarely shows much on his face, he talks with his hands a great deal.
  • Carriage: Ramrod straight.
  • Poses (Hands/Gestures, Feet/Legs, Torso/Head):
    • hands always moving
    • taps foot when impatient
    • tilts head back and closes eyes when exasperated or deep in thought. Difficult to tell which.
  • Taste in Clothing (when off duty): Conservative but form fitting clothes. Usually in blacks, whites , and grays.
  • Shoes (When Off Duty): Usually boots
  • Handedness: Right
  • Telepathic Status: None. In fact distrusts most telepaths and empaths, thinks of telepathy as a "crutch."


  • 236809.11 - Leland Bishop born in Boston, Mass. Earth to Randall Thomas Bishop and Abigail Rose Taylor-Bishop.
  • 237002.13 – Leland moves off-world to Ceres IIIX (known as “Lookout”), a Class M mining planet near the borders of Klingon Space. His father is assigned as a diplomatic liaison with the Klingon Empire to facilitate trade negotiations.
  • 237310.01 – An unidentified group of Klingon pirates attacks the Lookout colony. Investigations after the fact reveal no links to any formalized military action by the Klingon High Council. The incident is written off as an “unsanctioned and regrettable act of hostility by insurgents” by the High Council. UFP response results in some trade minor trade sanctions that last into the next year. Both Leland's parents are killed in the attack.
  • 237402.03 – Leland moves back to Earth to stay with his Aunt and her husband in Brooklyn, NY. The family already has three children and is on the lower end of the economic scale. Leland devotes himself to his studies in an effort to better himself and live up to his parents hopes for him.
  • 238105.16 – Leland befriends Jon Cumar, a local boy one year younger than himself. Cumar begins to develop a strong “hero worship” of Leland.
  • 238710.06 – Leland gains acceptance to Starfleet Academy after pursuing preliminary studies in Inter-Species relations and Xeno-Diplomacy.
  • 239110.21 - Leland graduates with honors, second in his class behind T'Var Helling. After spending two weeks on Duronis II, He transferrs to the USS Victory as Diplomatic Attache.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239110.22 - Present USS Victory Diplomatic Attache

OOC Story Hooks and RP Notes

This is an OOC setion provided for anyone who is interested in Simming with Leland and looking for a way to incorporate him into your writing. A quick note: Leland is prickly and more than a little arrogant - His writer is not! I'm happy to write with anyone, anywhere, anytime. But do be aware that Leland is a challenging person to get to know and tends to challenge others he interacts with. Please do take a chance on him! He's worth it !

Story Hooks:

  • "A Diplomatic Solution": This is the most obvious way to run into Leland, of course. He is a diplomat after all... Things to note: Leland takes a very hard line during most negotiations preferring a "peace through strength" approach. This could make him useful if you want a foil for another, more peaceful viewpoint.
  • "Tough Love": If you need someone to tell you some hard truths about your character, Leland is very insightful and tends to shoot very straight about things if he can (i.e: Outside of diplomatic duties).
  • "Drinking Buddy": The stresses of his duty posting and past childhood demons tend to lead Leland to the crew lounge quite often for a drink. He's often sitting alone reading if anyone is interested in conversation.
  • "The Man You Love To Hate": If your character needs a rival or just someone who generally annoys them, Leland can serve that function. PLEASE NOTE: I don't want this to be ALL Leland means to the ship, so use this option sparingly please... That being said Leland has a great distrust of any alien species with a more militaristic bent (Klingons, Andorians, etc.) so if you need someone to bicker with, he's your man.
  • "The Chewy Nougat Center": Maybe you like a challenge? At the end of the day Leland is not a bad guy. His snarkiness and general arrogance are more a product of his past than anything else. My goal is to see him grow. If you don't mind chiseling away at him for a bit, he could develop into a surprisingly good friend or romantic interest.
  • "The Bishop Sessions": Are you a Med Officer or Ship's Counselor? Leland provides a wealth of psychological issues for you to play with! Leland is also NOT one of those officers who "hates counselors and doctors" (a common trope for some reason), he kind of likes sitting down and messing with them if he can.

More to come as I think of things!

Awards & Service Ribbons

For award descriptions, see: Awards and Service Ribbons


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