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This template is to give a compressed family, friend and colleague, selector for bios.


William Herrick, age 53 and born on 234902.14, is a Commander in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, stationed at the Utopia Planetia shipyards in the Sol system. He leads one of the refit crews that overhauls Starfleet vessels. He hails from Earth and is married to Laura Herrick. His strong work ethic and dedication to Starfleet were ultimately the contributing factors for Josh to apply to the academy. He regularly sends engineering focused texts to Josh to help him broaden his knowledge. With a regular 5 on / 2 off rotation, he returns to Earth each week to spend time with Laura.

Ground Rules:

  • This can accommodate up to 20 people in each category
  • All 3 fields must be filled out (name, image, description) for this to work properly
  • There is no image substitution (may come in a later release)
  • To avoid the 'no records' error in a tab, you must always have a person in Position 1. (2-20 doesn't matter if you have blanks in between)
  • Descriptions must be marked down in wiki code (sorry, rich formatting isn't supported by tabber).

Example template code:

|Family1Name= Character Name
|Family1Image= Image.jpg
|Family1Desc= Paragraph or two on the person.
(repeats until 20)

|Friend1Name = Character Name
|Friend1Name = Image.jpg
|Friend1Name = Paragraph or two on the person.
(repeats until 20)

|Colleague1Name= Character Name
|Colleague1Name= Image.jpg
|Colleague1Name= Paragraph or two on the person.
(repeats until 20)

For ease, I recommend you create a subpage (ie. Character Name/Relationships) and use {{subst:Template:RelationshipTabberBucket}} as this will give you the entire set of buckets and you can easily spot gaps as time progresses.