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521 bytes added ,  28 March 2024
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!style="-moz-border-radius:0px;color:#002600;background:#EFDFFF;text-align: left;width:1000pt"| Friends & Crewmates
!style="-moz-border-radius:0px;color:#002600;background:#EFDFFF;text-align: left;width:1000pt"| Friends & Crewmates
|[[Karrod Niac|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Karrod Niac'''</span>]], '''Current Commanding Officer, "you can catch me, gay thoughts"'''<br /><hr>He does not know Karrod very well as of right now, but from the moment he stepped onto the Ronin, Niac's opening speech was something that stuck with Dekas. He thinks that despite the outwardly "grumpy" appearance, he's actually very sweet, and thoughtful. Has a good sense of humor. And he tries not to think about the fact he also finds him deeply attractive. Which he at least slightly fails at not thinking about ever since he half-flirted with him while trying to figure out who dropped off a heart-shaped bouquet of fancy millet in the Captain's office. And it doesn't help that Dekas loves a good Trill. But truly above all that, he would like to get to know him better in general, and as a friend first and foremost. Be someone Karrod can lean on.
|[[Karrod Niac|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Karrod Niac'''</span>]], '''Current Commanding Officer, "you can catch me, gay thoughts"'''<br /><hr>He does not know Karrod very well as of right now, but from the moment he stepped onto the Ronin, Niac's opening speech was something that stuck with Dekas. He thinks that despite the outwardly "grumpy" appearance, he's actually very sweet, and thoughtful. Has a good sense of humor. And he tries not to think about the fact he also finds him attractive. Which he at least slightly fails at not thinking about ever since he half-flirted with him while trying to figure out who dropped off a heart-shaped bouquet of fancy millet in the Captain's office. And it doesn't help that Dekas loves a good Trill. But truly above all that, he would like to get to know him better in general, and as a friend first and foremost. And also as a counselor. Be someone Karrod can lean on in various respects.
|[[Toryn Raga|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Toryn Raga'''</span>]], '''Current XO'''<br /><hr>Another person on the Ronin that Dekas hasn't gotten to know well yet, but he thinks Raga is very cool and nice to talk to. Also, he's got a literal owl as a pet. Brownie points for having a bird.
|[[Toryn Raga|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Toryn Raga'''</span>]], '''Current XO'''<br /><hr>Another person on the Ronin that Dekas hasn't gotten to know well yet, but he thinks Raga is very cool and nice to talk to. Also, he's got a literal owl as a pet. Brownie points for having a bird.
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|[[V'Len Kel|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''V'Len Kel'''</span>]], '''CMO on the Ronin, new friend'''<br /><hr>They're only recently getting to know each other, but they did take some time on a holodeck sleuthing mystery during the previous shore leave, and Dekas had a good time. So he does like V'Len Kel as a friend now.
|[[V'Len Kel|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''V'Len Kel'''</span>]], '''CMO on the Ronin, new friend'''<br /><hr>They're only recently getting to know each other, but they did take some time on a holodeck sleuthing mystery during the previous shore leave, and Dekas had a good time. So he does like V'Len Kel as a friend now.
|[[Hiro Jones|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Hiro Jones'''</span>]], '''Fellow counselor'''<br /><hr>Hiro is a fellow counselor on the Ronin. They've only spoken once, but Dekas already really likes Hiro, and is pretty sure they're bound to be good friends.
|[[Kirsty Lee Carpenter|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kirsty Carpenter'''</span>]], '''Chief of Sec/tac, former marine major, "please god, can I just give you a hug?"'''<br /><hr>Kirsty is someone he's only run into once or twice, but something in his head thinks she's far more in need of a friend than she would ever let on. And despite not knowing her well, all he wants to do is give her a hug and tell her that he's there for her. He wants to be buddies with her so badly.
|[[Marty Tucker|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Marty Tucker'''</span>]], '''Acting Chief of Engineering on Ronin, friend'''<br /><hr>They both joined the Ronin from Denali Station, and showed up together. They haven't talked too much beyond that, but Dekas does think Marty is marvelous and would like to talk more.
|[[Marty Tucker|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Marty Tucker'''</span>]], '''Acting Chief of Engineering on Ronin, friend'''<br /><hr>They both joined the Ronin from Denali Station, and showed up together. They haven't talked too much beyond that, but Dekas does think Marty is marvelous and would like to talk more.
|[[Hiro Jones|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Hiro Jones'''</span>]], '''Fellow counselor'''<br /><hr>Hiro is a fellow counselor on the Ronin. They've only spoken once, but Dekas already really likes Hiro, and is pretty sure they're bound to be good friends.
|[[Oddas Aria|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Oddas Aria'''</span>]], '''Commodore, previous Commanding Officer'''<br /><hr>Oddas is someone that Dekas deeply admires and respects. He strives to emulate her strength and leadership in his own ways and wishes to do well enough at his job on the station to make her proud. Dekas also considers her a friend. More than she realizes, most likely. He's very smart and does recognize why someone might label her as 'stand-offish'. But in his mind, it is less 'stand-offish' and more 'stoic and serious'. She is a Captain, and she's gone through a lot. Because of that, he understands the degree of separation from most officers. Not-so-deep-down he hopes to one day gain a level of bond with her that is both professional and simultaneously a genuine friendship from both sides. Not that he doesn't already act that way when given the opportunity, of course. His love for those he considers his friends is pure and unconditional. So as it stands, there is no condition that requires someone to feel the same level of friendship for him to already consider someone a good friend. Oddas included.  
|[[Oddas Aria|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Oddas Aria'''</span>]], '''Commodore, previous Commanding Officer'''<br /><hr>Oddas is someone that Dekas deeply admires and respects. He strives to emulate her strength and leadership in his own ways and wishes to do well enough at his job on the station to make her proud. Dekas also considers her a friend. More than she realizes, most likely. He's very smart and does recognize why someone might label her as 'stand-offish'. But in his mind, it is less 'stand-offish' and more 'stoic and serious'. She is a Captain, and she's gone through a lot. Because of that, he understands the degree of separation from most officers. Not-so-deep-down he hopes to one day gain a level of bond with her that is both professional and simultaneously a genuine friendship from both sides. Not that he doesn't already act that way when given the opportunity, of course. His love for those he considers his friends is pure and unconditional. So as it stands, there is no condition that requires someone to feel the same level of friendship for him to already consider someone a good friend. Oddas included.  


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