Charlena Vanlith

Ensign Charlena Vanlith is an engineering officer aboard the USS Veritas.

USS Veritas
Charlena Vanlith
Position Engineering Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Risian
Gender Female
DOB 237309.29
Age 28
Birthplace Suraya Bay, Risa


  • Full name: Charlena Vanlith
  • Date of birth (Age): 237309.29 (28)
  • Species: Risian
  • Gender: Female

Service Record

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239604.16 - Present USS Veritas
Engineering Officer


  • Height: 158 cm (5'2")
  • Hair colour: Brunette, just beyond shoulder length in tight curls
  • Eye colour: Brown
  • Appearance: Athletic build
  • Posture: Due to her home circumstances she has been the primary career for her brother most of the time. This has resulted in a very strong stance and perfect posture that she refuses to compromise for anyone.
  • Shoes: Charlena will always be found in trainer like attire when working. However, when off duty she'll be rocking heels in any and every form to try and make up for her lack of height.
  • Clothes when off duty: Charlena has never been one to dress up its much more about movability and comfort so typically she will be found in fitted jeans (that aren't too tight) and a loose fitting shirt.


  • Parents
    • Father: Charlie Vanlith, a hotel owner
    • Mother: Skye Vanlith, an artist
  • Siblings: Oliver Vanlith (younger, age 6)

Personal Relationships

  • Friendships before the academy:

Charlena doesn't have any friends from home. After the birth of her brother she lost touch with friends due to her more important family focus and as a result did not form friendships later in her life.

  • Romantic Relationships:

The element of her life she finds most frustrating with relationships is she has no awareness of people's advances to her. Whether the advances be serious or not she has almost no understanding as she has never had a romantic or intimate relationship. She pins this to the fact that having had no friends and the only males in her life being her brother and father she is lacking in social skills of building and maintaining any kind of relationship let alone one that requires her to trust and completely open up to someone.


Born and raised in Suraya Bay Charlena, named after her father, is used to the typical quiet serenity except for the one time a year where tourism spikes drastically for Lohlunat. It was during these celebrations and her upbringing around tourists that lead to her fascination as to what else was out there in the universe. Despite her intrigue she never truly wanted to leave home as she had fallen in love with the flowers, and had a particular soft spot for sea turtles that as a child her mother used to always point out as they were so difficult to spot with their impressive camouflage.

Charlena had always had a love of nature and animals. This came from the beautiful nature around her but also from watching her mother paint and seeing the colours and complexity to create it on canvas from what she could see. Charlena absolutely loved exploring the jungle near the beach she grew up on and finding new flowers and birds to tell her parents about every night.

When Charlena wasn't exploring nature she could be found practicing singing. As a child she would sing around the house none stop until her mother finally sent her to a teacher and at the age of 10 Charlena was a strong singer with a focus on historic musical theatre (20th/21st Century) and Opera (18th/19th Century).

As time went on, and she helped around the hotel her father ran more, she became more intrigued by the technology that existed on other planets due to what she saw of the tourists. She spent hours of her time reading and tinkering with objects to create something new.

At the age of 16 she was so heavily invested in technology she started to read into technology-driven species such as the Borg and especially found interest in understanding the system that allowed her to live on Risa with its complex weather modification. She felt disgusted by some of the things the Borg did and what they seemed proud of. After reading about this Charlena wasn't sure that she wanted to work in a field so open to abuse and misuse no matter how interesting she found it. She kept working on her singing and painting finding joy in the creations of music and the thought processes it created instead of being stuck in the negatives that can come from engineering.

At the age of 17 however, this all changed. Due to severe complications her younger brother was born without the ability to move or use his arms or legs. In this moment of seeing her mother motionless in hospital and the realisation of the basic abilities her brother lacked her drive for engineering began in much a different light to before. She was driven to create for her brother as normal a life as possible. A life where she was able to be there for him as much as possible. She wanted to engineer for the greater good and that was something she could no see as possible. Her first creation and as a result her favourite was a self-rattling rattle so he would stop crying as he was unable to grip and shake one for himself.

Whilst she had never massively excelled at school she knew she wanted to be a part of Starfleet once she had fallen in love with technology and managed to get into the academy where she hoped to develop her engineering into more than just tinkering with objects.

Despite her typical averageness at school she put so much work and focus into engineering she past one of the top of her class and she couldn't be happier about it. She left with an engineering major with an extra minor in xenobiology. She was finally going to start the job she had dreamed of. And she was going to start on USS Veritas as an engineering officer working for the greater good.


  • Quarters:

Charlena keeps her quarters bare. She worries about seeming too open or too closed off to her colleagues and so doesn't present a lot of information about her home life in her quarters but does have a couple of her own paintings hung up.

  • Habits:

Charlena uses her hair as almost a barrier to people. It particularly becomes obvious when she is nervous or feeling insecure here she uses her mass of black curls to hide her face from those around her in the hope they can't understand exactly how she is feeling.

  • Likes:

Charlena loves a good book. She feels she can get lost in its pages and often imagines herself within their pages and wishes she could play it out. Thankfully being on the Veritas has given her a chance for that as in her free time she can loose herself in the Holodeck with the thoughts of one of her books.

Charlena also loves a good 20th/21st Century Musical, particular favourites of hers are those by Stephan Sondheim. Her other music loves come from 18th/19th Century Opera, her favourite being The Ring Cycle by Wagner. Although most music of the Romantic and Neoclassic genres are ones she can loose herself in.

Her one tribute to home is her love of painting she had picked up from her mother and continues to this day. Although this is a rare hobby that she does typically keep to herself. Opening up about her painting is something that would be reserved to those she truly trusts.

More generally she loves cookie dough ice cream and nature.

  • Dislikes:

Charlena cannot stand anything over girly. Pink is a colour she couldn't hate more if she tried. Spicy food and overly bitter foods are also on her list for Room 101.

  • Life aspirations:

Charlena hasn't taken much time to think too far into her future. She does one day want her own family but after the complications at her birth of her brother she has her worries as to whether it would be a good idea or not.

She hopes to move up in her Starfleet career and whilst she isn't sure if she's ever want to be captain right now she hopes to one day be a chief engineer.

  • Temperament:

Charlena is relatively relaxed however she can act quickly in response to her emotions without always thought of what her actions mean. Although she typically second guesses her reaction in their situations and will apologise even if it takes her a while to figure out just how to do that.

  • Religion:

Charlena isn't religious at all.

  • Mental Problems:

Charlena has always second guessed herself and her actions. She isn't the most confident in herself despite what others around her say. She dwells on her mistakes and becomes frustrated as she cannot see past them easily or clearly.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Veritas Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Roshanara Rahman
First Officer
Sky Blake
Physician Assistant
Ikaia Wong
Ship's Counselor
Katy Toliver
Science Officer
Zhanyt Lafizatar
Science Officer
2O/Chief Engineer
Wil Ukinix
Engineering Officer
Scotty Reade
Operations Officer
Hannibal Parker
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Lilith Thorne
Dipolmatic Corps
Jansen Orrey
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