Harry Zhou

Revision as of 09:45, 1 October 2018 by Sky Blake (talk | contribs) (Category)

Ensign Harry Th’Yshrym Zhou is a science officer aboard the USS Veritas.

USS Veritas
Harry Th’Yshrym Zhou
Position Science Officer
Rank Ensign
Species Andorian
Gender Thaan
DOB 237306.27
Age 28
Birthplace Earth


  • Full name: Harry Th’Yshrym Zhou
  • Date of birth (Age): 237306.27 28
  • Species:Andorian
  • Gender: Andorian thaan
  • Hair color: white
  • Eye color: blue
  • Height: 6'1"

Service Record

Starfleet Service Record
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Ensign 239406.06 - Present USS Veritas
Science Officer


  • Parents:
    • Biological parents:
      • zhavey: Lytol Zh ‘Ojhezi
      • Shreya: Tohra Sh ‘Ovrab
      • Charan: Dhiren Ch’Esheri
      • Thavan: Yryb Th’Yshrym
    • Adoptive parents:
      • Father: James Zhou
      • Mother Amy Zhou
  • Siblings: None
  • Spouse: None
  • Children: None


Harry Th’Yshrym Zhou was born to an Andorian family on Andoria, used to be named as Shon Th’Yshrym, after a tragic terrorist attack happened 22 years ago, he became the sole survivor of his family,he was adopted by commander Zhou and His wife Amy, who were both Starfleet officers participated in the rescue after attack.

Harry moved to earth with his adoptive parents when he was only one month old, spent most of his childhood on earth, when he’s old enough to understand about himself, his parents wanted to take him back to Andoria, they did a couple of visits,then Harry decided he prefer earth rather than Andoria, though not to huge fan of the icy planet,Harry is eager to visit as many planets as possible,he joined Starfleet Academy after graduated from high school in the year 2391.

NPC Listing   ·   USS Veritas Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
Roshanara Rahman
First Officer
Sky Blake
Physician Assistant
Ikaia Wong
Ship's Counselor
Katy Toliver
Science Officer
Zhanyt Lafizatar
Science Officer
2O/Chief Engineer
Wil Ukinix
Engineering Officer
Scotty Reade
Operations Officer
Hannibal Parker
Chief of Security
Security Officer
Lilith Thorne
Dipolmatic Corps
Jansen Orrey
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