The Curator

Revision as of 17:35, 23 January 2019 by Stennin (talk | contribs)

Crewman First Class The Curator (Class type: Library Aide Hologram) is the Research Library Aide aboard the USS Montreal.

USS Montreal
The Curator
Position Research Library Aide
Rank Crewman Second Class
Species Hologram
Gender Male
DOB 238501.01
Age 17
Birthplace Earth
Writer ID User:Stennin


  • Full Name: Library Aid Hologram
  • Current Rank: Crewman First Class
  • Race:: Hologram
  • Date of Birth: 237501.08
  • Gender: Male
  • Handiness: Ambidextrous


  • Height: 1,75 metres
  • Weight: 80 kg
  • Hair: Bald
  • Eyes: Brown


The Curator is a Hologram designed by the makers of the EMH to work as a liaison between the Science Computer Core, specifically the Library Database, and the Science Officers. As such, it is equipped with an etiquette program and search pattern enhancers, using the Computer Core in the way of an actual Library Custodian. His appearance is the same as the EMH Mark 1, however the medical treatments have been replaced by an extensive knowledge of chemical components and science equipment.

The Curator (Class type: LAH) was installed on the USS Montreal in 2285, at the request of the Science division, and was the first hologram of its type to be used. In 2290, the LAH was extended to several other places, however the original still resides on the USS Montreal.

Service History

Service History
Insignia Rank Dates Posting Assignment
Crewman Second Class 238501.01 - Present USS Montreal Research Library Aide

NPC Listing   ·   USS Montreal Crew Manifest   ·   Crew History
Commanding Ofc.
First Officer
Lael Rosek-Skyfire
Chief Helms/Ops
Tiria Hamasaki
Mission Specialist
Riley Delar
Chief of Sec/Tac
Tal Tel-ar
Security Ofc.
Kawakame Shin
Chief of Science
German Galven
Science Ofc.
Chief Medical Ofc.
Medical Ofc.
Sheila Bailey
Femi Cattan
Chief Engineer
Jacob Harkrow
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