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2 bytes added ,  4 October 2022
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|'''Gura, Astronomer'''<br><hr>One of Dekas' older brothers. 11 year age difference. He likes to goof around with Gura, they have a good, very playful bond. He also enjoys listening to Gura talk about the science things he's been part of. He has a bondmate and two fledges.
|'''Gura, Astronomer'''<br><hr>One of Dekas' older brothers. 11 year age difference. He likes to goof around with Gura, they have a good, very playful bond. He also enjoys listening to Gura talk about the science things he's been part of. He has a bondmate and two fledges.
|'''Eris, Astrophysicist'''<br><hr>One of Dekas' older sisters. She's Gura's twin. 11 year age difference. She and Gura were nearly inseparable growing up, so they both went into similar fields and often work closely together. As such, Dekas enjoys hearing her talk about her science career as well. Has a bondmate from a different flock of Aurelians with Blue and gold feathers, and one fledge called Zhia'Qi whose feather colors are significantly different from both parents with green, blue, and orange feathers from the mix. Dekas is quite fond of Zhia and finds he relates to the fact that people often double-take when they see her. She's his favorite niece.
|'''Eris, Astrophysicist'''<br><hr>One of Dekas' older sisters. She's Gura's twin. 11 year age difference. She and Gura were nearly inseparable growing up, so they both went into similar fields and often work closely together. As such, Dekas enjoys hearing her talk about her science career as well. Has a bondmate from a different flock of Aurelians with Blue and gold feathers, and one daughter called Zhia-Qi whose feather colors are significantly different from both parents with green, blue, and orange feathers from the mix. Dekas is quite fond of Zhia and finds he relates to the fact that people often double-take when they see her. She's his favorite niece.
|'''Daffa, Musician'''<br><hr>One of Dekas' older sisters. Triplets with Koori and Ura. 5 year age difference to Dekas. They're decently close because of the closeness in ages, but he did have a clear preference for Koori, so it never reached that level. However, he loves Daffa dearly and thinks her music is awesome.
|'''Daffa, Musician'''<br><hr>One of Dekas' older sisters. Triplets with Koori and Ura. 5 year age difference to Dekas. They're decently close because of the closeness in ages, but he did have a clear preference for Koori, so it never reached that level. However, he loves Daffa dearly and thinks her music is awesome.
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|'''Ura, Crystal sculptor'''<br><hr>One of Dekas' older sisters. Triplets with Daffa and Koori. 5 year age difference to Dekas. They were fairly close given their closer age range, but because of his closeness to Koori, it wasn't quite as close as it could have been. But neither party is bitter because it's not like it's unusual to have favorites. She supports his goals and loves him dearly, and the sentiment is returned.
|'''Ura, Crystal sculptor'''<br><hr>One of Dekas' older sisters. Triplets with Daffa and Koori. 5 year age difference to Dekas. They were fairly close given their closer age range, but because of his closeness to Koori, it wasn't quite as close as it could have been. But neither party is bitter because it's not like it's unusual to have favorites. She supports his goals and loves him dearly, and the sentiment is returned.
|'''Zhia'Qi, Niece, Newly an adult'''<br><hr>Zhia'Qi, "Zhia"(pronounced like "Zjaw", Full name is: "Zjaw-key". Sometimes visiting humanoids call her Jockey in their accent and she is also okay with that) is Dekas' favorite niece. They get along swimmingly and relate to each other on how much they each stand out. And while they are different personalities, they do have a similar sense of humor, and surprisingly similar life goals. She's the daughter of Eris and Eris' bondmate Khess'Qi. She stands out with a very different color of feathers to both of her parents as she is a mixed bird from two differently feathered flocks. She is 20 years old now, newly an adult by Aurelian standards. She can sort of be considered a student as she is picking up fluency in Federation Standard. But she isn't in official university classes yet otherwise as she's considering a Starfleet career, potentially. A lot like Dekas, but in her case, she would prefer to know which college she's attending rather than attending both Aurelian and Starfleet colleges. (Her attention span is such that she wouldn't enjoy going to college twice as Dekas did. Just one is fine, thanks.) She wants to talk to Dekas about it before she fully solidifies her decision as he's the one person she'd trust to say what she needed to hear either way. So for now she's enjoying her life as a cultural adult until she knows for sure where she wants to take things in her career. Dekas doesn't know this yet.
|'''Zhia-Qi, Niece, Newly an adult'''<br><hr>Zhia-Qi, "Zhia"(pronounced like "Zjaw", Full name is: "Zjaw-key". Sometimes visiting humanoids call her Jockey in their accent and she is also okay with that) is Dekas' favorite niece. They get along swimmingly and relate to each other on how much they each stand out. And while they are different personalities, they do have a similar sense of humor, and surprisingly similar life goals. She's the daughter of Eris and Eris' bondmate Khess-Qi. She stands out with a very different color of feathers to both of her parents as she is a mixed bird from two differently feathered flocks. She is 20 years old now, newly an adult by Aurelian standards. She can sort of be considered a student as she is picking up fluency in Federation Standard. But she isn't in official university classes yet otherwise as she's considering a Starfleet career, potentially. A lot like Dekas, but in her case, she would prefer to know which college she's attending rather than attending both Aurelian and Starfleet colleges. (Her attention span is such that she wouldn't enjoy going to college twice as Dekas did. Just one is fine, thanks.) She wants to talk to Dekas about it before she fully solidifies her decision as he's the one person she'd trust to say what she needed to hear either way. So for now she's enjoying her life as a cultural adult until she knows for sure where she wants to take things in her career. Dekas doesn't know this yet.


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