Denali Station/Technical Overview: Difference between revisions

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{{LCARS-bar-heading|Personnel|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to bottom, #804835, #02232e, #804835)}}*
{{LCARS-bar-heading|Personnel|10|COLOR=linear-gradient(to bottom, #804835, #02232e, #804835)}}

'''Starfleet Personnel'''

*'''<big>Starfleet Personnel</big>'''

** '''Officers''': 200
** '''Enlisted''': 750
**<big>'''Officers''': 200</big>
** '''Civilians''': 400
**<big>'''Enlisted''': 750</big>
**<big>'''Civilians''': 400</big>

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* Denali is powered by 3 Fusion Reactors located in the basement of [[Denali/Fairbanks|Fairbanks]]
*<big>Denali is powered by 3 Fusion Reactors located in the basement of [[Denali/Fairbanks|Fairbanks]]</big>
* Computer System: LCARS, Six M-30 Bio-Neural Gelpack Isolinear X Processor Cores
*<big>Computer System: LCARS, Six M-30 Bio-Neural Gelpack Isolinear X Processor Cores</big>

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The Engineering and Tactical Departments will be responsible for the development of a defense system for the City and Station. Currently there are no shields or weapons installations which means that, for the moment, the Station depends on the USS Eagle to defend itself against a possible attack coming from space.
Future plans for Denali Station are:
* '''Beam Weapons''': 4 Type X+ Phaser Planetary Emitter Defense Satellites 
* '''Torpedo Launchers''':
** 4 Rapid Fire Torpedo Launchers
** 2 Quantum Torpedo Launchers
* '''Torpedo Capacity''':
** 400 Photon Torpedoes
** 150 Quantum Torpedoes
* '''Shield Capacity''': 1M TeraJoules, centered around the Administrative areas of the city.

<big>The Engineering and Tactical Departments will be responsible for the development of a defense system for the City and Station. Currently there are no shields or weapons installations which means that, for the moment, the Station depends on the USS Eagle to defend itself against a possible attack coming from space.
Future plans for Denali Station are:</big>
*<big>'''Beam Weapons''': 4 Type X+ Phaser Planetary Emitter Defense Satellites</big>
*<big>'''Torpedo Launchers''':</big>
**<big>4 Rapid Fire Torpedo Launchers</big>
**<big>2 Quantum Torpedo Launchers</big>
*<big>'''Torpedo Capacity''':</big>
**<big>400 Photon Torpedoes</big>
**<big>150 Quantum Torpedoes</big>
*<big>'''Shield Capacity''': 1M TeraJoules, centered around the Administrative areas of the city.</big>

[[Category: Denali Station]]
[[Category: Denali Station]]

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