Rebecca Hollendale

Revision as of 19:53, 26 February 2008 by James T. Kolk (talk | contribs) (→‎Self)
Rebecca at 26.jpg

Lieutenant Junior Grade Rebecca Elizabeth Hollendale is currently serving as Chief Tactical Officer aboard the USS Ronin.



  • Full Name: Rebecca Elizabeth Hollendale
  • Nick Name: Becka, Becky, Becks/Beks (the latter was a nickname Ethan had for her)
  • Birthdate: 235504.22
  • Current Age: 29
  • Birth Place: Rockyford, Colorado
  • Current Rank: Lieutenant Junior Grade
  • Current Postition: Chief Tactical Officer
  • Current Ship of Service USS Ronin
  • Gender: Female
  • Species/Race: Human/Caucasian
  • Telepathic Status E-0
  • Zodiac Sign: Taurus


  • Hair Color: Auburn
  • Hair Length/Style: long and wavy
  • Eye Color: sapphire blue
  • Height: 5'10
  • Weight: 130.2 lbs
  • Skin Tone: classic tan
  • Scars: Three-inch long scar on shin from leg injury. Discolored skin patch on right elbow from a rock climbing accident.
  • Birthmarks: Butterfly-shaped birthmark on left shoulder.
  • Body Build: tall, athletic, and curvy
  • Tone/Voice: Mezzo-soprano; an English lilt slips into her voice when angry
  • Carriage/Poses: never slumps; clenches her fists & narrows her eyes when angry; sometimes gives 'the silent treatment' when angry; smiles gently when happy; smiles widely when excited; often tilts her head and smiles affectionately when pleased with lovers/friends
  • Facial Shape/features: heart-shaped face; almond-shaped eyes; lush lips
  • Off Duty Clothing: Rebecca wears dress slacks & loose, colorful tops; though she has been known to dress-up formally from time-to-time.


  • Father--Reese Issac Hollendale
  • Mother--Caroline Newman-Hollendale
  • Siblings-- none
  • Marital Status single
  • Children-- Matthew Issac Hollendale, born stardate 238311.16
  • Pets-- adopted a black kitten she named Midnight (238308.13); died when the Indy was destroyed in battle 238311.16; Beagle puppy, Misty
  • Significant Other-- Jackson Benton



  • She is very outgoing and has become better at articulating herself over the years. Despite all of the hurt that has been inflicted on her by certain "apples" in life, she is still going strong and is stubborn as a bull. Also, despite how good she is at defending her reasoning, her tongue can sometimes get her into big trouble. She still has a brutal temper, but the years of serving in Starfleet have given her better control over it. Additionally, she has matured a great deal, mainly due to the birth of her son, Matthew, and the responsibilities of motherhood. She no longer drinks and isn't as prone to wild, flirtateous behavior as she used to be. She is much more reserved, but has still managed to keep her humour regarding life in general.

Mannerisms and Other Information

  • Bad Habits/Vices: Rebecca has a tendency to make assumptions that often times turn out to be wrong, though due to recent events she has learned that this isn't always the best way to handle a situation.
  • Quarters: Her quarters are decorated rather simply and are always kept immaculately clean.
  • Hobbies: Marital arts, (3rd degree black belt), music (oboe, piano, & guitar), rock-climbing, cliff diving, skiing
  • Likes: A person who makes her feel sentient/intelligent, mystery novels, chocolate cheesecake, playing with her son Matthew
  • Dislikes: the extreme cold, drunk men, & forward braggarts. Also, she dislikes it when someone makes a beeline for someone/something she wants.
  • Spirituality: Raised Catholic; devout believer in God
  • Goals: Rebecca eventually wants to captain a starship. She also wants a big family.
  • Strengths: She always has her eyes and ears open. She is at an advantage because she has a keener sense of hearing and sense of smell than most Humans (she believes that she has a Vulcan ancestor, but she hasn't been able to confirm this).
  • Weaknesses: She can be a very emotional person and her emotions sometimes get the best of her, though that is now less often the case due to recent events.
  • Phobias: A slight phobia of small spaces and an extreme phobia of dying slowly.
  • Favorite Quotes/Mottos
    • “Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself I am large, I contain multitudes.”---Walt Whitman, Song of Myself
    • “I asked God for strength that I might achieve. I was made weak that I might learn humbly to obey. I asked for health that I might do greater things. I was given infirmity that I might do better things. I asked for riches that I might be happy. I was given poverty that I might be wise. I asked for power that I might have the praise of men. I was given weakness that I might feel the need of God. I asked for all things that I might enjoy life. I was given life that I might enjoy all things. I got nothing that I asked for, but everything I hoped for. Almost despite myself, my unspoken prayers were answered. I am, among all men, most richly blessed.”


Personal History


  • Rebecca was born stardate 235504.22 in Rockyford, Colorado to Reese and Caroline Hollendale. At two months old, she was baptized by a Catholic priest. At age 5, Rebecca took her first martial arts class. By age 16, she was a third degree black belt. From age 5 to age 13, she attended Collins Community School. At age 10, she discovered her gift for music and learned to play the oboe and played it until age 11 when her mother insisted that she learn classical piano. At age 12, she rebeled and took guitar lessons. At age 15, she went to a high school party (that had no adult supervision) and had her first taste of alcohol. Also at age 15, she started dating her childhood friend, Milford, Jacob (Jake) Andrew The summer before her final year at Trenton High School, she lost her paternal grandmother, whom she was extremely close to. Three months later, she and Jake were engaged; however, six months later at their high school graduation, her now-ex fiance broke their engagement in his high school graduation speech. She was devastated. She went skiing in an attempt to get over him, but wound up in an accident and nearly died of hypothermia. After the accident, she re-dedicated her life to God. It was also this near-death experience that encouraged her to apply to Starfleet Academy. Since her first duty assignment aboard the Independence, she's had one crush; one brief semi-sexual (the Link) relationship; a romantic interlude that ended with her becoming pregnant; a past romantic association with Jack Sheppard; and a serious romantic relationship with Jackson Benton. Recently, the father of her child, Ethan James Brice has returned and is now taking part in Matthew's care. Also, she's befriended Benjamin J. Walker and Ronan Tully Adair, whom are currently engaged. She still maintains close contact with a previous romantic interest, Daydan Taboo. As a matter of fact, Ben and Daydan are the godfathers and Ro is the godmother of her son, Matthew James Brice, born stardate 238311.16. Matthew is the name of her recently deceased paternal grandfater, whom died stardate 238311.03 and James is the middle name of the baby's father, Ethan James Brice. Also, she has a brief acquaintance relationship with Susan Anderson, who was her rival for Daydan's heart.


  • Born 235504.22 in Rockyford, Colorado.
  • Baptized by Catholic priest (235506.25).
  • Attends Collins Community School (236008-236905).
  • First martial arts class (236010.08).
  • Learned the oboe (236507.07)
  • Learned classical piano at her mother's insistence (236606.09)
  • Learned guitar (236709.04)
  • First taste of alcohol at a high school party (237002.12)
  • Her first kiss [Jake] (237002.13)
  • First boyfriend [Jake] (237002.14-237305.23)
  • Became a third-degree black belt (237105.14)
  • Her paternal grandmother passed away (23727.21)
  • Engaged to Jake (237210.17-237305.23)
  • Jake broke off their engagement (237305.23)
  • Nearly died of hypothermia in a skiing accident (237305.30)
  • Re-dedicated her life to God (237306.02)
  • Applied to Starfleet Academy (237306.03)
  • Brief relationship with Matthew Thomas while in London, England studying music (237808-237902)
  • Brief crush on an Academy classmate who was also assigned to the Independence (First day aboard the Indpendence)
  • Brief sexual relationship with Daydan Taboo
  • Romantic interlude with Ethan James Brice, who is Matthew's biological father
  • During her relationship with Ethan, she becomes friends with Ben Walker and Ro Tully Adair.
  • When she was six months pregnant, she declared Daydan Taboo, Ben Walker, and Ro Adair the godparents of her baby.
  • She got a black kitten she named Midnight (2383.09)
  • Her paternal grandfather passed away (238311.03)
  • She has a baby boy, Matthew James Brice (238311.16)
  • She adopts a baby beagle, Misty (238312.17)
  • Began dating Jackson Benton (238403.07))

Professional History


  • Attended Starfleet Academy (237308-237705)
  • Cadet Cruise (237706-237805)
  • Year of studying music in London, England (237806-237906)
  • Security Ministry Internship on Vulcan (237907-238106)
  • Assignment to Independence (238110-238311)
  • Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade (238211.26)
  • Receives Barclay Bead (238301.11)
  • Assigned to USS Ronin (238312.17-?)
  • Given Chief Tactial Officer position (238312.20)
  • Receives B-Plot Award (238403.05)

Medical/Injuries History

  • Discolored patch of skin on her right elbow from rock-climbing accident.
  • A broken leg and broken arm from a skiiing accident.
  • Near-death by hypothermia from a skiing accident.
  • Injured leg and first degree shoulder burn from surprise holodeck training session once aboard the Independence.
  • Injured leg from away mission when she 'tried to act the hero'.
  • A heart arythmia that has faded over the years.
  • A scar on her foot from glass getting through her boot.


  • Strong believer in fate.
  • Believes everything happens for a reason.
  • Baptized at two months old by Catholic priest.
  • Baptized again just after her skiing accident.


Romantic Interests/Relationships (Earliest to Most Recent)



Relationships With Others



  • Collins Community School (236008-236905)


  • Trenton High School (236908-237305)
    • Scholastic Diploma
    • Graduated 237305
    • Cum-Laude
    • GPA--4.1



Rebecca is fluent in the following languages:

Terran Languages

Non-Terran Languages



File:Baby Matthew James Hollendale.jpg

Rebecca's son, Matthew James Brice

File:Great Grandparents Newman.jpg

Great Grandparents Newman

File:Grandparent hollendale wedding day.jpg

Grandparents Hollendale wedding day

File:Young Newman Grandmother.jpg

Young Newman grandmother

File:Reese Issac Hollendale.jpg

Her father, Reese Issac Hollendale

File:Caroline Newman-Hollendale.jpg

Her mother, Caroline Newman-Hollendale

File:Young Caroline Newman-Hollendale.jpg

Young Caroline Newman-Hollendale

File:Samuel Gregory Newman.jpg

Her cousin, Samuel Gregory Newman.

File:Eric Jonathan Newman.jpg

Her other cousin, Eric Jonathan Newman.

File:Hollendale ancestor.jpg

Romantic Associations

File:Rebecca with boyfriend Jake.jpg

Rebecca with ex-boyfriend Jake


Jake Milford


Jackson Benton, age 34


Rebecca with boyfriend, Jackson (Jack)


File:Baby Rebecca being held by father.jpg

Baby Rebecca being held by her father.

File:Infant Rebecca Hollendale.jpg

Infant Rebecca

File:Teen Rebecca.jpg

Teen Rebecca

File:Rebecca at academy dance.jpg

Rebecca at academy dance


Rebecca at her academy graduation party.

File:Becky at 26.jpg

Rebecca at 26.

File:Rebecca after pregnancy.jpg

Rebecca after her pregnancy.


Rebecca at 29.


Front of Rebecca's Starfleet id


Back of Rebecca's Starfleet id

NPC Listing   ·   USS Ronin Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Karrod Niac
First Officer
Toryn Raga
Ian O'Connor
Chief Tact/Sec
Kirsty L.Carpenter
Sec. Officer
T’Fearne Elaazni
Chief Engineer
Marty Tucker
Engineering Officer
Keneth Nakada
Ops Officer
Tess Evinrude
Acting CSO
Luxa Lorana
Science Officer
Sybil Nemes
Quentin Beck
Chief Surgeon
V'Len Kel
Medical Officer
Alyndra Syrex
Chief Counselor
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