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The '''Dominion War''' is a war between the [[Dominion]], [[Cardassians]] and [[Breen]] on one side, and the [[Alpha Quadrant]] alliance of the [[United Federation of Planets]], [[Klingon Empire]], and the [[Romulan Star Empire]].  
The '''Dominion War''' was a major war fought from 2373 to 2375 between the [[Dominion]], [[Cardassian Union]] and [[Breen]] on one side, and the [[Alpha Quadrant]] alliance led by the [[United Federation of Planets]], [[Klingon Empire]], and the [[Romulan Star Empire]]. For an overview of the conflict, please see the {{ma|Dominion War}} article on Memory Alpha.

The [[Dominion]] is a [[Gamma Quadrant]] state, consisting of many different races. [[Damar]] of the [[Cardassian Union]], prior to launching a revolution against the [[Dominion]]. [[Breen]] are of the [[Breen Confederacy]], located in the [[Alpha Quadrant]]. The [[Milky Way Galaxy]] is divided into four quadrants, which are further subdivided into sectors. The [[United Federation of Planets]] is a federation of more than 150 member planets and thousands of colonies, based in the [[Alpha Quadrant]] and [[Beta Quadrant]] of the [[Milky Way Galaxy]]. [[Klingons]] (tlhIngan in the [[Klingon language]]), are a race of humanoids form the [[Alpha Quadrant]]. The [[Romulan|Romulans]] are descended from [[Vulcans]] and are characterized as being deceitful, cunning, and treacherous.
{{Heading|Alternate Timeline|Black}}
In 2392, the {{USS|Invicta}} encountered an alternate universe where the outcome of the Dominion War was quite different from the "prime" universe: the Dominion won.

'''''Spoiler warning:''''' Plot and/or ending details follow.
Below is a timeline of events of the war, comparing the prime and alternate universes.

In 2369, the [[Cardassian Union]]'s occupation of the planet [[Bajor]] ended, the [[Cardassians]] having been driven off by various [[Bajoran]] resistance factions (they did not defeat the [[Cardassians]], they just harassed the [[Cardassians]] forces so much that it wasn't worth the cost of occupation anymore; as [[Gul Dukat]] put it, it was a "political decision" to withdraw). These factions then formed a provisional government to oversee the rebuilding of the planet, which had been ecologically, culturally, and financially devastated by the occupation. One of its first official acts was to ask The [[United Federation of Planets]] for assistance in this monumental task.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">The Dominion signs non-aggression treaties with several powers, including the Romulans, Tholians, Miradorn, and Bajorans.<div>
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">The entrance to the Bajoran wormhole is mined, preventing Dominion reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant, just before the combined forces of the Dominion and Cardassians capture Deep Space 9 in the Bajoran system during the the Second Battle of Deep Space 9, marking the start of the Dominion War.<div>
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">Using the attack on DS9 as a diversion, Starfleet and Klingon Defense Forces destroy the Dominion shipyards at Torros III.<div>

The [[UFP]] responded by sending Commander [[Benjamin Sisko]] to take command of the space station ''[[Terok Nor]]'', an orbital ore processing facility left behind by the [[Cardassians]]. This station was re-christened ''[[Deep Space Nine]]'', and was to become a diplomatic and commercial center for [[Bajor]]. [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] was tasked by Captain [[Jean-Luc Picard]] to do everything, short of violating the Federation's [[Prime Directive]], to ensure that [[Bajor]] rebuilt itself enough to win entry into the Federation.  
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">The Federation and Klingons sustain heavy losses over three months of fighting.<div>
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">The Federation's Seventh Fleet loses 98 of 112 ships in the Tyra system again Dominion forces.<div>
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">The Allied Forces destroy the Dominion's primary ketracel-white storage facility in Cardassian space as well as a Dominion sensor array in the Argolis Cluster.<div>
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">The Dominion advances further into Federation territory, approaching the Vulcan and Bolian home systems.<div>
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">Starfleet begins plans for Operation Return to recapture Deep Space 9, assembling forces from the Second, Fifth, and Ninth Fleets at Starbase 375. Concerns are brought up during the planning in regards to Earth's vulnerability with the regrouping of forces, but the Third Fleet remains behind to protect the Sol system.<div>
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">Starfleet is forced to launch Operation Return early, with only two-thirds of the combined fleet in place and without Klingon support secured. Six hundred Federation starships head into battle against a Dominion fleet of 1,254 ships.
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">Despite heavy casualties, Starfleet breaks through the Dominion line during the battle as Klingon forces arrive to help. The USS Defiant reaches DS9 first and enters the wormhole to confront the impending arrival of 2,800 Dominion ships.<div>
|Captain Benjamin Sisko, Emissary of the Prophets, convinces the Prophets to remove the Dominion fleet within the wormhole to save Bajor. The Dominion withdraws from DS9 back to Cardassia, and Damar succeeds Dukat as leader of the Cardassian Union.
|The Defiant is destroyed within the wormhole by the Dominion fleet. The 2,800 ships continue onward to destroy the remaining Federation and Klingon ships still fighting through the Dominion line. Starfleet Command's worse fears come true as the combined Dominion fleet of nearly 4,000 ships continue their advance into the Federation, heading for Earth. <br><br>The Third Fleet puts up a valiant struggle against the invading force, buying time for a mass evacuation of the Sol system, but billions remain behind when the first Jem'Hadar soldiers step foot upon Earth's surface. Starfleet headquarters is obliterated, and a puppet government is created for United Earth. The Dominion flag is raised in the chambers of the Federation Council.
|The Dominion remains behind Cardassian lines and begins peace negotiations with the Federation, proposing a redrawn Federation-Cardassian border that seemingly favors the Federation but is actually a ploy by the Dominion to secure the Kabrel system to allow them to produce ketracel-white in the Alpha Quadrant for the Jem'Hadar troops. The Federation makes a counter-proposal and the talks end inconclusively.
|The remaining Starfleet forces withdraw back to Vulcan and Andor. Despite the loss of Earth to Dominion forces, the remaining Federation worlds unite to defend their homeworlds from Dominion oppression. Local military forces and even civilian ships begin joining in the active fighting against Dominion ships.
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">Dominion agents establish ties with the Orion Syndicate in an unsuccessful plot to undermine the Federation-Klingon alliance.<div>
|The Dominion begin breeding legions of Jem'Hadar in the Alpha Quadrant and push shipbuilding to full capacity. The issue of ketracel-white shortage was eventually mitigated via new supplies manufactured by the Son'a.
|The Gorn and Breen sign non-aggression treaties with the Dominion.
| colspan="100%" |<div style="text-align: center;">The Dominion invades Betazed from the Kalandra sector, threatening Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, and Alpha Centauri.<div>
|The Romulans declare war on the Dominion after the assassination of a Romulan senator, who was believed to have discovered evidence of an impending Dominion invasion of Romulus before he was killed. <br><br>The Romulans capture Benzar from the Dominion.
|The Romulans and the Dominion renew their diplomatic ties in a peace conference with several other neutral powers. The Dominion celebrates the relationship it maintains with the Romulans as a model for the rest of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The Tzenkethi subsequently sign a peace treaty with the Dominion.
|The Federation reaches out to the Ferengi and the Evora in search of new allies. <br><br>The newly combined forces of the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans capture the Chin'toka system.
|The Dominion captures the Trill system.

However, not long after the [[UFP]]'s arrival, [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]], along with science officer [[Jadzia Dax]] discovered a stable [[wormhole]] connecting [[Bajoran]] territory to the [[Gamma Quadrant]] of the [[Milky Way Galaxy]], nearly 70,000 light years away, a distance unattainable by any existing sentient race using conventional means. In order to protect [[Bajoran]] interests the station was moved from the orbit of [[Bajor]] to a point close to the [[Alpha Quadrant]] terminus of the [[wormhole]].
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|The Dominion continues to put up a tough fight against the Alpha Quadrant powers with battles at Monac IV and repeated attacks on Chin'toka to recapture a Dominion subspace relay station left behind on AR-558. <br><br>The Allied Forces retake the Kalandra system from the Dominion. While Federation-Klingon-Romulan relations began to warm slightly from the war effort, within the Dominion, friction between Cardassian and Dominion leadership continued to build as Cardassian troops were being used as cannon fodder.
| colspan="100%" style="background:#E6E6E6;|<div style="text-align: center;">The Founders of the Dominion begin suffering from a morphogenic virus that could ultimately destroy the Great Link.<div>
|While the Federation Council had not authorized the virus's creation (which had been engineered instead by the clandestine organization known as Section 31), the Council nonetheless chose to withhold the cure from the Dominion because of the possible impact on the war. <br><br>The Dominion gain a new ally with the Breen, who are promised territorial concessions from the Cardassians over the objections of the Cardassians themselves.<br><br>The new alliance with the Breen and the massacre of the Cardassian Guard's Eleventh Order at Septimus III drives Damar to form a rebellion against the Dominion. After the Breen attack Starfleet Headquarters on Earth and join Dominion forces in recapturing the Chin'toka system, Damar announces the formation of the Cardassian Liberation Front and attacks the Dominion cloning facility on Rondac III.
|The success of the war cements the Cardassian Union's place within the Dominion, and Cardassia Prime becomes the official capital of the Dominion in the Alpha Quadrant, with governing facilities constructed to begin administrating the conquered worlds of the Federation and Klingon Empire. The Dominion also continue their overtures of peace to the remaining neutral powers and secure a trade deal with the Romulan Star Empire.
|Following Chin'toka, Klingon forces hold the front lines after the chance discovery that a single Klingon ship had been unaffected by the Breen's energy-dampening weapon. Still, the Klingons remain vastly outnumbered at twenty-to-one odds against the Dominion, and confine themselves to hit-and-run attacks to prevent the Dominion from organizing any major offensives.<br><br>Chancellor Gowron assumes direct command of Klingon forces for political purposes, fearing the rising popularity of General Martok. His battle plans waste Klingon ships in an attempt to have Martok killed in battle. Worf challenges Gowron and upon killing him in combat, hands chancellorship of the Klingon Empire to Martok.
|The Federation gives supplies and training to Cardassian rebels, allowing the rebels to carry out a number of sabotage attacks on Dominion targets and to deliver an intact Breen energy-dampening weapon to the Allies. Though Damar's forces are mostly destroyed by the Dominion, the former Cardassian leader is able to rally the Cardassian civilian population into overt resistance against the Dominion.<br><br>The Dominion withdraws its forces back into Cardassian space. Rather than wait and allow them to rebuild their forces, the Federation Alliance launches an attack from Deep Space Nine towards Cardassia Prime.<br><br>As the Allies battle the Dominion, Cardassian rebels cause a planetary blackout and cut off Dominion headquarters. In retaliation, the Jem'Hadar destroy Lakarian City, killing two million Cardassians. Upon learning of the massacre, the Cardassian fleet switches sides in the midst of battle. The commanding Founder of the Dominion in the Alpha Quadrant orders a full retreat back to Cardassia Prime and the extermination of the Cardassian population. Determined to make the Federation's victory a costly and devastating one, she only relinquishes after linking with Odo, who cures her of the morphogenic virus and agrees to return to the Great Link to save the other Founders in exchange for the Dominion's surrender.

It was also discovered that the [[wormhole]] is actually home to aliens known to the [[Bajorans]] as [[The Prophets]] ���?? beings which exist in only one point in space (the [[wormhole]]) but all points in time, giving them a very non-linear view of the universe, where effect can precede cause. They, for unrevealed reasons, adopted Sisko as their [[emissary]] to the [[Bajoran]] people. [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] didn't like this iconic role, especially since he was treated with religious reverence by the [[Bajoran]] people, but eventually learned to accept it, and use it from time to time to further the Federation's goal of helping [[Bajor]] to rebuild.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|The system of Basul Rodul willingly joins the Dominion. The planet of Rodul is believed to be somewhat of a sanctuary for Dominion civilians, the Rodulans treating them as honored guests and new neighbors. Security placed around the system by the Dominion is surprisingly high.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|Tasnim Shandres, daughter of Ki Shandres and his wife Roshanara, is born.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|The last of the Founders dies off from the morphogenic virus, and the Great Link is extinguished. However, rather than crippling the Dominion as Section 31 had hoped, the Jem'Hadar continue their fight, avenging their fallen gods.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|Vulcan and Andor fall to the Dominion. Starfleet Command conducts the remainder of the war from Qo'noS.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|Qo'noS falls to the Dominion, and the war is essentially over. The Klingon High Council is executed, and a new Klingon chancellor is installed. He signs a peace treaty with the Dominion, formally ending hostilities between the Klingon Empire and the Dominion. <br><br> With most of Starfleet Command and their most seasoned officers killed and infrastructure for fleet operations destroyed, the Federation Starfleet has fractured into pockets of surviving ships. Still, these surviving officers begin a guerrilla war against the Dominion occupation. They are joined by those Klingon houses that refuse to recognize the new Klingon chancellor's authority.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|The Hobus supernova destroys Romulus and Remus.
|An uneventful day passes on Romulus.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|Uprisings begin back within Dominion territory in the Gamma Quadrant. With the fighting in the Alpha Quadrant now mostly consisting of patrol duties and clearing out Federation/Klingon rebels from their hideouts, the Dominion begins turning its attention back to the Gamma Quadrant. The Cardassian Union is the ruling superpower of the Alpha Quadrant, and a cold war begins between the Cardassian Union and the Romulan Star Empire.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|Starbase 118, the last known Federation starbase, falls to a Dominion assault. The USS Centris, USS Garuda and USS Tiger were among the ships lost in the fighting. The USS Ronin-A provided escort for a contingent of refugees who managed to evacuate before the base was destroyed.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|On stardate 2392.09.20, [[Alora DeVeau (alternate)|Alora DeVeau]] dies in a skirmish with Dominion while on a mission to free prisoners of war. She was the only crewmember fatality. <br><br>
USS Ronin-A commanded by Captain Saveron encounters the USS Invicta from another universe.
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! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Primary Universe
! style="background:#343434; width:800px; color:#fff;" |Alternate Universe
|Stardate 239302.16: The {{USS|Gorkon}} gets sucked into a quantum fissure and is declared MIA.
|Stardate 239202.16: The [[USS Triumphant (alternate)|USS Triumphant]], commanded by Captain [[Walter Brunsig (alternate)|Walter Brunsig]] encounters the ''Gorkon'' from another universe.<br><br>239303.16: The saboteur [[Erik Jansen]] initiates the self destruct sequence on the ''Triumphant'' and the crew seek refuge aboard the ''Gorkon''.
|Stardate 239308.28: The {{USS|Gorkon}} is rescued by the {{USS|Yarahla}} and the infamous Yarahla Nine.

==First Contact==
Exploration of the [[Gamma Quadrant]] took place without major incident for nearly one year. However, on a seemingly routine trade mission by the [[Ferengi]], [[Quark]] first heard whispers of the [[Dominion]], which apparently was a union of civilizations similar to the Federation in its goals of mutual defense and trade practices. [[Quark]], under the aegis of [[Grand Nagus Zek]], was authorized to negotiate a trade agreement with the [[Dominion]] which was ultimately successful.
However, as races from the [[Alpha Quadrant]] began to colonize planets in the [[Gamma Quadrant]] and make their presence known to [[Gamma Quadrant]] species, disturbing reports about the [[Dominion]] began to emerge. The reports seemed to indicate that what the [[Dominion]] could not attain through trade would be taken by force. These reports were borne out in 2370 when a huge fleet of [[Skrreean]] ships appeared in the [[Alpha Quadrant]], in search of a new homeworld after their old home had been utterly destroyed by [[Dominion]] forces.
Toward the end of 2370, [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]], his son [[Jake Sisko]], [[Quark]], and [[Quark]]'s nephew [[Nog]] were visiting an uninhabited [[Gamma Quadrant]] planet to do a planetary survey for a school project of [[Jake Sisko|Jake]] and [[Nog]]'s. It was here that the [[Jem'Hadar]], the [[Dominion]]'s elite military forces were encountered, and [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] and [[Quark]] were captured by these forces, along with a mysterious alien (later to be identified as a [[Vorta]]) named [[Eris]]. The [[Jem'Hadar]] then sent a representative to ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]'' to inform the [[Alpha Quadrant]] that no further intrusions into [[Dominion]] space would be tolerated, and gave Major [[Kira Nerys]] a list of colonies and starships already destroyed for trespassing.
The [[UFP]] responded by sending a rescue team consisting of the ''[[U.S.S. Odyssey]]'', a [[Galaxy-class]] starship, and all three of ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]''s [[runabouts]]. The ''[[U.S.S. Odyssey]]'' was attacked by 3 [[Jem'Hadar]] fighters at the [[Battle of New Bajor]], the first engagement between Federation forces and the [[Dominion]]. They managed to pull off the rescue ([[Eris]] included), but got into a fierce battle with [[Jem'Hadar]] ships, and the ''[[U.S.S. Odyssey|Odyssey]]'' was destroyed, with all hands lost when a [[Jem'Hadar]] ship made a kamikaze attack upon it. The remaining forces returned to the [[Alpha Quadrant]], where it was discovered [[Eris]] was a spy, and [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]]'s capture engineered by [[The Founders]], the shadowy ruling class of The [[Dominion]]. Once discovered, [[Eris]] managed to escape ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]'' using transporter technology seemingly far more advanced than [[Alpha Quadrant]] species had been able to develop.
==Contact with [[The Founders]]==
Early in 2371 [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] returned to [[Earth]] for a [[Starfleet]] debriefing on the matter, returning to the space station commanding the ''[[U.S.S. Defiant]]'', a prototype battle cruiser originally developed to fight the [[Borg]], but modified with a [[Romulan cloaking device]] to enter the [[Gamma Quadrant]] on a peace mission to locate [[The Founders]].
And find [[The Founders]] they did, discovering that they are the same race as [[Odo]], ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]''s shapeshifting chief of security. Despite a strong longing to return to his home, he found his people's philosophy ���?? that what you can control cannot hurt you ���?? abhorrent. After a short standoff between Federation and [[Dominion]] forces, [[Odo]] asked to be returned to the [[Alpha Quadrant]] with all Federation forces intact. [[The Founders]], led by a character identified only as "[[the female shapeshifter]]" acquiesced to [[Odo]]'s request, in the hopes that [[Odo]] will one day rejoin his people. This marked the beginning of a Cold War phase between the Federation and [[Dominion]], with limited skirmishes between the two sides, and a steady buildup of military forces.
==[[Obsidian Order]] and [[Tal Shiar]] attack on the [[The Founders|Founder]] Homeworld==
Meanwhile, the other [[Alpha Quadrant]] powers were not sitting still in the face of the threat from The [[Dominion]]. The [[Obsidian Order]], a covert [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] intelligence force led by [[Enabran Tain]], allied themselves with the [[Tal Shiar]], the [[Romulan]] equivalent of the [[Obsidian Order|Order]]. Together, they secretly built a modest fleet of 20 starships in the Orrias sector of [[Cardassian space]], and launched a preemptive strike to destroy [[The Founders]]' homeworld, hoping that the [[Dominion]] would collapse with the loss of [[The Founders]].
However, [[The Founders]], using their shapeshifting abilities, had infiltrated both groups and actually encouraged the strike, the better to launch a surprise attack and in one stroke, wipe out both the [[Obsidian Order]] and the [[Tal Shiar]]. The [[Romulan/Cardassian fleet]] managed to obliterate 30 percent of the planet's crust before realizing the planet was deserted, at which point a fleet of 150 [[Jem'Hadar]] fighters emerged from the surrounding nebula. The [[Dominion]] stunned the galaxy with this attack (which was likened to the Federation's defeat at [[Wolf 359]]), leaving only the [[UFP]] and the [[Klingon Empire]] as the remaining powers strong enough to stand up to the [[Dominion]]. (Note: since 20 ships is a drop in the bucket compared to the fleets during the '''Dominion War''', the comment about the Federation and the [[Klingons]] probably referred to powers with an intact intelligence service, as the failure of the [[Obsidian Order]]/[[Tal Shiar]] fleet would have meant a serious loss of both personnel, resources and prestige)
==[[The Founders|Founder]] Infiltration and Conflict with the [[Klingons]]==
Late in 2371, it was learned that [[The Founders]] had infiltrated nearly every major power in the [[Alpha Quadrant]], and the ensuing paranoia about who might or might not be a shapeshifter led to the [[Klingons|Klingon]] invasion of [[Cardassian space]] in 2372. With the fall of the [[Obsidian Order]], the [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] citizenry had legitimately overthrown the militaristic government, putting a civilian based government in place. However, the [[Klingons]] didn't accept the sudden change in government, and suspected [[Dominion]] involvement. Their refusal to break off their invasion, even after it had been proven that the [[Dominion]] was not involved, led newly-promoted Captain [[Benjamin Sisko]] to a military confrontation with the [[Klingons]], as the [[Klingons]], under [[Chancellor Gowron]] and [[General Martok]] attempted to seize ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]''. The attack was repulsed ���?? barely ���?? but caused the [[Klingons]] to sever all diplomatic relations with the Federation, and to withdraw from the [[Khitomer Accords]], essentially ending decades of peace between the [[UFP]] and the [[Klingon Empire]]. This seemed to further [[The Founders]] goal of destabilization of the [[Alpha Quadrant]] as a prelude to their own invasion.
The paranoia over shapeshifters continued throughout 2372, and certain [[Starfleet]] officers responded by trying to implement a coup d'�?©tat of the Federation after it was learned that shapeshifters had infiltrated [[Earth]]. This led to armed conflict between [[Starfleet]] vessels for the first time â�?��?? since [[Khan Noonien Singh]] hijacked the ''[[U.S.S. Reliant]]'' â�?��?? when ''[[U.S.S. Defiant]]'' and the ''[[U.S.S. Lakota]]'' exchanged fire. In the nick of time, [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] was able to force [[Admiral Leyton]] to abandon his efforts to impose martial law on the Federation by convincing him to step down and face criminal charges.
Tensions between the [[UFP]] and the [[Klingon Empire]] continued to rise, and war broke out between the two in late 2372 over the Federation's refusal to recognize the [[Klingons|Klingon's]] claim to the [[Archanis sector]]. However, the [[Klingon Empire|Empire]] could not effectively fight a war on two fronts, as the [[Cardassians]], in mid-2373 and under the leadership of [[Gul Dukat]] (the former prefect of ''[[Terok Nor]''), officially became a member state of the [[Dominion]]. This gave [[The Founders]] a solid foothold in the [[Alpha Quadrant]], and the [[Cardassians]], who were nearly wiped out by the [[Klingons|Klingon]] invasion, were able to drive the [[Klingons]] out of [[Cardassian space]], inflicting heavy losses upon [[Klingons|Klingon]] forces in doing so. With The [[Dominion]] now firmly entrenched in the [[Alpha Quadrant]], the [[Klingon Empire]] re-affirmed the [[Khitomer Accords]], ending the brief war between the [[Klingon Empire|Empire]] and the [[UFP]].
At some point in 2373, Dr. [[Julian Bashir]] of ''[[Deep Space Nine]]'' had been kidnapped and held in a [[Dominion]] prison. When [[Worf]] and [[Garak]] went to free [[Enabrin Tain]], they discovered that the real [[Julian Bashir|Bashir]] had been on the prison for several weeks. However, the replacement on the station was so convincing that no one suspected that the [[Julian Bashir|Bashir]] on the station was really a [[Changeling]] infiltrator. The replacement sabotaged the efforts to close the [[wormhole]], and was preparing to destroy the [[Bajoran]] sun to wipe out most of the military resistance to the [[Dominion]]. Eventually, a number of the prisoners staged a breakout. [[Julian Bashir|Bashir]] was able to get a message to ''[[Deep Space Nine]]'', and the ''[[U.S.S. Defiant]]'' stopped the [[Changeling]] from carrying out his mission to destroy the [[Bajoran]] star system.
The [[Dominion]] now began sending massive fleets of ships through the [[wormhole]] to bolster their presence in the [[Alpha Quadrant]], and to reinforce [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] positions. The Federation and [[Klingon Empire]] decided that this was an untenable situation, and built a field of space mines at the mouth of the [[wormhole]] on the [[Alpha Quadrant]] side that were [[self-replicating]] and fitted with [[Klingon cloaking device]]s. This effectively cut off the [[Dominion]]'s supply lines to the [[Alpha Quadrant]]. However, [[Gul Dukat]] and his [[Dominion]] advisor, the [[Vorta]] [[Weyoun]], considered this an act of war, and launched an attack on ''[[Deep Space Nine]]'' itself. This battle is generally accepted as the true beginning of the '''Dominion War'''.
However, the [[Romulan|Romulans]] appear to have recovered enough to engage the [[Dominion]] in war.
==Full-Scale War==
===[[Dominion]] occupation of ''[[Deep Space Nine]]''===
[[Cardassians|Cardassian]] and [[Dominion]] forces launched their attack on ''[[Deep Space Nine]]'' to wrest control of the station from the Federation. As [[UFP]] and [[Klingons|Klingon]] forces were at the time launching their own raids on several key [[Dominion]] shipyards, this attack was successful, and the [[UFP]] was forced to abandon the station. However, under advice from Captain [[Benjamin Sisko]], the [[Bajoran]] government had signed a treaty of non-aggression with the [[Dominion]], and this allowed [[Bajoran]] forces to remain on the station. In 2374, while [[Gul Dukat|Dukat]] and [[Weyoun]] were trying to figure out a way to safely dismantle the minefield, Major [[Kira Nerys]] began her own resistance movement on the station, sowing discord between the [[Cardassians]] and [[Jem'Hadar]] on the station, particularly between [[Gul Dukat|Dukat]]'s second-in-command [[Damar]] and [[Dominion]] forces.
===Battle of [[Bajor]]===
In the late spring of 2374, [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] was able to convince the top brass in [[Starfleet]] that the key strategic point of the conflict would not be any one planet, but rather ''[[Deep Space Nine]]'' itself, so a fleet of about 600 starships, including the ''[[U.S.S. Defiant]]'', was assembled to re-take the station. However, [[Dominion]] forces outnumbered the Federation fleet by nearly 2-to-1, and [[Gul Dukat|Dukat]] was very close to dismantling the minefield. With nothing left to lose, the Federation launched its assault (known as the Battle of [[Bajor]]), and with timely intervention by the [[Klingons]], the [[U.S.S. Defiant|Defiant]] was able to break through [[Dominion]] lines and make it to the [[wormhole]] just as the minefield was taken down. In a desperate attempt to delay the thousands of ships ready to pour through the [[wormhole]], [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] asked [[The Prophets]] to intervene. They did so by delaying the [[Dominion]] spaceships in time while traversing the [[wormhole]], effectively causing the [[Dominion]] reinforcements to simply disappear. With [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] morale broken, they abandoned the station, and the [[UFP]] once again took control. The Federation victory by deus ex machina cost [[Gul Dukat|Dukat]] his sanity, and [[Damar]] was put in his place as the [[Cardassian Head of State]], though he was much more a [[Dominion]] puppet than [[Gul Dukat|Dukat]].
===After the recapture of ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]''===
Even with the [[Dominion]] wary of sending any more ships through the [[wormhole]], the combined forces of the [[Klingon Empire]] and the [[UFP]] barely held their own. The [[Romulan|Romulans]] had publicly declared their neutrality in the conflict and let [[Dominion]] ships fly through their territory to make attacks upon the other two major [[Alpha Quadrant]] powers. After [[Dominion]] forces invaded and captured [[Betazed]], [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] was convinced that the [[Klingon/UFP Alliance]] would lose the [[Dominion War]]. Desperate, he connived with the assistance of [[Garak]], the only [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] with permanent residence on ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]'' (and former master spy for the [[Obsidian Order]]), to plant false evidence of a [[Dominion]] plot to assassinate the [[Romulan proconsul]]. The [[Romulan]] senator [[Vreenak]] was shown the "evidence" and he discovered it was false. Furious, [[Vreenak]] planned to return to [[Romulus]] to reveal the plot to the entire [[Alpha Quadrant]], an act which would have destroyed any chance of an alliance with the [[Romulan|Romulans]] and perhaps even motivated them to form an alliance with the [[Dominion]]. However, the Senator's shuttle exploded during its return trip and the blame was pointed at the [[Dominion]]. [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] confronted [[Garak]], who revealed that he had placed a bomb on board. [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] decided he could live with that after the [[Romulan|Romulans]] allied themselves with the Federation and [[Klingons]] because of the shuttle explosion. This alliance improved the prospects of victory immensely.
Around the same time of the alliance with the [[Romulan|Romulans]], ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]''s chief medical officer [[Julian Bashir]] was made aware of the existence of [[Section 31]], a covert intelligence agency similar to the [[Obisidian Order]], within the Federation. [[Section 31]] seemed intensely interested in manipulating the war behind the scenes and tried to recruit [[Julian Bashir|Bashir]] into their ranks. [[Julian Bashir|Bashir]] refused, informed [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] of [[Section 31]]'s existence, and adopted a "wait and see" attitude.
===Battle of Chin'Toka===
With the [[Romulan|Romulans]]' assistance, the [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance]] took the strategic Chin'toka system from the [[Dominion]] in early 2375. ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]'' science officer [[Jadzia Dax]], however, was murdered by [[Gul Dukat]] during the battle. The [[Dax]] symbiont however survived despite the death of its host body, and was joined with a new host to become [[Ezri Dax]]. [[Ezri]] was posted to ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]'' as the station's counselor.
[[Section 31]] had also been busy; they infected [[Odo]] with a virus that he unknowingly communicated to the rest of [[The Founders]] by merging his form with that of [[the female shapeshifter]]'s. The disease began to take its toll on [[The Founders]] in mid-2375, seriously damaging their ability to lead the war effort. Legate [[Damar]], too, grew increasingly frustrated with the seemingly stalemated war and his own position as a [[Dominion]] puppet. As [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] military losses mounted, he began to drink heavily and often criticized the [[Dominion]]'s ability to prosecute the war successfully.
The [[Dominion]]'s position became increasingly precarious, causing [[the female shapeshifter]] to form an alliance with the [[Breen]], a relatively unknown space-faring species in the [[Alpha Quadrant]]. Their entry into the struggle temporarily turned the tide of the war back to the [[Dominion]]'s favor. [[Breen]] vessels were equipped with a power draining weapon that rendered both [[UFP]] and [[Romulan]] vessels completely inert. [[Klingons|Klingon]] vessels were largely unaffected; however, with nearly two-thirds of the [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]]'s fleet unable to fight against the [[Breen]], the [[Dominion]] stabilized its front lines and retook the Chin'toka system in a battle that destroyed the ''[[U.S.S. Defiant|Defiant]]''. [[Breen]] and [[Jem'Hadar]] forces also staged a blitzkrieg on [[Earth]] itself, destroying many [[Starfleet]] facilities as well as heavily damaging the [[Golden Gate Bridge]] in [[San Francisco]].
The [[Klingons]], now alone at the front, were instructed by [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]] commanders to hold their position while [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]] scientists tried to figure how to counter the [[Breen]]'s energy-draining weapon. [[General Martok]] complied with these orders, but [[Klingons|Klingon]] [[Chancellor Gowron]] began to fear that [[General Martok|Martok]]'s military prowess would eclipse his own. He stripped command of the war from [[General Martok|Martok]] and assumed leadership himself while placing [[General Martok|Martok]] in no-win battles. This threw the [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]]'s lines into chaos. The situation reached a head when ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]''s strategic operations officer, [[Worf]], challenged [[Chancellor Gowron|Gowron]]'s leadership in open council. Per [[Klingons|Klingon]] tradition, this meant a duel to the death between the two. [[Worf]] killed [[Chancellor Gowron|Gowron]] in this fight, and the remaining council leaders crowned [[Worf]] the new [[Chancellor of the Klingon Empire]]. [[Worf]], however, refused this honor, giving it instead to [[General Martok|Martok]]. With the [[Klingons|Klingon]] political landscape somewhat stabilized after decades of chaos, the war returned to near-stalemated conditions.
===Final Assault and Fall of [[Cardassia]]===
With the [[Dominion]] now giving more and more important military decisions, and even giving a few [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] colonies to the [[Breen]], Legate [[Damar]], with the assistance of newly-promoted Colonel [[Kira Nerys]] and [[Garak]], began his own underground resistance movement in an attempt to drive the [[Dominion]] out of [[Cardassian space]]. [[Damar]] was branded a rebel by the [[Dominion]] and went into hiding.
Around this time, [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]] scientists were finally able to find a way to defeat the [[Breen]]'s special weapon, and it was decided that the [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]] was now in a position to take [[Cardassia]] itself, given that the [[Dominion]] was distracted by [[Damar]]'s rebellion. The ''[[U.S.S. S�?£o Paulo]]'' was re-christened to become the second starship ''[[U.S.S. Defiant|Defiant]]'', with [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]] in command. A three-pronged strike led by [[Benjamin Sisko|Sisko]], Chancellor [[General Martok|Martok]], and Admiral [[William Ross]] invaded [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] space in an all-or-nothing offensive.
[[Damar]]'s attempts at fomenting a popular uprising against the [[Dominion]] was wildly successful, finally causing the [[Dominion]] to destroy an entire [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] metropolis, killing about two million [[Cardassians]]. This atrocity caused most [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] fleet captains to switch sides, aiding the [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]]'s invasion of [[Cardassian space]].
[[The Founders]], facing extinction themselves, abandoned all pretense of being anything but polymorphic supremacists bent on imposing their version of order on the entire galaxy. Thus, they swore they would not surrender, promising a scorched earth war wherein any territory the [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]] managed to take would be so badly damaged, and so many people killed that [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]] victory would hardly be worth the effort. When [[the female shapeshifter]] discovered the treachery of the [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] fleet, she ordered the [[Jem'Hadar]] to exterminate the entire [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] race. Thus while [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]]���??and [[Cardassians|Cardassian]]���??starships fought for control of [[Cardassia|Cardassia Prime]] from space, the planet itself was being devastated by [[Jem'Hadar]] shock troops on the ground. A Pyrrhic victory seemed inevitable for the [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance|Alliance]], as nearly a billion [[Cardassians|Cardassian]] civilians were already dead.
However, [[Julian Bashir]] and ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]''s chief engineer [[Miles O'Brien]] had managed to take the cure for the [[Section 31]] created [[Founder's disease]] from the mind of one of its operatives. The cure was given to [[Odo]], who then rushed to [[Cardassia|Cardassia Prime]]. In exchange for the [[Dominion]]'s peaceful surrender, and the arrest of its [[The Founders|Founder]], [[Breen]], and [[Vorta]] leaders for war crimes, the [[Alpha Quadrant Alliance]] allowed [[Odo]] to cure [[The Founders]] of their [[Founder's disease|disease]]. A formal declaration of the cessation of hostilities was proclaimed in a ceremony aboard ''[[Deep Space Nine|DS9]]'', thus ending a conflict that had consumed nearly three-quarters of the galaxy for nearly seven years.
==The Aftermath==
The fallout from that war remains mostly undocumented. The political ramifications are immense, as nearly every major [[Alpha Quadrant]] power, from the Federation to the [[Ferengi]], underwent a dramatic shift in power. While the actual death toll is not known, it is estimated that billions of people gave their lives in the struggle. In the end, only another visit to the time period will provide canonical answers to the many unresolved questions.
[[Jem'Hadar]] soldiers laid waste to [[Cardassia|Cardassia Prime]], killing over 800 million [[Cardassians]]. That was in addition to the over seven million [[Cardassians]] who died fighting in the war. The damage to the planet was far worse than what the [[Cardassians]] did to [[Bajor]]. The long term implications to the [[Cardassians]] or their homeworld have not been revealed.
[[Odo]] returned to [[The Founders]]' homeworld. He did this to cure the other [[The Founders|Founders]] of the [[Section 31]] virus, and to teach them about the other races in the galaxy in an attempt to reform [[The Founders|Founder]] society.
The ultimate fate of the [[the female shapeshifter|Female Founder]] who had remained in the [[Alpha Quadrant]] to direct the war effort and then agreed to face trial is unknown. The penalties for war crimes have not been discussed in detail. One thing that is known for certain is that the Federation does not ordinarily practice capital punishment (excepting [[General Order VII]], which prohibits entry to the [[Talos]] system).
The effect of the war on the [[Romulan Star Empire]] is still largely unknown. Factions of the military clearly did not like the alliance that the war brought between the [[Romulan|Romulans]], the [[Klingons]], and the Federation. This may have been one of the reasons the [[Romulans|Romulan]] military supported the assassination of the [[Romulan Senate]] by [[Shinzon]]. However, [[Romulan-Federation relations]] seem to be at a high point after the [[Reman]] crisis.
[[Section 31]] agent [[Sloan]] predicted that of the four major powers of the [[Alpha Quadrant]], the only two major powers strong enough to affect Quadrant-wide politics will be the Federation and the [[Romulan|Romulans]], the [[Cardassians]] having been crushed, and the [[Klingons]] having taken heavy battle damage and lacking the resources for a quick rebound. Positing a decade-long recovery for the [[Klingons]], [[Sloan]] was meddling in [[Romulan]] internal affairs with the intent of making their post-war government more friendly to the Federation.
It is possible that the events of the '''Dominion War''' set the stage for the eventual entry of the [[Klingons]], [[Romulans|Romulans]], [[Cardassians]], and even the [[Dominion]], into the Federation.
==See Also==
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Latest revision as of 11:37, 26 December 2016

The Dominion War was a major war fought from 2373 to 2375 between the Dominion, Cardassian Union and Breen on one side, and the Alpha Quadrant alliance led by the United Federation of Planets, Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire. For an overview of the conflict, please see the Dominion War article on Memory Alpha.

Alternate Timeline

In 2392, the USS Invicta encountered an alternate universe where the outcome of the Dominion War was quite different from the "prime" universe: the Dominion won.

Below is a timeline of events of the war, comparing the prime and alternate universes.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
The Dominion signs non-aggression treaties with several powers, including the Romulans, Tholians, Miradorn, and Bajorans.
The entrance to the Bajoran wormhole is mined, preventing Dominion reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant, just before the combined forces of the Dominion and Cardassians capture Deep Space 9 in the Bajoran system during the the Second Battle of Deep Space 9, marking the start of the Dominion War.
Using the attack on DS9 as a diversion, Starfleet and Klingon Defense Forces destroy the Dominion shipyards at Torros III.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
The Federation and Klingons sustain heavy losses over three months of fighting.
The Federation's Seventh Fleet loses 98 of 112 ships in the Tyra system again Dominion forces.
The Allied Forces destroy the Dominion's primary ketracel-white storage facility in Cardassian space as well as a Dominion sensor array in the Argolis Cluster.
The Dominion advances further into Federation territory, approaching the Vulcan and Bolian home systems.
Starfleet begins plans for Operation Return to recapture Deep Space 9, assembling forces from the Second, Fifth, and Ninth Fleets at Starbase 375. Concerns are brought up during the planning in regards to Earth's vulnerability with the regrouping of forces, but the Third Fleet remains behind to protect the Sol system.
Starfleet is forced to launch Operation Return early, with only two-thirds of the combined fleet in place and without Klingon support secured. Six hundred Federation starships head into battle against a Dominion fleet of 1,254 ships.
Despite heavy casualties, Starfleet breaks through the Dominion line during the battle as Klingon forces arrive to help. The USS Defiant reaches DS9 first and enters the wormhole to confront the impending arrival of 2,800 Dominion ships.
Captain Benjamin Sisko, Emissary of the Prophets, convinces the Prophets to remove the Dominion fleet within the wormhole to save Bajor. The Dominion withdraws from DS9 back to Cardassia, and Damar succeeds Dukat as leader of the Cardassian Union. The Defiant is destroyed within the wormhole by the Dominion fleet. The 2,800 ships continue onward to destroy the remaining Federation and Klingon ships still fighting through the Dominion line. Starfleet Command's worse fears come true as the combined Dominion fleet of nearly 4,000 ships continue their advance into the Federation, heading for Earth.

The Third Fleet puts up a valiant struggle against the invading force, buying time for a mass evacuation of the Sol system, but billions remain behind when the first Jem'Hadar soldiers step foot upon Earth's surface. Starfleet headquarters is obliterated, and a puppet government is created for United Earth. The Dominion flag is raised in the chambers of the Federation Council.
The Dominion remains behind Cardassian lines and begins peace negotiations with the Federation, proposing a redrawn Federation-Cardassian border that seemingly favors the Federation but is actually a ploy by the Dominion to secure the Kabrel system to allow them to produce ketracel-white in the Alpha Quadrant for the Jem'Hadar troops. The Federation makes a counter-proposal and the talks end inconclusively. The remaining Starfleet forces withdraw back to Vulcan and Andor. Despite the loss of Earth to Dominion forces, the remaining Federation worlds unite to defend their homeworlds from Dominion oppression. Local military forces and even civilian ships begin joining in the active fighting against Dominion ships.
Dominion agents establish ties with the Orion Syndicate in an unsuccessful plot to undermine the Federation-Klingon alliance.
The Dominion begin breeding legions of Jem'Hadar in the Alpha Quadrant and push shipbuilding to full capacity. The issue of ketracel-white shortage was eventually mitigated via new supplies manufactured by the Son'a. The Gorn and Breen sign non-aggression treaties with the Dominion.
The Dominion invades Betazed from the Kalandra sector, threatening Vulcan, Andor, Tellar, and Alpha Centauri.
The Romulans declare war on the Dominion after the assassination of a Romulan senator, who was believed to have discovered evidence of an impending Dominion invasion of Romulus before he was killed.

The Romulans capture Benzar from the Dominion.
The Romulans and the Dominion renew their diplomatic ties in a peace conference with several other neutral powers. The Dominion celebrates the relationship it maintains with the Romulans as a model for the rest of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. The Tzenkethi subsequently sign a peace treaty with the Dominion.
The Federation reaches out to the Ferengi and the Evora in search of new allies.

The newly combined forces of the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans capture the Chin'toka system.
The Dominion captures the Trill system.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
The Dominion continues to put up a tough fight against the Alpha Quadrant powers with battles at Monac IV and repeated attacks on Chin'toka to recapture a Dominion subspace relay station left behind on AR-558.

The Allied Forces retake the Kalandra system from the Dominion. While Federation-Klingon-Romulan relations began to warm slightly from the war effort, within the Dominion, friction between Cardassian and Dominion leadership continued to build as Cardassian troops were being used as cannon fodder.
The Founders of the Dominion begin suffering from a morphogenic virus that could ultimately destroy the Great Link.
While the Federation Council had not authorized the virus's creation (which had been engineered instead by the clandestine organization known as Section 31), the Council nonetheless chose to withhold the cure from the Dominion because of the possible impact on the war.

The Dominion gain a new ally with the Breen, who are promised territorial concessions from the Cardassians over the objections of the Cardassians themselves.

The new alliance with the Breen and the massacre of the Cardassian Guard's Eleventh Order at Septimus III drives Damar to form a rebellion against the Dominion. After the Breen attack Starfleet Headquarters on Earth and join Dominion forces in recapturing the Chin'toka system, Damar announces the formation of the Cardassian Liberation Front and attacks the Dominion cloning facility on Rondac III.
The success of the war cements the Cardassian Union's place within the Dominion, and Cardassia Prime becomes the official capital of the Dominion in the Alpha Quadrant, with governing facilities constructed to begin administrating the conquered worlds of the Federation and Klingon Empire. The Dominion also continue their overtures of peace to the remaining neutral powers and secure a trade deal with the Romulan Star Empire.
Following Chin'toka, Klingon forces hold the front lines after the chance discovery that a single Klingon ship had been unaffected by the Breen's energy-dampening weapon. Still, the Klingons remain vastly outnumbered at twenty-to-one odds against the Dominion, and confine themselves to hit-and-run attacks to prevent the Dominion from organizing any major offensives.

Chancellor Gowron assumes direct command of Klingon forces for political purposes, fearing the rising popularity of General Martok. His battle plans waste Klingon ships in an attempt to have Martok killed in battle. Worf challenges Gowron and upon killing him in combat, hands chancellorship of the Klingon Empire to Martok.
The Federation gives supplies and training to Cardassian rebels, allowing the rebels to carry out a number of sabotage attacks on Dominion targets and to deliver an intact Breen energy-dampening weapon to the Allies. Though Damar's forces are mostly destroyed by the Dominion, the former Cardassian leader is able to rally the Cardassian civilian population into overt resistance against the Dominion.

The Dominion withdraws its forces back into Cardassian space. Rather than wait and allow them to rebuild their forces, the Federation Alliance launches an attack from Deep Space Nine towards Cardassia Prime.

As the Allies battle the Dominion, Cardassian rebels cause a planetary blackout and cut off Dominion headquarters. In retaliation, the Jem'Hadar destroy Lakarian City, killing two million Cardassians. Upon learning of the massacre, the Cardassian fleet switches sides in the midst of battle. The commanding Founder of the Dominion in the Alpha Quadrant orders a full retreat back to Cardassia Prime and the extermination of the Cardassian population. Determined to make the Federation's victory a costly and devastating one, she only relinquishes after linking with Odo, who cures her of the morphogenic virus and agrees to return to the Great Link to save the other Founders in exchange for the Dominion's surrender.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
The system of Basul Rodul willingly joins the Dominion. The planet of Rodul is believed to be somewhat of a sanctuary for Dominion civilians, the Rodulans treating them as honored guests and new neighbors. Security placed around the system by the Dominion is surprisingly high.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
Tasnim Shandres, daughter of Ki Shandres and his wife Roshanara, is born.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
The last of the Founders dies off from the morphogenic virus, and the Great Link is extinguished. However, rather than crippling the Dominion as Section 31 had hoped, the Jem'Hadar continue their fight, avenging their fallen gods.







Primary Universe Alternate Universe
Vulcan and Andor fall to the Dominion. Starfleet Command conducts the remainder of the war from Qo'noS.



Primary Universe Alternate Universe
Qo'noS falls to the Dominion, and the war is essentially over. The Klingon High Council is executed, and a new Klingon chancellor is installed. He signs a peace treaty with the Dominion, formally ending hostilities between the Klingon Empire and the Dominion.

With most of Starfleet Command and their most seasoned officers killed and infrastructure for fleet operations destroyed, the Federation Starfleet has fractured into pockets of surviving ships. Still, these surviving officers begin a guerrilla war against the Dominion occupation. They are joined by those Klingon houses that refuse to recognize the new Klingon chancellor's authority.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
The Hobus supernova destroys Romulus and Remus. An uneventful day passes on Romulus.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
Uprisings begin back within Dominion territory in the Gamma Quadrant. With the fighting in the Alpha Quadrant now mostly consisting of patrol duties and clearing out Federation/Klingon rebels from their hideouts, the Dominion begins turning its attention back to the Gamma Quadrant. The Cardassian Union is the ruling superpower of the Alpha Quadrant, and a cold war begins between the Cardassian Union and the Romulan Star Empire.




Primary Universe Alternate Universe
Starbase 118, the last known Federation starbase, falls to a Dominion assault. The USS Centris, USS Garuda and USS Tiger were among the ships lost in the fighting. The USS Ronin-A provided escort for a contingent of refugees who managed to evacuate before the base was destroyed.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
On stardate 2392.09.20, Alora DeVeau dies in a skirmish with Dominion while on a mission to free prisoners of war. She was the only crewmember fatality.

USS Ronin-A commanded by Captain Saveron encounters the USS Invicta from another universe.


Primary Universe Alternate Universe
Stardate 239302.16: The USS Gorkon gets sucked into a quantum fissure and is declared MIA. Stardate 239202.16: The USS Triumphant, commanded by Captain Walter Brunsig encounters the Gorkon from another universe.

239303.16: The saboteur Erik Jansen initiates the self destruct sequence on the Triumphant and the crew seek refuge aboard the Gorkon.
Stardate 239308.28: The USS Gorkon is rescued by the USS Yarahla and the infamous Yarahla Nine.