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One year later in 2367 Nimbuz was born, a very healthy boy, along with his twin brother Minaza. Minaza was killed by a Dominion attack in 2374 , while on Betazoid and visiting his grandparents. Nimbuz, came down with a very bad Risian Flu and was not able to go, the flu saved his life.
One year later in 2367 Nimbuz was born, a very healthy boy, along with his twin brother Minaza. Minaza was killed by a Dominion attack in 2374 , while on Betazoid and visiting his grandparents. Nimbuz, came down with a very bad Risian Flu and was not able to go, the flu saved his life.
[[File:Impulse.jpg|thumb|Basic Impulse Engine]]
Nimbuz went to the University of Betazed in 2386 majoring in Astronautical Engineering, with a focus on Aerospace Bio-neural Technology, with a minor in Physics, graduating in 2390. For the next few years, he worked for Vortex Fusion as a Project Manager for development of impulse control systems.
Nimbuz went to the University of Betazed in 2386 majoring in Astronautical Engineering, with a focus on Aerospace Bio-neural Technology, with a minor in Physics, graduating in 2390. For the next few years, he worked for Vortex Fusion as a Project Manager for development of impulse control systems.
[[File:Deep Space 5.jpeg|left|frame|Deep Space 5 Space Station and Fleet Yards]]
[[File:Deep Space 5.jpeg|left|frame|Deep Space 5 Space Station and Fleet Yards]]
Vortex Fusion is one of the largest Engineering Contractors to Star Fleet, with locations at Antares Ship Yards, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Beta Antares shipyards, Deep Space 5, Earth Station McKinley, Luna Shipyards, Oakland Shipyard, San Francisco Fleet Yards, Starbase 47, Starbase 235, and Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards.
Vortex Fusion is one of the largest Engineering Contractors to Star Fleet, with locations at Antares Ship Yards, Baikonur Cosmodrome, Beta Antares shipyards, Deep Space 5, Earth Station McKinley, Luna Shipyards, Oakland Shipyard, San Francisco Fleet Yards, Starbase 47, Starbase 235, and Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards.
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Nimbuz worked in his lab on deck 14 very happily for 6 years, he always thought he would be there till he retired. He loved his set-up, a small office, that was extremely messy, every surface covered in PADD’s and even some old books, tools and empty coffee cups waiting to be returned to the replicator.  One wall had built in shelving with books, photos, and other stuff, with the replicator next to it, with a master display next to that.  There was no windows that looked out into space, however the two windows on each side of the main door looked out into the lab and the two windows that were behind the sofa looked out over the hanger/shuttle bay.  This office really was a great location for someone that worked as much as Nimbuz did, he would spend 14 to 18 hours a day in his office or labs.
Nimbuz worked in his lab on deck 14 very happily for 6 years, he always thought he would be there till he retired. He loved his set-up, a small office, that was extremely messy, every surface covered in PADD’s and even some old books, tools and empty coffee cups waiting to be returned to the replicator.  One wall had built in shelving with books, photos, and other stuff, with the replicator next to it, with a master display next to that.  There was no windows that looked out into space, however the two windows on each side of the main door looked out into the lab.  Right behind the Office and lab was the hanger bay and shuttle bay for Vortex Fusion.  This office really was a great location for someone that worked as much as Nimbuz did, he would spend 14 to 18 hours a day in his office or labs.
[[File:LabDS5.png|thumb|Nimbuz Elleazar's Vortex Fusion Lab on Deep Space 5, with his office on the upper part]]
To the right is a diagram of the Vortex Fusion Lab, the windows are floor to ceiling and take up two full decks, Nimbuz's office is on deck 14 while the lab is below on deck 15.  The side doors on deck 15 went it the halls, however the rear door walked out into the shuttle bay that was on decks 16-15-14 and 13.  Not seen in the flight control room that is located under Nimbuz's office and hangs out into the shuttle bays.  The shuttle bay houses 6 different shuttles 3 each or the rebuilds.

In 2396 Nimbuz joined Starfleet at the Starbase 118 recruitment center, and was sent to Earth, and to the Academy. While at the Academy, he went to the Starfleet Command School with a Communications/Operations Major and Helm/Navigation Minor. While at the Academy, Nimbuz was assigned to the Astrogation Department as a work detail.
In 2396 Nimbuz joined Starfleet at the Starbase 118 recruitment center, and was sent to Earth, and to the Academy. While at the Academy, he went to the Starfleet Command School with a Communications/Operations Major and Helm/Navigation Minor. While at the Academy, Nimbuz was assigned to the Astrogation Department as a work detail.

{{Heading|Service History|Gold}}For the last duty assignment in the Academy Nimbuz was assigned to the training center on Star Base 118 and was on a Holo Mission with the USS Centris-A.  The computer was throwing issue after issue at the cadets, all while saying nothing was wrong.  It was interesting to say the least.
{{Heading|Service History|Gold}}For the last duty assignment in the Academy Nimbuz was assigned to the training center on Star Base 118 and was on a Holo Mission with the USS Centris-A.  The computer was throwing issue after issue at the cadets, all while saying nothing was wrong.  It was interesting to say the least.

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