Lila Cole
Lila Cole, also known as Lylita Vataix, was a wealthy Betazoid scientist and ambassador residing on Brekka. Cole specialized in archaeology and specific philosophical topics related to specific Brekkian cultures.
Cole was a member of the Eleventh House of Betazed before giving up the Vataix family name following disputes with her siblings, whom last saw her when she left for the Delos system in 2360. She is met by Rex Blake upon arrival, and after two years of courtship, the two have a daughter - Sky Blake. Cole's relationship with Blake becomes strained when she leaves the 'safety' of Brekka for Starfleet upon a fellow Betazoid's recommendation.
She remains on Brekka until Blake returns, and takes custody of Blake's children Faith and Ayden when Blake disappears. It should be noted that, despite the exaggeration of Blake's death, Cole requested her daughters records removed from the Starfleet database upon perceived confirmation. When Cole tells Blake she will look after her children no longer, they are relocated to Ornara, and mother and daughter never speak again. It's presumed they were never on amicable terms.
On stardate 239410.12, Cole is classified as deceased.