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|[[John Kendrick|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''John Kendrick'''</span>]], '''crewmate'''<br /><hr>Dekas thinks that John Kendrick has absolutely marvelous vibes about him and would like nothing more than to gain his friendship as time goes on.
|[[John Kendrick|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''John Kendrick'''</span>]], '''crewmate'''<br /><hr>Dekas thinks that John Kendrick has absolutely marvelous vibes about him and would like nothing more than to gain his friendship as time goes on.
|[[Karise Indobri|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Karise Indobri'''</span>]], '''CMO, friend'''<br /><hr>He's run into Karise a few times and finds her very calming to speak with. Very understanding. Something she said at the beginning of a mission hit him as true; he doesn't need to be sick to say hello. However, given a recent counseling session, it's likely she will be seeing him a lot more if only because there's going to be a frame of time where he's sleeping in Sickbay until he has better coping mechanisms for handling the trauma/anxiety of sleeping in his own quarters alone. Hopefully, she doesn't get too tired of him.
|[[Karise Indobri|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Karise Indobri'''</span>]], '''CMO, friend'''<br /><hr>He's run into Karise a few times and finds her very calming to speak with. Very understanding. Something she said at the beginning of a mission hit him as true; he doesn't need to be sick to say hello.  
|[[R'Kala|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''R'Kala'''</span>]], '''Ship's Counselor, friend'''<br /><hr>Prior to his LOA, and while she was still in a science position, he did meet her. But he didn't get much of a chance to know her, then. Since she came back from her own LOA, and took up the Counselor's position, he finds that he very much likes her and considers her a friend in his own mind. He's not scared of a Klingon Counselor, in fact, he found it refreshing after the session he had with her to know that in the event he does feel angry, she's not overly uncomfortable with that. Not that he's a particularly angry person by nature. But knowing there is someone who won't take it personally if it happens is comforting in its way. To him, there's something very Aurelian about a race of people who generally speak their minds without too much issue when they so choose, even if their means of speaking their minds can sometimes be abrasive. Plus she offered him the counseling couch to nap on in the event the sickbay isn't available for one reason or another while they're sorting out the anxiety coping mechanisms for him to eventually sleep in his own quarters, and that's a huge plus in his book.
|[[Kiran Han|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kiran Han'''</span>]], '''Former Marine Major, current Commander, friend, and someone to coax a smile out of'''<br /><hr> There is a fondness there for Major Han that he's not sure how to describe. Prior to his assimilation crisis, it was simply that Major Han was someone he felt safe around and found pleasant to talk to. Things that are still true to now. But there was something about the surprising gentleness that he showed toward him while in the midst of his assimilation, that the fondness did increase. Even wearing ''literal'' Marine Armor, he risked himself before it was fully sure the anti-assimilation medicine would work completely. It's a different flavor of fondness than what he has for the medical staff about it, but just as strongly rooted. A personal goal for Dekas that came out of it is the desire to make the very serious Han smile around him at least once in a while. Really smile. He understands that the seriousness is as much a natural thing as it is something of an element to being a Marine. But he also wants to be someone that he can remove some of his ''metaphorical'' Marine armor for. Because Kiran Han is his friend. He wants him to feel like he can be Kiran Han, and not just Major Han all the time.
|[[Kiran Han|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Kiran Han'''</span>]], '''Former Marine Major, current Commander, friend, and someone to coax a smile out of'''<br /><hr> There is a fondness there for Major Han that he's not sure how to describe. Prior to his assimilation crisis, it was simply that Major Han was someone he felt safe around and found pleasant to talk to. Things that are still true to now. But there was something about the surprising gentleness that he showed toward him while in the midst of his assimilation, that the fondness did increase. Even wearing ''literal'' Marine Armor, he risked himself before it was fully sure the anti-assimilation medicine would work completely. It's a different flavor of fondness than what he has for the medical staff about it, but just as strongly rooted. A personal goal for Dekas that came out of it is the desire to make the very serious Han smile around him at least once in a while. Really smile. He understands that the seriousness is as much a natural thing as it is something of an element to being a Marine. But he also wants to be someone that he can remove some of his ''metaphorical'' Marine armor for. Because Kiran Han is his friend. He wants him to feel like he can be Kiran Han, and not just Major Han all the time.
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|[[Katrina Pelley|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Katrina Pelley'''</span>]], '''Nurse, Instant friend, someone special and worth knowing.'''<br /><hr>Nurse Katrina Pelley was there when his assimilation happened, and there when she absolutely saved his life from that assimilation (alongside Doctor Vihn). He adores Nurse Pelley. He would help her with anything that she needed if she asked. He's also planning on giving her a massive, full-winged hug once he's healed. Because as much as the doctor helped as well, he wants her to be aware of how big of a role she played too, how deserving she is of his gratitude. And how amazing she is to him. He has trusted her with his life and would do so again in a heartbeat.   
|[[Katrina Pelley|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Katrina Pelley'''</span>]], '''Nurse, Instant friend, someone special and worth knowing.'''<br /><hr>Nurse Katrina Pelley was there when his assimilation happened, and there when she absolutely saved his life from that assimilation (alongside Doctor Vihn). He adores Nurse Pelley. He would help her with anything that she needed if she asked. He's also planning on giving her a massive, full-winged hug once he's healed. Because as much as the doctor helped as well, he wants her to be aware of how big of a role she played too, how deserving she is of his gratitude. And how amazing she is to him. He has trusted her with his life and would do so again in a heartbeat.   
|[[Tomas Falt|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Tomas Falt'''</span>]], ''' Holodeck buddy, Chief Hug Officer, "Oh no, he's hot", crush'''<br /><hr>His first real interaction with Tomas Falt was in a fantasy holodeck adventure where Tomas played a Barbarian called "Varg." And every single time Dekas has talked to him since, he's never failed to find him really attractive. He likes the sound of his accent. He thinks he's exciting and kind. He likes the science background, and the anthropology and subsequent appreciation for history as a result. He recently went on an away mission with him and respects his leadership. Dekas has the biggest bird crush on Tomas. He's not used to getting crushes on humans, however, and does not know what to do with it considering the cultural differences, so he's in a phase of denial and is very flustered when he thinks too hard about it. But above his urge to take Tomas to dinner and tell him he's handsome, he'd really just like to get to know him and be good friends with him. But he does find Chief Science Officer Tomas Falt ''ridiculously hot.'' Tomas drunk-hugged him during the Award's Ceremony where they were told they would officially be moving down to Ring 42 on Denali Station. Honestly. It made his heart soar. Just a little bit. He tries not to daydream too much about hugging him more often.   
|[[Tomas Falt|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Tomas Falt'''</span>]], ''' Holodeck buddy, Chief Hug Officer, "Oh no, he's hot"'''<br /><hr>His first real interaction with Tomas Falt was in a fantasy holodeck adventure where Tomas played a Barbarian called "Varg." And every single time Dekas has talked to him since, he's never failed to find him really attractive. He likes the sound of his accent. He thinks he's exciting and kind. He likes the science background, and the anthropology and subsequent appreciation for history as a result. He recently went on an away mission with him and respects his leadership. Dekas has a bit of a bird crush on him. Over time, it has fizzled into a more manageable crush than when it started. And mostly he'd like to be really good friends with him. But regardless, he does find Chief Science Officer Tomas Falt ''ridiculously hot.'' He'd think so even if the crush faded completely into loving, but platonic fondness. It's what it is. He's just really hot. Tomas drunk-hugged him during the Award's Ceremony where they were told they would officially be moving down to Ring 42 on Denali Station. Honestly. It made his heart soar, and it still kind of does when it crosses his mind. But he tries not to daydream too much about hugging him.   
|[[Ashley Yael|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Ashley Yael'''</span>]], ''' Counselor, new friend, very easy and pleasant to talk with, hellaciously cute'''<br /><hr> He met Ashley Yael during a the "Web Unbound" mission and were on the same team. But he really started to find him lovely when they had a good chat in the Replimat. Dekas finds him quite attractive as a person, but also delightfully easy and pleasant to speak with. And they planned future friend dates to hang out. Dekas is a bit nervous to speak to him in a professional sense, because he's afraid of his own problems. But he does enjoy talking to Ash in general and would like nothing more than to talk to him many more times.
|[[Ashley Yael|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Ashley Yael'''</span>]], '''Station's Counselor, new friend, euf, so very dreamy with those shiny eyes'''<br /><hr> He met Ashley Yael during a the "Web Unbound" mission as they were on the same team. But he really became acquainted with him when they had a really good conversation (and a little cheeky flirt) in the Replimat during shore leave. He finds Ashley to be delightfully pleasant to speak with. They talked out a few stress issues briefly, and planned times to hang out. Maybe jump out of a shuttle together for the thrill of it. Ash even offered to help him with preening if he needed it. As with anyone, he wants to be good friends with him. But something about Yael specifically managed to strike a very interesting chord. It's not every day that a humanoid flirts back with him with a genuine interest in doing so. And as a result, he does have some very specific flirtatious interests in Yael as well. Interests that put surprisingly physical and sensual thoughts in his head. From what he could gather, he's not the only one with the saucy mental images, either. He's interested in exploring that a little more down the line.
|[[T'Lea|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''T'Lea'''</span>]], ''' Science officer, friend'''<br /><hr>Originally Chief Science officer on the Juneau. He helped rescue her after she and Karise Indobri got kidnapped. Then properly got to know her better during the following Shore Leave in the aptly named "Mega-Deck" on The Spike where Dekas, T'Lea, and Engineer from the Grace Hopper Nyka Wyss, got stuck in a Western simulation that started to have thoughts. They sorted it out, thankfully. But he enjoys T'Lea's presence. He thinks she's fun and would like to get to know her better now that she's on Denali Station after an LOA.
|[[T'Lea|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''T'Lea'''</span>]], ''' Science officer, friend'''<br /><hr>Originally Chief Science officer on the Juneau. He helped rescue her after she and Karise Indobri got kidnapped. Then properly got to know her better during the following Shore Leave in the aptly named "Mega-Deck" on The Spike where Dekas, T'Lea, and Engineer from the Grace Hopper Nyka Wyss, got stuck in a Western simulation that started to have thoughts. They sorted it out, thankfully. But he enjoys T'Lea's presence. He thinks she's fun and would like to get to know her better now that she's on Denali Station after an LOA.


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