USS Triumphant Master Crew List

The USS Triumphant is a Defiant Class vessel. Due to certain upgrades and modifications its increased maximum crew compliment is 61. The following is a list of the entire crew, both player's and NPC's.

The bridge is a small compact well organized area that runs 3 shifts, Alpha, Beta and Gamma. Each shift will have the following crew present Security, Tactical, Science, Engineering, Operations and Helm. During Combat a second tactical officer would join them on the bridge at the second tactical station.

Due to the small size of the crew on average at any time 20 are on duty, 20 are asleep and the last 20 would be off duty relaxing.

USS Triumphant Master Crew List

Command Staff


  • Chief - Lt. Commander, Nick Parks - played by Lily Ventu
  • Unknown NPC Officer, Alpha shift
  • Unknown NPC Officer, Beta shift
  • Unknown NPC Officer, Gamma shift
  • Chief Petty Officer, T'Yale - Chief Steward
  • Petty Officer, 3rd Class, Roberto Bianchi - First Orderly/Captain's Yeoman

Helm Control

  • Chief - Unknown NPC Officer
  • Ensign, Shelley Alcala, Alpha shift
  • Unknown NPC Officer, Beta shift
  • Unknown NPC Officer, Gamma shift
  • Chief Petty Officer, Parton Marta- Lead Shuttle Pilot
  • Petty Officer, 2nd Class, Jonas Freeberg
  • Petty Officer, 3rd Class, Paul Garrett - Second Shuttle Pilot


  • Chief - Lt. jg. Galvin Prox - player, Alpha shift
  • Unknown NPC Officer, Beta shift
  • Unknown NPC Officer, Gamma shift
  • Councilor - Currently none assigned to the USS Triumphant
  • Chief Nurse - Chief Petty Officer, Kael Tam - played by Quinn Reynolds, Alpha shift
  • Petty Officer, 1st Class, Premba - Nurse, Beta shift
  • Crewman, 1st Class, Shiyada Kimie - Nurse, Gamma shift




  • Chief- Lt. jg. Quinn Reynolds - player
  • Unknown NPC Officer, Beta shift
  • Unknown NPC Officer, Gamma shift
  • Chief Petty Officer, Sovock - Warp Specialist
  • Petty Officer, 1st Class, Toaxx - Ships System Technician
  • Petty Officer, 1st Class, Joshua Meier - Impulse Specialist
  • Petty Officer, 2nd Class, Heidi Rush - Transporter Chief
  • Crewman, 2nd Class, Endara Falia - Engineering Tech
  • Crewman, 3rd class, T'Leiai - played by Tildaen Ethelwin
  • Crewman, 3rd Class, Mike Weir - Engineering Tech



Crew Quarters

Deck 1 - Senior Officers

All these quarters have their own bathroom, mini office and are single occupancy. There are 13 of these senior officer quarters.

  • Commanding Officer's Quarters - Captain Rhys Bejain
  • First Officer's Quarters - Lieutenant Commander Lily Ventu
  • Operations Officer's Quarters - Lieutenant Commander Nick Parks

Deck Two - Junior Officers and Enlisted Personnel

Junior officers and enlisted pesonnel are on this deck, each cabin with two occupants.

There are a further 8 cabins for enlisted personnel and 2 guest quarters.

Deck Three - Enlisted Personnel

Enlisted pesonnel are on this deck, each cabin with two occupants.

  • 1 - Unassigned
  • 2 - Unassigned
  • 3 - Unassigned
  • 4 - Unassigned
  • 5 - Unassigned
  • 6 - Unassigned
  • 7 - Petty Officer, Premba and Crewman, Falia, Endara
  • 8 - Unassigned