SIM:The Family

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The Family

((Diplomatic Corps Building - Brek`s Office))

::Humans often say that you cannot change a first impression. Upon glancing at his guest, Brek felt like he would be forever plagued with this nightmarish vision that had invaded his office. The person who had announced herself as being his grand-mother was everything that a female should not be: skinny and shapeless, with gravity pulling what little there was towards the floor. The whole affair was covered with a pink robe that seemed to advertise that yes, indeed, you were in the presence of a ... er... Lady.::

::The most frightening however, was that to some extent this old relic looks well enough like his mother, and to some even more remote degree like himself. When he noticed that she was equipped with a walking stick, Brek rushed behind his desk. On Ferenginar, it is not unusual for the elderly to be expert at what he had dubbed `spacial art`. They hit everything around them with their stick, with a large preference for other people's knees and knuckles.::

Brek: ::Trying to look taller than he was.:: Whoever you are, I warn you, I have little time and even less patience to offer. So state your business, and be gone.

::The woman observed him quietly, then spoke with a deep voice.::

Woman: Your cautious stance is appreciated, Brek. Where would we be if we all trusted the first stranger that knocked on our door? ::She approached the desk and placed a PADD on it.:: The information stored here proves in details that my name is Ara. I am the mother of your mother. It also describes the ramifications of our family. As you can see, our clan is quite large, and encompasses a wide array of trades.::

Brek: ::Rejecting the PADD in order to avoid an emerging fascination for the information it contains.::I don't want to know that! The family, as you called it, send me away when I was but an infant. Why should I care about it?!

Ara: The family paid for your education, youngling. Never forget this. Look where you are now: admittedly, your office looks like a tiny shed, but you work on a very impressive station. ::She banged her stick on the desk, nearly knocking out his computer.:: And this is why, despite my advanced age, I have travelled all the way from Ferenginar. With your inside assistance, we could develop interesting contracts here: Repairs, food supply, entertainment. Just give us a clue of the general mood, that's all we ask.

Brek: ::Grinning. The silly old bag, was, after all, very funny.:: If I was to do this, I'd lose my position in less time than it takes to make a cup of tea. But I don't suppose you know what tea is, do you?

Ara: ::She nodded her head.:: Tea is a sought after commodity, Brek. I may not consume it, I know of its value.

Brek: I guess that when one is as ancient as you are, one knows a lot of things, until senility sinks in, that is. And I'm wondering if you might not… ::The stick nearly broke two of his fingers as it landed a second time on his desk.:: That is enough! I suggest you leave now, or be dragged out by security, I don't care. In fact I don't even know why I bothered meeting you.

Ara: You should never reject anyone so finally, youngling. This is very bad business practice, as you never know what your needs might be in the future.

Brek: ::Rubbing his almost smashed hand.:: Don't start menacing me, and just go, Ara. You are not talking to a youngling who needs to make his first serious transaction. I am a Starfleet diplomat. I obey to the Fleet, and no one else.

Ara: You will obey all right, youngling. But I can see that, being immature and naïve, you need some time to ponder over all this. I'll grant you that much.

::She left with an air of dignity that looked rather silly on her. A few minutes later, Brek noticed from his computer that he had received a communication from Mister Sen. He called him back.::

Brek: =/\= I am sorry for the delay, Mister Sen. I had an unfortunate encounter with an unpalatable ancestor of mine.

Sen: Lieutenant, I'm just fulfilling a promise to Captain Jaxx that I would make sure you knew to report to his dining room in approximately 30 minutes for dinner with the captain, Ambassador Frazier and myself. Perhaps you could meet me near my quarters and we could walk together and chat a bit along the way?

Brek: =/\= Of course, I had not forgotten about the diner. I can even say that I've been looking forward to it ever since the Captain announced it. I'll be on my way, Mister Sen.

::Brek checked the location of Sen's quarters, made sure his uniform was impeccable; and moments later he called at Sen's door. ::

Lt jg Brek

Diplomatic Aide

Starbase 118