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633 bytes added ,  3 June 2022
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|[[Tomas Falt|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Tomas Falt'''</span>]], ''' Holodeck buddy, Chief Hug Officer, "Oh no, he's hot", crush'''<br /><hr>His first real interaction with Tomas Falt was in a fantasy holodeck adventure where Tomas played a Barbarian called "Varg." And every single time Dekas has talked to him since, he's never failed to find him really attractive. He likes the sound of his accent. He thinks he's exciting and kind. He likes the science background, and the anthropology and subsequent appreciation for history as a result. He recently went on an away mission with him and respects his leadership. Dekas has the biggest bird crush on Tomas. He's not used to getting crushes on humans, however, and does not know what to do with it considering the cultural differences, so he's in a phase of denial and is very flustered when he thinks too hard about it. But above his urge to take Tomas to dinner and tell him he's handsome, he'd really just like to get to know him and be good friends with him. But he does find the Chief Science Officer ''ridiculously hot.'' Tomas drunk-hugged him during the Award's Ceremony where they were told they would officially be moving down to Ring 42 on Denali Station. Honestly. It made his heart soar. Just a little bit. He tries not to daydream too much about hugging him more often.   
|[[Tomas Falt|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Tomas Falt'''</span>]], ''' Holodeck buddy, Chief Hug Officer, "Oh no, he's hot", crush'''<br /><hr>His first real interaction with Tomas Falt was in a fantasy holodeck adventure where Tomas played a Barbarian called "Varg." And every single time Dekas has talked to him since, he's never failed to find him really attractive. He likes the sound of his accent. He thinks he's exciting and kind. He likes the science background, and the anthropology and subsequent appreciation for history as a result. He recently went on an away mission with him and respects his leadership. Dekas has the biggest bird crush on Tomas. He's not used to getting crushes on humans, however, and does not know what to do with it considering the cultural differences, so he's in a phase of denial and is very flustered when he thinks too hard about it. But above his urge to take Tomas to dinner and tell him he's handsome, he'd really just like to get to know him and be good friends with him. But he does find the Chief Science Officer ''ridiculously hot.'' Tomas drunk-hugged him during the Award's Ceremony where they were told they would officially be moving down to Ring 42 on Denali Station. Honestly. It made his heart soar. Just a little bit. He tries not to daydream too much about hugging him more often.   
|[[T'Lea|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''T'Lea'''</span>]], ''' Science officer, friend'''<br /><hr>Originally Chief Science officer on the Juneau. He helped rescue her after she and Karise Indobri got kidnapped. Then properly got to know her better during the following Shore Leave in the aptly named "Mega-Deck" on The Spike where Dekas, T'Lea, and Engineer from the Grace Hopper Nyka Wyss, got stuck in a Western simulation that started to have thoughts. They sorted it out, thankfully. But he enjoys T'Lea's presence. He thinks she's fun and would like to get to know her better now that she's on Denali Station after an LOA.
|[[Sera|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Sera'''</span>]], '''Friend, and fellow Engineer'''<br /><hr>Dekas officially met her when she showed up to an invited fantasy adventure in the holodeck where she played a ranger. He thinks she's funny and is very excited to get chances to interact with her more. He's never been deterred by the idea of Vulcan logic which she seems to exude a lot of. He values her opinions and input. He also thinks she's fun.
|[[Sera|<span style="color:#3B1A1A;">'''Sera'''</span>]], '''Friend, and fellow Engineer'''<br /><hr>Dekas officially met her when she showed up to an invited fantasy adventure in the holodeck where she played a ranger. He thinks she's funny and is very excited to get chances to interact with her more. He's never been deterred by the idea of Vulcan logic which she seems to exude a lot of. He values her opinions and input. He also thinks she's fun.


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