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Reman | |
Four Letter Code | RMAN |
Federation Status | Neutral |
Planet of Origin | Remus |
Encountered | The Dominion War |
T/E Rating | T0/E0 |
Current Tech Level | NR |
List of Named Remans | |
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- "We will no longer bow before anyone as slaves. Not the Romulans and not your mighty Federation. We... are a race bred for war, and conquest."
- - Praetor Shinzon, 2379
- a Reman statement.
- The Reman are a mutated sub-species that evolved on the hostile planet of Remus. Just like the Chalchaj'qmey, Dabh'aelisu (Also called the Dark), Debrune, Garidian, Rekarian and the Watraii they are considered to be a sub-species of the Romulans who are themselves considered to be a sub-species of the Vulcans.
Home System
- Quadrant: Beta
- Location: Tarod Sector (also called Sector 030) (coordinates B27-0002-1300)
- Proper Name: Remanii
- Star: Orbits a class M (Red) star
- Distance from Star: Orbit is approximately 49 million km
- Companions: destroyed
- Moons: destroyed
Home World
- Proper Name: Remus
- Diameter: destroyed
- Gravity: destroyed
- Axial Tilt: destroyed
- Orbital Period: destroyed
- Rotational Period: destroyed
- Classification: M destroyed
- Surface Water: destroyed
- Atmosphere: destroyed
- Climate: destroyed
- Terrain: destroyed
- Population: Just over 850 million scattered over a number of colonies and outposts.
The history of the Reman species can be traced to the Vulcans during the time of the Sundering when several starships left the planet in order to continue their way of life elsewhere. These ships discovered the twin worlds of Romulus and Remus; at the time of the Arrival, the First chose their own worlds for their own reasons thus Romulus was settled where homes were built, plants were seeded and the people lived a free life.
However, in order to continue their civilization, a lot of resources were required. Thus, it was decided that Remus itself needed to be settled as it possessed a wealth in riches and resources that were needed to fuel the creation of a new society. To set an example, Karatek of the Shavokh decided that his ship-clan would develop a settlement on the hostile world of Remus. Those amongst the First that settled on Remus consisted of miners and engineers who believed that their labor would be rewarded with a life on Romulus with the rest of their kind. Even before their work began, Karatek and his people were betrayed and left in exile on Remus where they worked essentially as slaves. It was during this time that the Remans were born.
In the first few years, the colonization project of the world was difficult as transport ships moved between Remus and Romulus in small but limited manner. Travel time took weeks and life support requirements also diminished due to the need for ore that returned to Romulus. As a result, the First of Remus found that they could not return to Romulus as frequently as they had hoped and thus began to form families on this world whereupon the Divide began.
The genetic father of the Reman species is Refas while T'Orlyn would be their mother. Their DNA had become altered by the extremophiles that lived on Remus which made them perfectly suited to survive on the hostile planet. The first of the 'prototype' Remans was Rovalat who was the genetic son of T'Orlyn and Refas. He would be the protector and the eldest of the new species which developed a fierce hatred of the early Romulans for what they did to their ancestors. At first, this mutated Vulcan species would remain hidden and make covert strikes against their oppressors which would be done so through collapsing caves that were made in order to kill the guards and to ensure that no exiled Vulcan was harmed.
Whilst the ancient records on Romulus had been purged, the oral traditions of the new Remans told of later events. Two or three generations following the Arrival, a war erupted between Romulus and Remus. The two Vulcan splinter races fought a savage war but those that became known as Romulans ultimately controlled the space lanes. As a result they were able to stop the delivery of food to the Remans resulting in them being forced to surrender or starve.
This war lasted for little more than a year with the Romulans emerging as the conquerors and the Remans becoming the conquered. Thus, began the relationship of master and slave with the Remans becoming a second class people who had formed an uneasy partnership with their tyrannical rulers. In later years, the government of Romulus began to suppress any mention of these events which were largely forgotten except for a select few in later generations. It was known that there were multiple times where a Reman rose amongst the oppressed classes in an attempt to overthrow their Romulan rulers though all these failed.
Shinzon of Remus
In the late 2370s, the Remans came under the leadership of a Human clone named Shinzon; Shinzon had been created as a clone of Federation Starfleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard of Earth to infiltrate the Federation in Picard's place, but had been condemned to live amongst the Remans early in life.
Shinzon and his regiment of Reman shock troops fought in the Dominion War.
Shinzon's tactical brilliance allowed him and his Reman brethren to rise to prominence within the Imperial Fleet, so much so that the Star Empire's ability to control them was questioned, with many in the Romulan government believing them to now be a private army.
These fears proved well-founded; after winning the support of key members of the Senate and Imperial Fleet, Shinzon had the Senate and Praetor assassinated and assumed power. Shinzon intended to bring revenge upon the Romulans for his and the Remans' suffering, but died before this could be accomplished.
Klingon-Reman Protectorate
The Klingon-Reman Protectorate was a region of space that was under a protectorate status by the Klingon Empire. This consisted of Reman territory namely Remus itself and Ehrie'fvil on Romulus. The protectorate came into existence after Shinzon of Remus's death and during the Reman uprising which was being led by Colonel Xiomek.
Rather than see an all-out war breaking out between the Romulans and their former slaves, Captain William T. Riker of the USS Titan managed to convince the Reman allies, the Klingons, to serve as their protecters.
This act brought about the creation of the Klingon-Reman Protectorate and was administered by newly promoted governor Khegh. The creation of the protectorate infuriated the Romulans who saw it as a beach head for the Klingons into the heart of the Romulan Star Empire but were forced to accept the terms of the agreement due to internal political problems.
Following the death of Shinzon and the failure of the experiment that was the Klingon-Reman Protectorate a number of different factions within the Romulan government and within what remained of the Reman government negotiated various peaceful solutions.
Due to the chaotic nature of the times and the numerous different political factions struggling for dominance with in both species governments a number of different solutions were agreed upon. The two largest and most successful of these were named the Destiny Project and the Crateris Proposal.
Destiny Project
In December of 2379, the Remans had come under the leadership of a Reman colonel named Xiomek; in the midst of Federation-mediated power-sharing negotiations between several Romulan factions, Xiomek's forces sought to attack Romulus. Using numerous abandoned starships, some of which were centuries old, the Remans gathered a fleet and launched an orbital battle.
The battle was ended when Federation Starfleet Captain William T. Riker of Earth, commanding officer of the USS Titan, negotiated a treaty whereby Remus and all Remans were made protectorates of the Klingon Empire. Under the treaty, ships from the Klingon Defense Force were stationed throughout Romulan space, and the Remans were granted the right to settle on a continent on Romulus called Ehrie'fvil.
Unfortunately, however, this plan proved a failure. Numerous firefights between Romulan forces and between Klingon and Reman forces hampered the Empire's ability to protect the Remans, and a great many hate crimes were committed in Ehrie'fvil, including the vicious murders of numerous Remans.
Federation President Nanietta Bacco's administration later developed an alternate agreement whereby all Remans were voluntarily transported out of Romulan space and re-settled on an uninhabited Klingon planet called Klorgat IV. In the midst of resettlement, rogue Romulan Admiral Lhian Mendak, commanding officer of the IRW Rhliailu and several other ships, decloaked and pulverized a Klorgat moon. The Reman settlement was on the other side of the planet at the time; nonetheless, the destruction of the moon would significantly damage the planet's environment. The fact remained, however, that Klorgat was still much more hospitable than Remus.
Crateris Proposal
By the year 2385, after the Imperial Romulan State merged back into the Romulan Star Empire, the former Empress Donatra began negotiations with Colonel Xiomek of the Remans. The Remans had never left the Romii system at this point. After arriving at Remus, she offered the Colonel full citizenship for him and the rest of his race as well as representation in the Romulan Senate in exchange for their support. Though Proconsul Sela was opposed to this plan, Praetor Chulan does not stand up against Donatra or her military might.
The addition of new resources ends the deprivation many worlds of the Romulan Star Empire was facing during the initial split of the Imperial Romulan State. However, the Romulan Senate was reluctant to accept the Remans but was swayed by popular support for Donatra and gives Colonel Xiomek a take on the Senate with citizenship awarded to all Remans. However, in practice, most Romulans continue to treat Remans as second class citizens and the Remans themselves are reluctant to openly move to Romulan settlements.
In 2386, Ambassador Spock and the Romulan Mining Guild conclude that Remus has been extensively overmined and that continued mining might result in a similar incident that befell the Klingon moon of Praxis. The Mining Guild proposed to the Senate that they move all mining operations off Remus and also recommended that they be put in charge of such operations.
However, the latter proposal was blocked by Xiomek which resulted in numerous skirmishes throughout the Star Empire between Remans and Romulan miners. In addition, Xiomek also placed a further motion that if Remus was going to be abandoned then the Remans should be given a place to live on a continent on Romulus.
Instead, a counter proposal was offered that the Remans colonize the failed Romulan colony world of Crateris in the Gamma Crateris system. It was a harsh planet filled with electrical storms but rich in Dilithium, Decalithium and other such valuable resources. Though a hostile world to live on, the Remans accept the offer and see it as a better place to live on than Remus. After which, Remans begin boarding colony ships to settle on their new homeworld, Crateris.
Prelude to Disaster
A fleet of Reman ships captured and boarded Nero's mining ship the Narada while it was mining decalithium in the Kimben System at the farthest edge of the Romulan Empire in 2387. The Remans were planning on executing Nero's crew as well as Ambassador Spock, who was on board, before the ship was rescued by the USS Enterprise-E and Captain Data.
Hobus Disaster
With the destruction of the Hobus star and the loss of both Romulus and Remus a new era of chaos erupted and threatened to destroy the Romulan Star Empire from within. Civil war and the resurgence of Reman hopes clashed. Hundreds of war ships engaged in pointless conflicts. Colonies, planets and facilities were damaged, attacked and some were destroyed.
Out of this confusion a sort of peace was eventually achieved. The Reman colony on Crateris escaped being damaged during the conflict; however most of their fleet was destroyed defending the planet from attack. Those Remans who had settled on Klorgat IV just within the borders of the Klingon Empire escaped the conflict completely.
There were many other colonies or outposts that were scattered all over the Romulan Empire. Some survived untouched, others were attacked and some were destroyed. Eventually peace was achieved and a sort of understanding was negotiated between the various factions fighting.
For the Remans this meant a neutral understanding. Some colonies sought to remain part of the Empire. Others to be independent, some are allied with the Romulans while others seek to maintain a polite and respectful distance from their old masters.
They copied the government style used by the Romulans and when in 2379 they managed to overthrow the Romulan government it one of their own who became the new Praetor of the Romulan Star Empire.
After the destruction of the Hobus star any cohesiveness they had as a people and a political force was lost. Now each colony, outpost or group controls their own destiny. Some have a government, others are controlled by the strength of their leaders.
A nocturnal race, the Remans shun light, and are characterized by their imposing heights, grey skin, large ears, keen eyesight in the dark, and the possession of telepathic abilities. As of the late 24th Century, it was commonly believed by the people of the Federation that the Remans were a mutated offshoot of the Romulans.
The Reman language was the primary language form of communication used by the Reman civilization. In written form, the language was very complex, with verb roots being represented by a series of pictographs.
In Reman, the name "shinzon" was considered to be synonymous with "twilight" and "liberator". Other sources seem to indicate that the name Shinzon is more of a title than a name as the Remans identify themselves with their title.
While they were originally Vulcans/Romulans their genetic DNA has been radically altered in such a way that they are now a distinct sub-species. While many of the basic physiological aspects have not been altered very much some have. The largest change has been to their hormones, chemical and enzyme makeup.
Some Remans, if not all, possess telepathic abilities similar to those shown by Vulcans and Betazoids. In other regards they seem to be stronger willed than either the Vulcans or Romulans.
It was known that similar to the Romulans, the Remans possessed the Vulcan genes for telepathy within their DNA. Unlike their Romulan brothers, however, the Remans have demonstrated telepathic abilities which can dull the sense of pain among those suffering from disease and allows them to invade the minds of others.
The Remans were descended from the telepathic Vulcans who refused to give up their abilities during the exodus to Romulus, and were enslaved by the majority non-telepaths who became the Romulans. Starfleet Intelligence learned that the Romulan followers of Surak, who possessed the telepathic abilities among their kind, were banished to Remus while the others were killed on the journey across space. It was later seen how the Vulcans who settled on Remus fared: After one Vulcan, Refas, blundered out onto the ice of the planet's surface in what appeared to be a suicide attempt, he encountered a colony of extremophiles who thrived there. They revived Refas, and began to alter him to more effectively live on Remus (he was able to survive more comfortably in the freezing environment). Healer T'Olryn adapted the extremophiles to work on any Vulcan, and soon an entire colony was being slowly mutated. They developed the hairless, pale skin, sunken eyes, and powerful telepathic abilities that later Remans are seen to possess.
Some Remans believed that when they die, their souls would be reincarnated on Romulus where they can live in Paradise itself; however, many others hold the more fatalistic belief that their existence is the only one that is available to them.
The Remans also share some of the Romulan beliefs as they believe in the afterlife known as the Halls of Erebus. They also developed their own belief in a mythological figure known as Tenakruvek who is believed to have ascended into the Reman afterlife.
Reman myths believe that one day a Reman not of their world would arrive that would free them from their bondage to the Romulans and usher in a new age for their kind; one where all Remans are free. They identified this person with the name of Shinzon which can mean liberator among their kind. According to their ancient teachings in the Old Ways, it was stated that “He Who Returns” would be a Reman not born of Remus that would live the life of freedom. This individual was stated to return to Remus in order to pass this gift to the rest of the inhabitants of that harsh world.
The Remans were an oppressed caste within Romulan society, with their world having long ago come under the auspices of the Romulan Star Empire. The Remans were, in fact, little more than slaves to the Romulans; many were forced to work under harsh conditions in Remus' dilithium mines, while other worked as personal servants or bodyguards to rich and powerful Romulans. Still more were drafted into the Romulan Imperial Fleet, forced to work as ground forces -- cannon fodder or shock troops, in other words.
Their fearsome warrior nature meant that the Romulans often employed Remans to serve as bodyguards to senators that were used to intimidate possible opponents.
The life of the Remans has been a long and painful one where they endlessly toiled within the harsh surface of their homeworld. Their spirit had long ago been crushed and the concept of freedom is somewhat alien to them at times.
In addition to this, the concept of what is a Reman is somewhat fluid. The race believes that anyone who is banished to Remus is considered a fellow brother and is, thus, a Reman. Their species even lacked doctors as such and Romulan Assessors only allowed basic medical knowledge to be provided to Remans. This training ranged from wounds sustained in the mines to child-birth which were the limits of their medical knowledge.
The Reman language itself is considered quite complex and makes use of pictographs. During their oppression by the Romulans, the Reman language was considered forbidden script though they did manage to retain writing it.
There appears to be very little in the way of culture among the Remans though ancient stories are passed down from one generation to the other through oral means. Mention is made of the Old Ways and the concept of the Clans.
They have never really developed any culture of their own and any they had when they arrived on Remus and colonized have been lost over the ages. That being said those who have been able to achieve some level of prosperity or power and have been exposed to the various arts seem to be fairly indifferent in response.
Due to the harsh nature of their service to the Romulans they have very few actual customs. Most of their time was spent trying to survive working in extremely hostile and dangerous work conditions.
They have the same level of technology available to them that the Romulans do which puts them fairly close to equal with most Federation member worlds.
Their entire economy is dependent on the Romulan Star Empire. While on Remus all most 90% of their food had to be shipped in and only small quantities could be grown in greenhouse facilities on world. Even after the destruction of the Hobus star and Romulus and Remus their economy is still so interwoven with that of the Empire that it is virtually the same economy.
Reman coffee
Reman coffee is a coffee drink originating from Remus. In an alternate universe accessed by an Androssi device, Captain Kira Nerys was a regular drinker of Reman coffee. Captain David Gold, however, thought it was a wretched drink that smelled like sweaty feet.
Reman Warbird
A Reman warbird is a type of starship that was used by the Reman civilization in the 2380s. They were similar in design to the Romulan Scimitar-class, albeit smaller and far less powerful.
In the year 2387, three of these vessels assaulted the Narada, a mining freighter commanded by Captain Nero, under orders from Commander Arranhu (who was himself working for Taris and the Iconians). Fortunately, the USS Enterprise-E arrived and intervened, disabling the Reman ships
Reman bird-of-prey
The Reman bird-of-prey also had a Romulan counterpart. It was common to find them in service in both the Imperial Romulan Fleet and the Reman rebellion fleet in the 24th century.
Reman Irregulars
The Reman Irregulars were a military unit within the Romulan Star Empire that consisted of Reman warriors that were conscripted for war. They were well equipped, had excellent training and were normally deployed for use on missions that were considered high risk. After all they were more expendable than Romulan troops.
Reman soldiers tend to carry more than 1 bladed weapon. Often taking them off the enemy after defeating them and keeping them both as a souvenir and as proof of their ability to defeat the enemy. As a result Reman soldiers can be found carrying just about any kind of bladed weapon including swords. They will also affix curved, bayonet-like blades to the barrels of their disruptor rifles.
Federation Intelligence Files
Remus was a tidally locked planet before it was destroyed when the Hobus star was destroyed, and hence the Remans, who use to reside on the planet's dark side, cannot withstand light very well. (It is not known whether the Remans are descended from Romulans who colonised Remus' dark side or are native to the planet, although the latter is more likely. It's also possible that Remans are the product of intermarriage between Romulans and some species native to either Romulus and Remus, or they could be genetically-modified Romulans similar to Human Augments).
Both Memory Alpha and Memory Beta were used as references as well as the following movie and TV episodes, Star Trek: Nemesis, ENT: United and ENT: The Aenar. The audio commentary on the Star Trek Nemesis (Special Edition) DVD was also helpful.
The following novels were used as references as well, TOS - Vulcan's Soul novel: Exiles, TOS - Vulcan's Soul novel: Epiphany, TOS novel: Captain's Blood, TNG: novel, Nemesis, TTN novel: Taking Wing, TTN novel: The Red King, ST novel: Articles of the Federation, SCE eBook: Lost Time and the ST - Tales of the Dominion War short story: Twilight's Wrath.
The following written works were also examined ST – Countdown comics: Number One, Number Two, Cinefex magazine, No. 93, p. 103, Star Trek Monthly issue 109, p. 32, Star Trek Magazine issue 120, p. 56 and the Star Trek reference: The Visual Dictionary.
Other Internet sources used include ST website: The Path to 2409 and the following Star Trek online missions The Vault Event, Defend the Alpha Centauri Sector Block, Defend the Iota Pavonis Sector Block, Rhi System Patrol, Terrh System Patrol and Cutting the Cord.
This file was updated and approved by the SDC on 4 March 2014.
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