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At some point in the week/two days between the wedding and the briefing, [[Ehlanii, Karynn|Ehlanii]] met the wee [[Brice, Matthew|Matthew Hollenbricedaleson]], unbeknownst to [[Brice, Ethan|Brice]], because [[Hollendale, Rebecca Elizabeth|Hollendale]] came looking for counseling about whether or not she should marry her own NPC, [[Benton, Jack|Benton]], who may or may not end up wanting to kill [[Brice, Matthew|Hollenbricedaleson]] because the wee lad is too much like [[Benton, Jack|Benton]]'s perceived rival, [[Brice, Ethan|Brice]]. [[Thelev, Jhen|Thelev]] and [[Kolk, Jackford|Kolk]] had breakfast in the [[Double Shot]] and chatted about how [[Kolk, Jackford|Kolk]] was flipping his lid and [[Valis]] was falling for [[Thelev, Jhen|Thelev]]. Meanwhile, [[Valis]] was in counseling with [[Ehlnaii, Karynn|Ehlanii]] talking about how she'd had a meditation-induced vision where [[Thelev, Jhen|Thelev]] challenged her to ''kal-if-fee'' (you know, the violent part of the ''Pon Farr''). [[Ehlanii, Karynn|Ehlanii]] told [[Valis]] she should hang out with the guy more (and possible get couples therapy with him), and then got ready to go to a French restaurant and to Notre Dame Cathedral with [[Brice, Ethan|Brice]]. Also, [[Hollendale, Rebecca Elizabeth|Hollendale]] tried to cheer [[Walker, Benjamin J.|Walker]] up by asking him to break the law to help her save her [[Vulcan]] friend/father-type-person's daughter and threatening to run away if he wouldn't, and [[Quay, Kassa|Quay]] asked [[Rogers, William|Rogers]] to move in with her.
At some point in the week/two days between the wedding and the briefing, [[Ehlanii, Karynn|Ehlanii]] met the wee [[Brice, Matthew|Matthew Hollenbricedaleson]], unbeknownst to [[Brice, Ethan|Brice]], because [[Hollendale, Rebecca Elizabeth|Hollendale]] came looking for counseling about whether or not she should marry her own NPC, [[Benton, Jack|Benton]], who may or may not end up wanting to kill [[Brice, Matthew|Hollenbricedaleson]] because the wee lad is too much like [[Benton, Jack|Benton]]'s perceived rival, [[Brice, Ethan|Brice]]. [[Thelev, Jhen|Thelev]] and [[Kolk, Jackford|Kolk]] had breakfast in the [[Double Shot]] and chatted about how [[Kolk, Jackford|Kolk]] was flipping his lid and [[Valis]] was falling for [[Thelev, Jhen|Thelev]]. Meanwhile, [[Valis]] was in counseling with [[Ehlanii, Karynn|Ehlanii]] talking about how she'd had a meditation-induced vision where [[Thelev, Jhen|Thelev]] challenged her to ''kal-if-fee'' (you know, the violent part of the ''Pon Farr''). [[Ehlanii, Karynn|Ehlanii]] told [[Valis]] she should hang out with the guy more (and possible get couples therapy with him), and then got ready to go to a French restaurant and to Notre Dame Cathedral with [[Brice, Ethan|Brice]]. Also, [[Hollendale, Rebecca Elizabeth|Hollendale]] tried to cheer [[Walker, Benjamin J.|Walker]] up by asking him to break the law to help her save her [[Vulcan]] friend/father-type-person's daughter and threatening to run away if he wouldn't, and [[Quay, Kassa|Quay]] asked [[Rogers, William|Rogers]] to move in with her.



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