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Intelligent Lifeform Index

Four Letter Code XELA
Federation Status Member
Planet of Origin Xelata
Encountered Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
T/E Rating T0/E0
Current Tech Level N
List of Named Xelatians

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"Water is the source of life."
a Xelatian proverb.
The Xelatian are a species of humanoid cephalopods, evolving in the oceans of their world. Able to live out of the water for short periods of time they normally use a special environmental suit to keep their body wet. This allows them to remain out of waters for extended periods of time.

Home System

  • Quadrant: Beta
  • Location: Gage'Bo Sector (coordinates B25-0003-1300)
  • Proper Name: Tau 56 system
  • Star: It orbits a class A (White) star
  • Distance from Star: its orbit is approximately 38 million km
  • Companions: It is the 3rd of 9 planets in the system
  • Moons: none

Home World

  • Proper Name: Xelata
  • Diameter: 22,396 km (13,916 miles)
  • Gravity: 1.02 standard gravity with a density of 3.2
  • Axial Tilt: 6.3%, with minimal seasonal changes
  • Orbital Period: 287 days
  • Rotational Period: 21.3 hours
  • Classification: M
  • Surface Water: 84%
  • Atmosphere: 0.89% is a standard pressure with 72% nitrogen, 26% oxygen, 2% trace chemicals
  • Climate: Mainly a semi-tropical planet with large, vast oceans.
  • Terrain: It has large, vast oceans with an occasional island scattered around.
  • Population: Just over 10 billion


From the earliest point in their history they learned the need for co-operation. Only by working together would they be able to survive and defend themselves from the many predators that preyed upon them. Eventually they turned the tables and started to hunt those same predators.

As a result they have always been a unified people, one that has never suffered the insanity of fighting a war with their own kind. Instead they grew, developed, expanded and conquered their own world.

It was not until very late in their history, after they had created an industrial and technological civilization deep below the waters of their world that they learned that they were not alone in the universe.

In 2253 another species, the Klingons arrived on their world and founded a colony on the largest island. They built mines, factories and homes which the Xelantians initially did not care about, but it was when they started to dump all their garbage and hazardous waste into the waters that they attempted to communicate with them.

This was a complete disaster and that initial diplomatic party were all killed. They were shocked, then enraged. Feelings ran high and plans were made to teach the invaders a lesson. They struck suddenly, surprising the aliens with their well-trained hunters and weapons. It was a brutal, blood thirsty battle with no quarter given or mercy shown by either side.

In the end it was due to both their numbers and the skill of their warriors that they finally defeated the enemy. They studied their devices, examined their ships and were finally able to reverse engineer the lot. Not only that but they were able to understand the theories and science that made them function.

Even better, when it came time to build their own ships they incorporated certain improvements that made them more efficient. They prepared for a return of the enemy but it never happened. Instead they made first contact with the Federation in 2282.

Initially this contact was fairly reserved but once the Xelatians discovered that the crew of the USS Pacific were not only peaceful but friendly this quickly changed. They were impressed by the fact that the crew had members from no less than 9 different species. All of them getting along and working together in both a professional and efficient manner.

As a result of this meeting they established friendly relations with the Federation and in 2286 were in the process of obtaining membership into the Federation.

They had a delegation present during the "Whalesong Crisis" on Earth.

Since then they have been strong active members of the Federation, even sending their entire defensive fleet to fight in the Dominion War.


They have always been a unified people and as their population grew the need for a central unified government was met by the creation of a council of elders. This council consists of 3 elected from a field of highly respected and qualified individuals. They serve for 8 years.



Xelatians are unique in appearance due to the use of a metallic gold colored faceplate used to cover all portions of their face. This is made from an unusual composite metal that is quite common among them and that is rust resistant. The only opening on the mask is a small viewing port where the eyes would ordinarily be. Since they only have one eye the viewing port is smaller than one might normally expect it to be.

They wear an environmental suit normally when out of the water although they can survive for up to 7 hours without it. Outside of the suit it is easy to see that they are some kind of humanoid cephalopods with gills and tentacles at their extremities.

They do have some racial sub-divisions which are normally indicated by the varied skin coloration over the majority of their bodies.


Xelatians communicate among themselves using telepathy and the bioluminescent pigment present in the skin. As of 2286, Xelatians required universal translators that interpreted the patterns of the bioluminescent pigment.

Eager for further communication with other species, many Xelatians are attempting to train their nasal slits for physical speech. While physical speech was not easy, Xelatians are able to read and write a variety of languages, including Federation Standard.


Having evolved in the oceans of their world, Xelatians are an advanced form of marine life. Xelatians possessed four tentacles on their upper and lower torso, typically four metres in length. Also on their torsos were four gill slots, which extracted oxygen from the water. Xelatians could not survive out of the water for more than seven hours.


Xelatians had a single large, oval-shaped eye capable of seeing the ultraviolet end of the electromagnetic spectrum. As a result of this, normal lighting for most humanoids was much too bright for Xelatians. In order to cope with lighting outside of their aquatic environments, a metal face mask was worn with a slit large enough to see unobscured. The masks also had an ultraviolet light source shining through the eye slit to heighten vision while worn.

Environmental Adaption

A Xelatian's skeleton was able to withstand conditions of high gravity as their bodies were accustomed to the ocean pressures of their world. However, movement on land was not possible without the aid of a specially-designed environmental suit. These suits contained an anti-gravity harness and water circulation systems that allowed normal breathing.

A mass of Xelatian sea grass was typically worn atop the head to keep the head hydrated when out of the water.


While their mental thought processes are completely and as expected unique due to their being humanoid cephalopods who evolved in an aquatic environment they do understand and appreciate the need for mental health professionals. Under normal circumstances they only suffer from mental issues as a result of extreme old age. However as a result of their activities within the Federation they have discovered other situations that have caused mental problems to surface.


They believe the oceans to be alive, to embody a spirit, a creative energy that is responsible for all life on their world. As such it is important that they respect and nurture all marine life and ensure the purity of the water which is the life’s blood of their world.


They have a rich history that is now preserved in both a written form and a visual re-enacted and recorded version as well. These tales and legends detail their earliest history. One when they were at the mercy of the deep. When predators were to be feared and everyday life was short and dangerous.


They have a well-organized and structured society with next to no crime, plenty of social programs, universal health care and educational opportunities for anyone who wants them.

Visitors to their world can stay at any of the facilities built on the many islands or wear underwater environmental suits and visit the many cities and other wonders beneath the oceans.


Due to the unusual nature of their vision and their origins as an underwater species of humanoid cephalopods they never really developed any native art forms. However their exposure to those of other species with in the Federation has resulted in their ability to appreciate those belong to other species.


Births, deaths and the mating of two individuals seem to be the extent of any recognizable customs. Each has a ritualistic set of actions, conditions and expected responses.


They produce and have developed a wide and diverse range of devices, technology and equipment that functions perfectly well both under water and in the crushing depths associated with deep water. As a result they are considered to easily be as advanced as most of the more technologically advanced member worlds of the Federation.


While they were completely self-sufficient prior to establishing contact with the Federation, since becoming members they have established a strong and diverse trading system. One that has enriched both their way of life, but also their understanding of and desire to support the Federation in all ways.


Originally they built 4 sets of 4 warships. This was to be their first line of defense in case the enemy, the Klingons returned. To this day they still have all of these ships but now they float in space as a reminder of what might have been.

Currently they have 16 ships that form the planetary defense force. These ships are all cruisers and state of the art. They are used to patrol this sector of space but are also used to assist and support any other Federation member world that may need assistance.

During the Dominion War all of them were dispatched to fight alongside Starfleet and Klingon warships. The officer in charge of this force was a retired Starfleet Captain.

While they have not needed it they maintain a large infantry training facility and reserve force. Over 75% of all the individuals who are trained usually go on to serve with the Federation Marine Core.

Federation Intelligence Files

The Federation made first contact with this race in 2282. The Xelatians were in the process of obtaining membership into the United Federation of Planets as of 2286 and had a delegation present during the "Whalesong Crisis" on Earth.

By the 24th century, Xelatian personnel have integrated themselves well into Starfleet’s Marine forces. In fact Marine Battalion # 211, the Devils of the Deep is made up almost entirely of Xelatian officers and marines. This unit is specially equipped for use in aquatic environments.

Xelatian members of the Federation Diplomatic Corps have distinguished themselves well by negotiating several important treaties.

They maintain a permanent infantry garrison and historical museum on the island where the Klingons established their mining colony. All of the artifacts, ships and devices that they took from the invaders have been painstakingly reassembled and returned to their original locations. Animatronic recreations of the Klingons have been designed and strategically placed to further the historical illusion.


Both Memory Alpha and Memory Beta were used as sources as well as the Star Trek movie, Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.

Also used were the following written sources, the FASA RPG module: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home Sourcebook Update and the FASA RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual.


This file was updated and approved by the SDC on 21 March 2014.

Content from this article may have
come partially, or entirely from
Memory Alpha

This profile was revised by the Species Development Committee.
REV 239401.31
Please add any new information discovered during the course of a mission or shore leave.