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The V'Shar, also known as Vulcan Security, is the Vulcan intelligence and security agency responsible for maintaining internal affairs on Vulcan, as well as its external affairs outside the normal operations of Starfleet Intelligence.


This body is Vulcan's intelligence agency that is a part of the Vulcan Ministry of Security and is tasked with the security of the Vulcan state. In its most recent history it has been primarily devoted to the gathering of technical, scientific and economic intelligence from all over the galaxy. This is because Vulcan relies greatly on technology for both economic and defensive purposes. Thus, it makes it crucial to know the major and important technologies that are being developed - especially those that could be used against Vulcan.

They do not rely on field operations, but instead concentrate on collecting and analyzing data with the Vulcan's noted ability for deduction. Though they focus on protecting Vulcan interests through technological and scientific intelligence, it has a long tradition of working with the Federation.


The V'Shar consists of three branches that exist within the organization:

Internal Security Bureau

The Internal Security Bureau focuses on discovering and combating any internal threat to both Vulcan's and the Federation's security. Thus, this bureau's agents often spend their time looking for signs of foreign spies on Vulcan and are also involved in the fight against organized crime and large scale domestic threats.

Galactic Intelligence Bureau

The Galactic Intelligence Bureau employs analysts on Vulcan and throughout the quadrant in search of data on foreign powers from the Klingons, Cardassians and especially the Romulans. This bureau has a special interest in the Romulans, due to the special racial relationship they share with the Vulcans.

Scientific Inquiry Bureau

The Scientific Inquiry Bureau is involved with the Vulcan's desire to hold science in high regard and staying informed about technological development in the Alpha Quadrant. Thus, this bureau represents the Vulcan's need to know everything about the Universe and involves a close observation of all technological advances outside the Federation. Normally, this bureau does not undertake acquisition missions but on occasion when a particular piece of technology or scientific knowledge is deemed important to Vulcan and the Federation's security than it is suggested to Starfleet Intelligence to send a team to "acquire" the object. This allows the V'Shar to assist in the analysis of the captured technology.

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Memory Alpha