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|[[Tomas Falt|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Tomas Falt'''</span>]], ''' Holodeck buddy, Chief Hug Officer, "Oh no, he's hot"'''<br /><hr>His first real interaction with Tomas Falt was in a fantasy holodeck adventure where Tomas played a Barbarian called "Varg." And every single time Dekas has talked to him since, he's never failed to find him really attractive. He likes the sound of his accent. He thinks he's exciting and kind. He likes the science background, and the anthropology and subsequent appreciation for history as a result. He recently went on an away mission with him and respects his leadership. Dekas has a bit of a bird crush on him. Over time, it has fizzled into a more manageable crush than when it started. And mostly he'd like to be really good friends with him. But regardless, he does find Chief Science Officer Tomas Falt ''ridiculously hot.'' He'd think so even if the crush faded completely into loving, but platonic fondness. It's what it is. He's just really hot. Tomas drunk-hugged him during the Award's Ceremony where they were told they would officially be moving down to Ring 42 on Denali Station. Honestly. It made his heart soar, and it still kind of does when it crosses his mind. But he tries not to daydream too much about hugging him.   
|[[Tomas Falt|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Tomas Falt'''</span>]], ''' Holodeck buddy, Chief Hug Officer, "Oh no, he's hot"'''<br /><hr>His first real interaction with Tomas Falt was in a fantasy holodeck adventure where Tomas played a Barbarian called "Varg." And every single time Dekas has talked to him since, he's never failed to find him really attractive. He likes the sound of his accent. He thinks he's exciting and kind. He likes the science background, and the anthropology and subsequent appreciation for history as a result. He recently went on an away mission with him and respects his leadership. Dekas has a bit of a bird crush on him. Over time, it has fizzled into a more manageable crush than when it started. And mostly he'd like to be really good friends with him. But regardless, he does find Chief Science Officer Tomas Falt ''ridiculously hot.'' He'd think so even if the crush faded completely into loving, but platonic fondness. It's what it is. He's just really hot. Tomas drunk-hugged him during the Award's Ceremony where they were told they would officially be moving down to Ring 42 on Denali Station. Honestly. It made his heart soar, and it still kind of does when it crosses his mind. But he tries not to daydream too much about hugging him.   
|[[Ashley Yael|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Ashley Yael'''</span>]], '''Station's Counselor, new friend, euf, I've got the feelings, bro.'''<br /><hr> He met Ashley Yael during the "Web Unbound" mission as they were on the same team. But he really became acquainted with him when they had a really good conversation (and a little cheeky flirt) in the Replimat during shore leave. He finds Ashley to be delightfully pleasant to speak with. They talked out a few stress issues briefly, and planned times to hang out. Maybe jump out of a shuttle together for the thrill of it. Ash even offered to help him with preening if he needed it. As with anyone, he wants to be good friends with him. But something about Yael specifically managed to strike a very interesting chord. It's not every day that a humanoid flirts back with him with a genuine interest in doing so. And as a result, he does have some very specific flirtatious interests in Yael as well. But he really caught a couple of fond feelings during the Award's Ceremony at Club Mobius, where he got a blitzed as far as levels of drunk, and invited him back to his quarters while they were dancing. The feelings might have formed a little while he was drunk, but the feelings are genuine. And he is afraid he's inadequate, he can't kiss him with a beak, but he genuinely likes him and is trying his best to remind himself that Yael would not have returned the flirtations and the affection if he did not like him as an Aurelian.
|[[Ashley Yael|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Ashley Yael'''</span>]], '''Station's Counselor, new friend, so attractive, euf I've got the feelings, bro. Possible love interest.'''<br /><hr> He met Ashley Yael during the "Web Unbound" mission as they were on the same team. But he really became acquainted with him when they had a really good conversation (and a little cheeky flirt) in the Replimat during shore leave. He finds Ashley to be delightfully pleasant to speak with. They talked out a few stress issues briefly and planned times to hang out. Maybe jump out of a shuttle together for the thrill of it. Ash even offered to help him with preening if he needed it. As with anyone, he wants to be good friends with him. But something about Yael specifically managed to strike a very interesting chord. It's not every day that a humanoid flirts back with him with a genuine interest in doing so. And as a result, he does have some very specific flirtatious interests in Yael as well. But he really caught a couple of fond feelings during the Award's Ceremony at Club Mobius, where he got a blitzed as far as levels of drunk, and invited him back to his quarters while they were dancing. The feelings might have formed a little while he was drunk, but the feelings are extremely genuine. He is afraid he's inadequate, he can't kiss him with a beak. He really likes him and is trying his best to remind himself that Yael would not have returned the flirtations and the affection if he did not at least slightly like him back, beak and all.
|[[T'Lea|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''T'Lea'''</span>]], ''' Science officer, friend'''<br /><hr>Originally Chief Science officer on the Juneau. He helped rescue her after she and Karise Indobri got kidnapped. Then properly got to know her better during the following Shore Leave in the aptly named "Mega-Deck" on The Spike where Dekas, T'Lea, and Engineer from the Grace Hopper Nyka Wyss, got stuck in a Western simulation that started to have thoughts. They sorted it out, thankfully. But he enjoys T'Lea's presence. He thinks she's fun and would like to get to know her better now that she's on Denali Station after an LOA.
|[[T'Lea|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''T'Lea'''</span>]], ''' Science officer, friend'''<br /><hr>Originally Chief Science officer on the Juneau. He helped rescue her after she and Karise Indobri got kidnapped. Then properly got to know her better during the following Shore Leave in the aptly named "Mega-Deck" on The Spike where Dekas, T'Lea, and Engineer from the Grace Hopper Nyka Wyss, got stuck in a Western simulation that started to have thoughts. They sorted it out, thankfully. But he enjoys T'Lea's presence. He thinks she's fun and would like to get to know her better now that she's on Denali Station after an LOA.
|[[Sera|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Sera'''</span>]], '''Good Friend, Fellow Engineer, trustworthy confidant'''<br /><hr>Dekas officially met her when she showed up to an invited fantasy adventure in the holodeck where she played a ranger. He thinks she's funny and is very excited to get chances to interact with her more. He's never been deterred by the idea of Vulcan logic which she seems to exude a lot of. He values her opinions and input. He also thinks she's fun. After they moved to Denali Station they finally found the chance to bond, and with a very simple gesture of taking his hand when he felt vulnerable, Sera gained Dekas' trust in a way many people don't even try to gain. So regardless of what she thinks of him, he considers her a good friend and hopes to make even better friends with time.
|[[Sera|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Sera'''</span>]], '''Close Friend, Fellow Engineer, trustworthy confidant'''<br /><hr>Dekas officially met her when she showed up to an invited fantasy adventure in the holodeck where she played a ranger. He thinks she's funny and is very excited to get chances to interact with her more. He's never been deterred by the idea of Vulcan logic which she seems to exude a lot of. He values her opinions and input. He also thinks she's fun. After they moved to Denali Station they finally found the chance to bond, and with a very simple gesture of taking his hand when he felt vulnerable, Sera gained Dekas' trust in a way many people don't even try to gain. So regardless of what she thinks of him, he considers her a close friend and hopes to be even better friends with time.
|[[Kettick|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kettick'''</span>]], '''Friend, and fellow Engineer'''<br /><hr>Dekas thinks Kettick is a profoundly skilled engineer, and admires the work that he does. He trusts his input. He also thinks Kettick's sense of humor is marvelous. On top of that, he finds a certain kinship with Kettick seeing as they are both people who stand out as "different." Neither of them would ever really be able to pretend they were anyone else. He wants to learn more about him.
|[[Kettick|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kettick'''</span>]], '''Friend, and fellow Engineer'''<br /><hr>Dekas thinks Kettick is a profoundly skilled engineer, and admires the work that he does. He trusts his input. He also thinks Kettick's sense of humor is marvelous. On top of that, he finds a certain kinship with Kettick seeing as they are both people who stand out as "different." It might be easier for Kettick in some ways, but neither of them would ever truly be able to pretend they were anyone else. He wants to learn more about him.
|[[Zaaia Leix|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Zaaia Leix'''</span>]], '''Current leader of the Marines on Denali station, new friend'''<br /><hr>He doesn't know Major Leix very well yet. But based on the few interactions he's had with her, she is yet another Marine that Dekas enjoys. She's showed herself to be very kind and in good humor. Enthusiastic. Someone he'd like to get to know better over time.
|[[Gwen Kingsley|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Gwen Kingsley'''</span>]], '''CWO of the Marines on Denali Station, possibly the coolest person'''<br /><hr>He's worked with her on two missions, including the one where he got assimilated. And he finds her skills and specializations so cool, and her demeanor even cooler. Dekas considers her a friend. He enjoys her presence. He doesn't know how he got to like so many Marines the way he does, but he does really like the Marines, and Gwen is absolutely one of his favorites and he wouldn't hesitate to say so.
|[[Gwen Kingsley|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Gwen Kingsley'''</span>]], '''CWO of the Marines on Denali Station, possibly the coolest person'''<br /><hr>He's worked with her on two missions, including the one where he got assimilated. And he finds her skills and specializations so cool, and her demeanor so cool, that whether Gwen realizes it or not, Dekas considers her a friend. He enjoys her presence. He doesn't know how he got to like so many Marines the way he does, but he does really like the Marines, and Gwen is absolutely one of his favorites.



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