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|'''Zuka, Historian and Philosopher'''<br><hr>Dekas' Mother. As can be expected of Aurelians in general, he has an excellent relationship with his mother. She is someone he trusts deeply and wholeheartedly. She is one of his biggest supporters and one of the people who helped him the most during the few months he had to take a Leave of Absence, and during the height of his medical diagnosis around that time. She is supremely loving and forgiving, and an example to many. She's a well-known historian and philosopher in their flock and has many a time left Dekas awake just thinking. She is the more extroverted of his parents, and because of it, she is the leader of their family. She is laid back and sweet, but she is also a strong personality and does not take people's crap. She will call someone out if they're making excuses. Politely, but firmly. She is frequently the one who initiates things with others. She will also offer gentle guidance if someone needs help with a decision or a problem. As well as being very comforting when someone is struggling.   
|'''Zuka, Historian and Philosopher'''<br><hr>Dekas' Mother. As can be expected of Aurelians in general, he has an excellent relationship with his mother. She is someone he trusts deeply and wholeheartedly. She is one of his biggest supporters and one of the people who helped him the most during the few months he had to take a Leave of Absence, and during the height of his medical diagnosis around that time. She is supremely loving and forgiving, and an example to many. She's a well-known historian and philosopher in their flock and has many a time left Dekas awake just thinking. She is the more extroverted of his parents, and because of it, she is the leader of their family. She is laid back and sweet, but she is also a strong personality and does not take people's crap. She will call someone out if they're making excuses. Politely, but firmly. She is frequently the one who initiates things with others. She will also offer gentle guidance if someone needs help with a decision or a problem. As well as being very comforting when someone is struggling.   
|'''Daf, Teacher'''<br><hr>Dekas' Father. An equally excellent relationship with his father. Daf is a very shy, introverted man in comparison to his mother. But once you get to know him, or if you see him around his family or students, he's an extremely kind, laid-back person. He was the parent who was more likely to let little things slip under the radar. Always affectionate when someone needed comfort. Dekas does his best to emulate his father's patient compassion with new people and does also have the same habit of occasionally getting very fluffy feathered in the face when people compliment him or show him affection, as that was definitely a trait he inherited from Daf. (Note: You wouldn't necessarily think that Daf would be a perfect match for someone as confidently strong-willed as Zuka, but his parents are deeply in love with one another and constantly show it if they are in a room together. Besides... she pursued him first and thought the shy return of the feelings was extremely cute and still does. She is constantly doing everything she can to get the fluffy face reaction from him because of finding it adorable. It has never once stopped even after a little over 50 years of being bonded to one another. It works very well for them.)
|'''Daf, Teacher'''<br><hr>Dekas' Father. An equally excellent relationship with his father. Daf is a very shy, introverted man in comparison to his mother. But once you get to know him, or if you see him around his family or students, he's an extremely kind, laid-back person. He was the parent who was more likely to let little things slip under the radar. Always affectionate when someone needed comfort. Dekas does his best to emulate his father's patient compassion with new people and does also have the same habit of occasionally getting very fluffy feathered in the face when people compliment him or show him affection, as that was definitely a trait he inherited from Daf. (Note: You wouldn't necessarily think that Daf would be a perfect match for someone as confidently strong-willed as Zuka, but his parents are deeply in love with one another and constantly show it if they are in a room together. Besides... she pursued him first and thought the shy return of the feelings was extremely cute and still does. She is constantly doing everything she can to get the fluffy face reaction from him because of finding it adorable. It has never once stopped even after a little over 50 years of being bonded to one another. It works very well for them. After all, there is a reason they have 13 kids together.)
|'''Rha, Physicist'''<br><hr>Dekas' Eldest sister. She was already an adult by the time Dekas was hatched, so while they do know each other well, and get along just fine, they aren't as close as they could be due to the 20 year age difference. But he does look up to her. Has two bondmates and three children, all of which are only 4 years younger than Dekas is.
|'''Rha, Physicist'''<br><hr>Dekas' Eldest sister. She was already an adult by the time Dekas was hatched, so while they do know each other well, and get along just fine, they aren't as close as they could be due to the 20 year age difference. But he does look up to her. Has two bondmates and three children, all of which are only 4 years younger than Dekas is.


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