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{{Alternate Disambiguation}}
{{Alternate Disambiguation}}
'''Commander Jackford Kolk''', suave, debonaire, jovial, and a delight to be around. He served as the First Officer of the ''[[USS Ronin]]'' until his abduction by the [[Vaadwaur]] on stardate 238706.27 during the investigation of a deserted [[Invernian]] colony on Draconis Gamma VII.
'''Commander Jackford Kolk''', suave, debonaire, jovial, and a delight to be around. He served as the First Officer of the ''[[USS Ronin]]'' until his abduction by the [[Vaadwaur]] on stardate 238706.27 during the investigation of a deserted [[Invernian]] colony on Draconis Gamma VII. He is currently living aboard Deep Space 17 while undergoing psychological treatment.



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