User:Jana Zicv
Basic Stats
- Name: Jonas
- Where are you from?: South America, Brazil
- Joined StarBase 118: 239706.22
- Writer ID Number: J239706JZ0
About the Writer
Jonas is very connected with scientific stuff for a great part of his life. But real life has limitations for his mind and he found that Scifi games, roleplaying by email, and reading science-fiction would fill the gap that reality had created. But usually, the good stuff is in English and then he set a goal. To improve his writing skills in a foreign language and have fun at the same time. So, after many attempts, and with the help of COVID-19 Pandemic, that forced him to stay home for quite some time, he decided to try Starbase 118 community. After the Academy, he was assigned to USS Arrow, a brand new vessel, with a new crew, a new command, in her first days of existence. An incredible opportunity to help to shape something from the scratch. He intends to stay with them for a long long time.
Player Characters
- None
OOC activites
- Advanced Starship Design Bureau - Member
SIM Archive
- Ensign Jana Zicv - Decrypting the units. - Decrypted messaged imprinted on the insectlike machines (19/07/20)
- Ensign Jana Zicv - Boundary condition - Myth of Trimna's creation (06/08/20)
- Ensign Jana Zicv - Primus Ordiri - First direct contact with Trimna (17/08/20)
Working on Stuff
Jana_Zicv/Sandbox1 --> New Arrow's bridge Layout
Jana_Zicv/Sandbox2 --> Arrow Gallery
Jana_Zicv/Sandbox3 --> Deck Layout
Jana_Zicv/Sandbox4 --> Banner Section
Jana_Zicv/Sandbox5 -->